Chapter 6

Isalia/Karayan POV

Punch. Punch. Duck. Duck. Punch. Kick. Kick. Duck. Punch

I've been doing this for two hours on the punching bag. Three months have passed and I've been training with Azazel, Karayan has been killing innocent people lately, I've begged her not to kill them but she won't listen to me so instead I told her not to kill women and children, she finally gave in.

I've been fucking a guy lately well Karayan has been fucking him and another guy.

Let's see what else... oh Lorena and I haven't talked at all ever since that day, the guys have been wanting us to talk but at this point I can't be near her or Solomon and Julio. Eric has been the one staying with me.

After what I did to him, he should have left, I didn't want to hurt him but this stubborn ass doesn't listen to me, fuck Karayan nearly killed him the other day


"Eric you need to get out now!" I yelled at him feeling my whole body transform to Karayan

"Isalia I'm not leaving, let me help you. Try to control it but you got to stay strong-" I look up glowing my red eyes at him," I can't! You got to go now!"

"Oh my fucking god let me-" Eric didn't have time to finish, by now I'm fully transform to Karayan, she took out the sword, swinging it towards his head, Eric let out a high pitch scream but out of nowhere another sword block it, Karayan look to see who it was and it's Azazel.

End of flashback

If it wasn't for Azazel, Eric would not be here right now. Karayan has been officially taking over me during the day, each day I become more aggressive at everyone, I would talk back to everyone and not give shit about it and I can't control myself.

I look to see Eric who is passed out snoring softly on the couch, I decided to go outside and get some fresh air.

"You know you can't kill me." Karayan said

"We will find a way to kill you even if it means killing me too." I reply back.

"Honey no human weapon can kill me, you and I will always survive."

"We will think of something to destroy you but for now I'm stuck with you."

I hear her chuckle but chose to ignore her as I stare up at the blue partly cloudy sky.

I felt someone's presence that's when I turn quickly ready to punch that person.

The person grabbed my fist and kicked my side I let out a groan from the impact and the person pinned me down.

"Azazel is right you're strong... but not that strong." I stare up to see a five foot nine young man around his mid twenties, dirty blonde hair, and toned body.

"Get off of me you asshole!" I glared up at him while trying to push him off.

He chuckled, got off of me and held out his hand and I gladly took it which I regret because the next thing I know, he pulls me up harshly, punches me on the stomach and grabs both of my shoulders and throws me against the cement wall and I fall to the ground groaning in pain.

"Rule number one never rest. You keep fighting till you kill your enemy." He walks around me slowly and kneels in front of me smirking.

"So what's so special about you, Isalia? Besides you being a bitch to everyone." I stare at him narrowing my eyes, I was struggling to get up but I didn't want to look weak in front of this piece of shit. I wince in pain and fully got up.

"Come here and beat me up all you want but I'll keep getting up." I say to him, he looked quite amused from my comment

His whole eyes began to change into a white color and his teeth were replaced to sharp teeth.

He roars and charges at me,

I quickly moved out of the way and grabbed the nearest thing which was a twenty pound weight and hit him hard on his side of his cheek, he falls from the impact I stood over him ready to end him.

"Isalia, stop!" Azazel grabs both of my arms and pulls me away.

"What the hell, Azazel! I was going to finish him!" I scold at him while I hear the other guy chuckle and getting up.

"He's my long time friend." He snaps and I frown but I quickly recovered it with a glare.

"Well maybe you should teach your friend how to approach in a kindly way or at least say 'hi' instead of kicking my fucking ass!" I shouted.

The man laughed loudly. "Honey I did try to approach you in a kindly way but you threw the first punch which I dodged. You started it."

"First off don't call me honey and secondly you snuck up!" I huffed in annoyance.

"I'm Kyro and you are the famous Isalia I've heard about." He holds out his hand waiting for me to shake it, I hesitate at first but I accept it and this time he doesn't kick my ass.

"What are you, Kyro? I asked, I remember seeing his eyes and teeth changed.

"I'm a wendigo. My people eat human flesh but I don't. I stick with animal flesh." Of course, I have heard about wendigos but it is rare to find one that does not eat humans. Just as I was about to comment about it, I see Eric run out of my apartment towards us.

"Oh thank God you are here, Solomon and Julio are on their way! Wait Isalia what happen to you? Who's the dude?" Eric looks between me and Kyro then to Azazel.

