He's Mad

"Explore it we shall then!" Gengyo proclaimed, pouring Nobunaga another drink from the jug of wine. He brushed his stool out of the way, and shuffled closer to the fire, where the mud had all but dried out, glad of the opportunity to be able to sit back on his hands. "So, Shinano? It borders your Owari. It would be a useful province for an ambitious man to take hold of. You wouldn't say no to its acquisition, would you?"

"No," Nobunaga began carefully, taking care not to spill the wine from his cup though his hand shook rather fiercely. "I wouldn't. However, what is it you ask for in return?"

"Oh, that's the crux of the matter, isn't? You made a rather poor showing today on the battlefield – if I might be so bold as to say – but that's fine. That was not the limit of your capacity. I have four enemies that will be raising their sword against me, and I require allies of my own."