The Return of a Child

"So you're from Toyokawa Tori-chan? That's cool! It's really close to here." Rin stated enthusiastically upon hearing where Tori was from. Morohira and Togashi shared a glance at such an exchange. The suspicion had been planted, but now, after sharing it with each other, it had grown into something more.

"Yup! How come you were on the boat though, Tori-chan..?" Morojo allowed his voice to travel an octave higher, and spoke a little more childishly, hoping to get the information they all wanted out of Tori. But she shrank back, and looked fearful, clutching onto Akiko's arm.

Rin and Akiko shot him a dark glance, warning him not to pursue it any further. And that was that, he had to relent.

"Are you okay, Tori-chan?" Rin asked gently, stroking her head to try and comfort her.

"Yup!" She responded cheerfully in response to her touch – the two seemed to be getting on rather well.

"Would you like to go back to Toyokawa?" She continued.