
[Notification: Event Start in 00.00.05]

*Bang,* '-I managed to kill 3 bots out of 400,' heavy panting resounded across the map named Hallway. Self-explanatory for the most part; the map was linear. Two rooms opposite one another were divided by a long, narrowed hallway in which axes and many obstacles would often pass. The purpose of said obstacles was to either block the player's vision, create new firing angles, and prevent from rushes into the other team's spawn. Best out of three, a format most were familiar with. No doors nor cover to hide behind, one would either go into the other's line of fire and hope to hit a shot or rely heavily on reaction. Change of firing angles made this map perfect in testing a sniper's innate ability. [Leave training session?] [Yes].

'Back to the hub, I'll catch my breath for five minutes.' A press on the forearm brought up the interface of which was changed to match the event. [Current lobby: 0124] 'I guess more people are active after the tournament. Special drops and customization reaching for a fair price in the real world,' a slide brought another window, '-my gear isn't that bad. Considering I was the first to test out Manticore – the custom black outfit is nonchalant, a gift from my father.'

Drawn to the right, a crowd of people had gathered around a shining player. 'What's the commotion all about?'

"Henry IV," giggled a few girls in front of the line, "-why are you in a public lobby?" people around were stupefied and some even star-struck.

"Not that it was my intention," light blond hair, a sharp nose; custom gear with a champion badge on the shoulder pad, the definition of an up and coming superstar. "I came to register for the 1v1 event," with a smile, he brushed aside the medium length hair.

"Come on," sighed the crowd in good faith, "-give us a chance to win," they begged to only inflate his ego. A common tactic few fans utilized to be noticed.

"It's only fair, is it not?" the grin kept strong; "-I come to have another chance at challenging Pheelo." Beneath the words he spoke, the face covered by glasses wandered around the crowd as if searching for something or someone.

'Got to give it to the man, he's popular and backed by skill,' giving a nod, the attention was drawn yet again to the left this time.

"Come here," gestured Jenifer alone faced with an interface.

"What is it?" steps away, "-are you not going to get prepared?"

"Prepared," frowned, "-you see that guy behind, Henry, he's taking part in the sniper division."

"What of it?"

"What of it?" she laughed, "-are you saying that you're not scared?"

"There's no point of getting scared. The tournament will end quickly, I've no idea if I'll survive long enough to face him."

"Well, whatever," almost alone since the players had rushed to swarm Henry, the latter kept on looking.

"Excuse me," said courteously, '-I found you,' he swam across the crowd graciously. "Jenifer," called, "-you're here," dashed to then give a tight embrace, Sayer got shoved aside with the head hitting against one of the pillars.

'Really?' hands on the injury, the crowd came swiftly to further knock him back. Riddled by elbows, kicks, and even punches, '-no tact for the bystander,' out of their reach, the counter displayed two-minutes until the event began.

No words needed to be exchanged, a single glance at the now kissing duo, '-should have expected as much,' facing away, the attention changed to read the rules of the event.

"I missed you so much, Jenifer," smiled Henry with her in his arms.

"I didn't expect you to come here," she bit her lips affectionately.

"Blame me for all I care, I had to come to see my beloved," even closer, he reached for another kiss.

"The pro has a girlfriend," laughed the male players whilst the female players were less than happy. Alone and blissful to the sudden announcement of Henry in one of the public lobbies, the hub soon filled with people teleporting from all over.

'Henry IV, Pheelo's prodigy,' eyes to the floor, '-he's being trained by a player I've idolized since I started gaming.'

[Rules: One versus One, Sniper Class. Depending on the number of players signed, the matches will be nonstop best of threes until twenty players or less have passed. There, a one-hour break will be given for recovery].

'Smart, its all or nothing until the end. The more one fights, the harder it becomes as focus and reaction are affected. The top-ten will host players of differing countries. If Henry is allowed to participate, it's not that improbable to see other pro-players enter. Unfair very quickly; I don't care about the prize. If there's a chance to fight against Pheelo's prodigy – I'll take it.'

[Time Remaining: 00.00.02].

"Sayer," called a familiar voice.

"Yes?" sat on a remote bench far from the location, "-who is it?"

"Don't you remember?" a gentle tap to the head, "-it's me, Cherry," the tattoo made it obvious.

"H-how, what?"

"I came to check the pro that entered a public lobby to see you sitting here, what happened?" she knelt with her eyes as if a puppy.

"Nothing really," nervous, the breathing grew fast, "-I-I'm just w-waiting for the event to start."

"Is that so," she stood to place a hand on his shoulder, "-a good way to train. You better make it into the top one-hundred, else I'll be very disappointed."

"B-but I'm u-using an outdated SCHD, there's previous milliseconds lost."

"Well then," reached to his ears, *mwah,* "-better find a way," she winked.

"Miss Cherry, isn't a reward supposed to be given after?"

"You got jokes," she laughed cheerfully, "-take it as an investment," soon, her head wandered in search of the fabled pro.

"Over there," he pointed to be met by the face of Jenifer and Henry staring back intently.

"Is it just me or does that girl look as if she knows you."

"How can you tell that?" tone risen, he stood with an impressed face.

"Lady's intuition," to which she forcefully turned Sayer and reached for a kiss on the lips. Ears bright red, she stepped away with a giggle. "I've marked my territory."

"Mark your territory," shaking the head, "-whatever the mistress wants."

"Good," she winked, [Notification: Incoming Request – Cherry], "-accept already."

