Careful Calculations

With his only hand, Gengyo raised his rifle. He couldn't aim the way he wanted to, but it didn't matter. When he pulled the trigger, a hole appeared in a man's chest, as if by magic. And then when he pulled it another five times, five more men fell.

"FIRE!" Gengyo barked. His men fired as they moved into position, blasting the enemy to pieces.

There was nothing the Hojo men could do. They had no time to slip fresh arrows onto their bow-strings. Some, in their panic, ran towards Gengyo and his men, thinking that their only option was to meet the threat head-on. They quickly died.

Others ran away. They did not last either.

Under their unforgiving rain of bullets, those Hojo bowmen were slaughtered. The only thing keeping them from total extermination was the bodies of their dead comrades that had built up around them. They ducked to the floor, using dead meat as a shield.