Main Street


"Step out from behind there – we know where you are!" A voice thundered from down the main street, which had once been occupied by numerous blacksmiths and traders, but was now filled with the city guard.

"And who might you be?" Gengyo asked, as though he genuinely cared, daring to stick his head out form behind the stone blacksmith wall, only to have an arrow sent his way a second later.

"The commander of this here city guard, and servant of the grand governor. I do not care what kind of little insurrection you think yourselves capable of committing, but know that it will not be done within this walls of this city! Stand down! You are hopelessly outnumbered."

"Are we? How many do you have?"

"We have more a than a hundred men, and you have what, 15? Let us save the pointless violence, and we will let you away with a lighter sentence."