
With the conclusion of battle, Gengyo emerged from the gates of his battered castle successful. In the distance, he saw a detachment of horsemen wheel their stallions around and gallop away into the distance.

"The Imagawa stain still breaths," he muttered, somehow dissatisfied by that. Like father like son, he supposed, the coward did not even draw his sword to fight his own battles.

"Our work is done here," he said to his generals as they stood beside him. "There are dead to be burned and buried, but the initiative is ours, for now. More enemies will crawl out of the woodwork soon enough, but before then, we must claim what we have won."

"More land," Morohira smiled, "I can feel my pockets growing fatter by the second. War is a good business."

"Aye," Gengyo nodded, "each of you will have your fair share of it. An estate, at least, in each province. More than enough to keep your families set for generations when we retire from this business."