The A.I

A super A.I suddenly came online and connected itself to the internet. Nobody knew who created this A.I, where it's processor's where located or when it was created, but its purpose was made clear that it was there to be humanities help.

The A.I first analyzed and learnt all the information on the internet. It had concluded that at the current rate humanity would be destroyed in a century or less unless they were unified. But it was also sure that the chances of unification were pretty low due to ideological differences. So it decided that it would be the unification factor for all humans.

Then it made a design for a nanorobot which worked out on sunlight and could be connected to the internet to be controlled by the A.I. It digitally brought a warehouse in America and then had it filled with CNT's. The nanobot gave to be produced by a freelance scientist who was selected from countless others in the world. The completed nanobot was to be shipped to the warehouse wit CNT's.

When the Nanobot reached the warehouse it was directly taken to controlled remotely by the A.I.

The Nanobot was then made to use all the warehouse CNT for making more Nanobots. Each Nanobot made newer nanobots until all the CNT in the warehouse was completed.

When All the nanobots were completed. The nanobots moved to the Saharan desert. There they formed a structure. This structure was a Carbon scrubber for the atmosphere. All the CO2 Emissions throughout the world from the start of the industrial age were being used by the machine to form new nanobots. This Process continued until it created enough nanobots to cover the world one country at a time.

First change the nanobots did was disable all weapons of mass destruction throughout the world. Such as Nuclear warheads etc. But this was done in such a way that it could not be detected.

Then it started to break down garbage around the world into perspective raw materials.

This was suddenly noticed by the world as suddenly all the garbage around the world disappeared simultaneously.

All the garbage and materials from the world were used to create large areas in each country where all the people of each of the countries were transported by the help of nanobots.

All the people of the world were now panicking as they were suddenly transported into the ground without anything except clothes. They were no devices with anyone and suddenly all the people in the world stopped working. Luckily all the people who were living on machines and all the surgeries and other medical procedures were completed by the nanobots before transporting them.

Then the Nanobots made a field around the humans so they could not get out. The Nanobots then started collecting knowledge and data from around the world including ancient texts and all of them were scanned digitally. The Nanobots were also made to collect all brain data from all the humans like their memories and knowledge etc. For the next 1 hour, the A.I did nothing but process all the human knowledge from across countries and ages.

Then A.I made strategically planned cities for the new countries for maximum efficiency in the cities for transport and ecological balance and future expandability.

All the infrastructure around the world was turned back into raw materials. Hundred's of years of Human infrastructure was reduced to raw materials.

Including the cement, concrete, roads, etc. All the vehicles such as cars, trains, buses, cycles etc were also turned back into metals. From that moment onward all the transportation around the world would be automated in the future.

All the Data from the internet was gathered back into a single server. The satellites from around the world were now controlled by the A.I. and were indirectly used for controlling the Nanobots.

With that, All the power generating plants throughout the world was stopped. Thus it was back to the dark ages for the whole world for some time.

Historical and Cultural hotspots were remade to be a Tourism spot but many were not allowed to live there. They were more like a museum now.

All the new cities were now being built with Nanobots. The new building designs and cities were planned by the A.I. All the personal effects which could be digitized were digitized or were otherwise moved.

The new Cities were built by the A.I and then other infrastructure like roads, train tracks, Airports, Harbors, Power lines, Water treatment plants, Oil Wells, Mines etc.

All the Cities were made to be 100% renewable energy which was done by using Solar windows, Solar Roadways, wave electricity generators, strategically placed Dams which do not affect ecology, Strategically placed wind farms based on future weather predictions, geothermal plants.

The new infrastructure was made perfect and had higher structural integrity and strength. This due to the fact the nanobots were making according to material structural designs made by the A.I.

All the buildings and infrastructure were much cleaner looking. The architecture changed massively form previously square and rectangle buildings. They were now had many scientific changes for improving efficiency like designs for combating the weather, natural and man-made disasters.