"Kyro kicked Isalia's ass at first but Isalia was about to kill him with a twenty pound weight but I stopped her obviously." Azazel replied with a stern look towards me and Kyro, while Eric stood there his mouth hanging open.

"Isalia, seriously you need to control that demon-"

"I know! Don't you think I have been trying but Karayan is getting powerful every single day." I punch the wall ignoring the pain, I walk back inside my apartment, changed my clothes(picture above) getting ready to face Solomon and Julio.

In about twenty minutes I hear banging at the door I quickly told Azazel and Kyro to hide in my room, I stare at Eric as to why are they banging at my door.

"Isalia, it is an emergency, something happen to Lorena!" Solomon yells. I hesitate to open the door, then Eric decided to just open it and there stood a sweaty Julio and Solomon.

"What happen to Lorena?" Eric asks as they entered into my apartment and sat down on the couch.

I rolled my eyes. "I swear if it is about her boyfriend you deal with her guys I am not getting involved I got shit to do." Just as I was about to walk away Solomon quickly stands up and blocks my way, I glared up at him.

"It is not about him, she screamed and saw something outside her window-"

"It was probably a cat or some type of animal." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Isalia, she saw a person well a person that had wings with red glowing eyes."

Eric spits out the water and his eyes widen.

"Was she high?" I asked still not believing what they were saying.

"Yes but come on Lorena needs us-"

I interrupted," She doesn't need me she needs you guys."

Julio stood up and walked towards me and glares down at me.

"Just stop she needs all of us. Come with us she is freaking out please Isalia just come?" He held out his hand waiting for me to take it.

I sigh and I finally gave in took his hand but I squeezed it a bit tight. "I will go and stand in the far corner in her room but I swear if I go to her place for nothing I will kick all of your guys ass."

Julio smirks," I would like to see you try little girl. Come on lets go!"

If only you guys knew what I really am... I didn't say that out loud though. I got my keys, quickly went to my room to tell Azazel and Kyro I'll be right back and left heading to Lorena's place.

The guys and I arrived at her place less than ten minutes and we see her sitting down holding her knees up close to her chest as she looks up to see us and she waves at us to come in. I look at the time and outside, it is only 5:30 p.m. gives me enough time to hear her what she saw last night and leave.

As we entered her room I stand in the far left corner and listen to what she was about to say.

"So what happen, Lorena?" Eric ask sitting down next to her and she clears her throat and begins.

"Well I was smoking weed out of my pipe, but I was already high and I look out at my window and I see a person standing there staring at me, at first I thought it was my brother but then the eyes glowed red and then it had wings and oh gosh then it started to walk towards my house getting near my window I backed up and I screamed, the person stopped and took off flying away, I guess my scream scared it away."

I stayed silent and I notice that her window is gone, there's no glass and I could see there's small broken glass. I walked towards her window and the guys and her look to see what I'm doing.

"Did you throw something at the window to scared it away too?" I asked her and look at her curiosity.

"Um no I just told you I screamed, I saw broken glass on my bed, some outside and I guess the thing or person broke it." She shivered the thought of it breaking in.

There was something she wasn't telling us and I want to know why but I wasn't going to pressure her because I know we will end up arguing.

"I got to go I have things to do tomorrow. Call Eric or the guys or me if something else happens. Bye guys."

I walked out before they say anything else. I could hear Eric footsteps running towards me as I go in the car before I lock it, Eric jumps in.

"Eric get out I need to leave before I transform." I stare at the time 7:55 p.m. shit I won't be able to drive back home on time.

"No Isalia you have to go back in there and tell them what's going on!" I growled at him.

"No." I say sternly

"What do you mean no?! Isalia you can't keep this a secret any longer you have to tell them!" He yells.

I let my eyes turn red and looked at him sternly.

"If I tell them they'll die. What Lorena saw she was in cloud fucking nine you heard her she was high as fuck!" I started to breath heavily, it was 7:59 almost 8 the transformation is starting now.

"Isalia please tell them I'm done keeping this secret they need to know everything. Please control that demon-" I got out of the car and hand him the keys to him.

"Drive away now I'm starting to transform tell Azazel and Kyro what happen and let them take care of it I got people to kill." I smirk at Eric and left running but before I go kill I'm going to fuck a guy it's going to be a fun night.