"Y-yes." [Event commencing in three… two… one…], *Whoosh*

Teleported to another hub, a screen displayed [Player Count: 1024] 'That much, guess the number will go down fast.' Beside said display stood a holographic model of the map.

'I still don't understand how I should take Cherry's advancement. Is she playing around or genuinely means her actions. Someone can't just kiss another on impulse, what is this, some dating simulator? even then the game has a bit of tact,' deep breaths, '-calm down. Adrenaline is only going to make my heart faster. Composure, memorize the map, visualize it. The distance across is 1.5 Kilometers. The gaps are random since the obstacles are dark masses. There's a time-limit of three-minutes per round. If none make a move; immediate elimination. Luck will matter as much as skill.'

[Alert: All Players have connected].

[Event Start: three… two… one…].

Dropped with spirals of data generated all around, the entrance stood a few meters off the spawn. The grumbling of the machines made it hard to distinguish between gunfire or noise. DLS-40, strapped on the back, '-the first match of the tournament. I've no idea on who I'm fighting, the player name is blocked. I guess it will be told in the end. A harder map than it first appears, I'm getting nervous. The same can be said for my opponent. A fight isn't won with caution.' Jumped in the entrance, the hallway moved to expose gaps to shoot through. 'The first one to die will be at a disadvantage, there's no restart, there's the possibility of spawn killing.' Laid with the scope locked in a way to see the bottom half of the opposite entrance. 'He's running around, a viable tactic to draw the opponent's fire and counter-attack. The DLS-40 will one-shot if I hit his chest. Might have to gamble here,' the back and forth of the other player had a rhythm. Anyone who had listened to music for a long time could almost attach a tempo to everyday life. People worked with a certain flow, one that if disrupted could cause a feeling of unease. 'Time it right,' *BANG,* barely missing, the bullet traveled the distance in 1.5 seconds, add onto his reaction, 1.8 seconds to reach the target. 'They have the bullet travel option on. Unlike the pro-matches were the team can vote to have instant travel or bullet travel, they've chosen the latter.' Instantly came to the response, with a bullet landing against the wall behind. 'Random shot, he's going to play on sound,' rolled to the right, a tiny gap opened, *BANG." [Player-One Killed Player-Two]. Quick to change position, with the aim now focused on the middle portion, another gap opened with each player waiting for the same opening. *BANG, BANG,* grazed against the cheek.

[Victory], flashed across the screen of which the round restarted without delay.

'Another opponent,' [Player Count: 512], '-I was right, the event will end quickly.' *BANG,* a bullet blew the right ankle, '-damn it,' forced onto the floor, '-this one is strong,' abled to hold the lower-right, *BANG,* a headshot [Player Two 1-0 Player One]

'What the…' pinned, '-this is hard. The other sniper isn't ordinary, another death and I'll lose. That shot came out nowhere. Fast reaction considering bullet travel is toggled. If that's the matter,' stood next to the wall, Sayer etched his way fully scoped. As a twist of luck, the rotation of the obstacle had closed the right side. 'Perfect,' *BANG.* the opponent was caught off-guard as he laid waiting for an angle Sayer had passed. 'Last shot,' he waited, *bang,* 1.75 seconds.

[Victory: Player One 2-1 Player Two] 'The spawn isn't random, therefore, if I get the first kill, the second one assured because I'll already have the second area scoped.'

[Player Count: 256].

Restarted yet again, *BANG,* before even moving into the line of fire, a bullet grazed his forehead. Shocked, he stumbled onto the floor with a loud crash of the DLS-40. 'What the fuck was that?' Gulped, '-pre-fire?' he thought and waited. *BANG,* followed by another *BANG.* 'He's shooting fast, the 7X3T. Spamming angles, that guy is good. I've seen this style back in Mantis. Prediction and pre-fire, a good strategy in this setting.' *BANG,* impact on the wall. 'Judging from how the bullets have landed, he's shooting from a knelt position.' Deep breaths in, '-risk it for a biscuit,' moved close to the room's edge, '-here we go,' a running start followed by a leap. Scoped in, *BANG,* '-down the middle.' The shot had forced the other into changing positions.

'I'm bored,' right after landing, '-this isn't how to use a DLS-40,' stood in the middle of the entrance, *BANG,* a miss, *Bang,* another, '-I'm not giving this spot.' *BANG,* all four landed without a hit. Knelt to reload, the other peaked out to be met by a shot in the face. 'Fooled you,' posited and ready, the randomizer opened a large angle to where the other spawned. *BANG,* [Player One 2 – 0 Player Two].

'I reloaded after the first shot. Whoever I fought was smart, they waited for me to waste my bullets. Mind games, this is why I love this it.'

[Player Count: 128].

'Another win and I'll fulfill my promise to Cherry,' dashed to the entrance, both snipers spotted one another doing the same, *BANG,* a harmonious shot [Player One 1 – 0 Player Two] '-another 7X3T. I won because of the DLS-40 moving faster. Such a reckless play-style; Henry IV, that gear, the badge, there's no way I'll forget, *BANG,* [Player One 2 – 0 Player Two], 1.55 seconds, '-the pre-fire worked. [Player One Victorious].

[Player Count: 64] 'Did I win against the prodigy,' smirked, '-this isn't the time to get excited. I better continue this winning streak,' scoped in, shot after shot, the event continued until [Player Count: 16].

[Notification: Break], returned to the main-hub, another countdown of one hour stood with a red glow.