
The stench of all those thousands of gallons of dyes was nauseating as it drifted out over the courtyard. Many a man felt light-headed, and they could feel the rumbling of hunger in their bellies. With the sun beating so strongly overhead, passing out became a very real risk.

"I expect you'll be beginning to feel rather hungry around now, are you not? How about thirst, does it bother you? Good, then we are ready to begin our training," Jikouji was sat down on the cool stone steps, enjoying the shade provided by the overhanging roof of the palace. On his lap, there was a tray full of mouth-watering cooked fish, and he salted it aplenty, letting out many satisfied noises as he crunched down on it. In his glass, they'd been crushed several apples, allowing for a thick and refreshing drink. He smacked his lips as he enjoyed it.