
As they broke their fast on grilled pork and steamed rice, they cast a leisurely eye over to the Hojo camp, observing its happenings. They all seemed to have awoken by now and were busying themselves with movement. Tents were collapsed and rolled into neat logs of cloth and timber before they were slid on the back of a cart for storage.

"Good ridden," Morohira said, watching them go. "The cowards might even go all the way back home."

"I think that's too much to hope. The only thing that could cure that shame would be seppuku. They'll want their vengeance as soon as they can get it," Jikouji said.

"I wasn't hoping for it," Morohira corrected him, "I still want to wet my blade with their blood."

Jikouji shrugged and continued munching on his food.