A Cunning Plan

With the passing days the invisible barriers between the men started to dissolve, as it did for their two leaders. The distance between them and Shigeto castle was closing at a frightening pace, and with each day they were only growing stronger.

They threw themselves into their training, both physically, and mentally. They lunged forward as one, practising one of the more offensive techniques, crushing into their partner's guards with force, only to be just barely repelled.

It was not only their individual skill that grew – their functionality as a force did as well. As was to be expected, there was a difference in the drilling procedures of the two armies, and it took a while to get rid of such differences.

All that was bearable, in their eyes. It was difficult, but doable. Their progress was constant, and they could feel themselves getting stronger. And yet, at certain points during the week, they would be forced into a freezing pond filled with misery.