Hard Work

"As for you two ladies, since you're so worried, how about we check on Takeshi, and see what we can bring to the table tomorrow?" Gengyo proposed, motioning with his head for Jikouji to join as well.

"The cannon he's making, is it?" Jikouji asked, feeling even more nervous as he brought it up. That really was the only thing standing between them and another day like today. Perhaps tomorrow would be even worse. There would be more siege towers and ballistae, and they would really have no way of dealing with them.

Their only consolation lay at the gate. The ground was so battered and bruised, and filled with as many holes, and the fires still burned – though they would be gone by the morning – that it would be impossible to move the clumsy siege towers over them. It would likely take years for such damage to the land to recover.