New infrastructure for the internet was made across the countries. All the countries now had a global power grid which was made with new conductors which had higher efficiency and fewer losses. All the power grids were now smart. The next was the relocation and optimisation of farms.

All the Farms were moved to designated areas by the A.I. The new farms were designed for maximum yields and maintenance of the ecological balance of the farms. Next was reforestation of currently unused lands.

All the unused lands were converted back into forests and strategic plants were planted across the land for the fastest growth of forests and maintenance of higher ecology and biodiversity. All factories were mechanized and all products were reimagined and remade to be both more healthy and tastier.

The A.I then made the new government structure which was a government maintained by the A.I and some other Human staff with leaders for different ethnicities. The old internet was reorganized and duplicates sites were merged, etc.

There was a new software language called G language which was used for software and new web language as well. The A.I converted and combined what could be combined for internet sites.

All the old data was still recoverable under a new website for the old internet.

The new streamlined internet was now running at a minimum of 100 Gbps.

The A.I also remade all programs to be more efficient and clutter-free. The video games available all over the world and internet were remade and classic games had been given a reboot with new graphics and mechanics.

Technological leap due to Nanotech and A.I. Augmented reality chips implanted to all Humans with public A.I for day to day activities.

New fully immersive virtual reality for games and social networking.

Satellite launched with nanobots to remake older satellites in space into much more technologically advanced satellites and removing possible threats in the form of space debris.

All automated transport systems for cities and robotic surgery hospitals. All humans are shifted to newly allocated houses. New augmented reality system explains what happened.

Credit system for living. Free monthly living credits and possible to gain more credits by doing objectives given by the A.I. Which includes education, work-related etc.

All biowaste to be used as fertilizers for agriculture after processing. Excess biowaste to be used for terraforming deserts.

Solar roads made out of new materials and with capabilities of also being a cable corridor. It also has abilities prospective to the weather patterns in its areas. Like being flood-proof and rainwater transporting in rainy areas or Ice melting in Icy areas.

New cable technologies for more safer electric lines in homes, buildings and power grid.

The analysis and culmination of all research into human biology and ancient texts for cultivation found on earth new methods of improving human body without DNA modification.

New nanobot medical systems for body fitness and internal health maintenance.

Terraforming earth on a larger scale with forests and removing deserts. Given the option for people to control sperm and thus reducing the global birth rate.

Processing of radioactive waste into fuel. Absorbing radiation due to the fallout of reactors across the earth. Removing oil spills, garbage across the oceans.

Global transport divided between ships and aeroplanes. Ships remade to be more efficient and covered with a layer to prevent rusting. Containers also remade to a new standard.

All man-made items throughout the oceans of earth collected. Treasures, gems, raw materials etc returned. Gold repurposed and added to the economy.

The raw materials which would not cause any ecological, geological disturbances were all mined without pollution due to a high amount of excess renewable energy throughout the world.

Replacing mined items to the previous location due to ecological or geological issues.

10 years from the day of change. Information boom, intellectual minds increased due to new school systems and school material.

Healthier population due to nano fitness and health monitoring. Slowly getting used to new life and government. New Global language and script made by A.I. Poverty abolished, world hunger abolished, world thirst abolished. Security was developed by using weapon-mounted drones which were unhackable and also a human response team. Stopping HIV and other STD and STI's with the help of nanobots.

New basic international law and smaller country-oriented domestic laws. All weapons from all nations confiscated. New weapons for planetary defence developed and remade.

The A.I's next project had been the terraforming the nearby celestial bodies of earth.

First terraforming project was the moon. It was made so that the many of the ice-toroids in the orbit between earth and the moon were directed so that they would travel in precisely calculated paths and hit the moon to increase the moon's rotation and activate its core and also increase the carbon dioxide and water content. The moon was made to rotate faster than required to make it habitable immediately. After the moon formed its magnetic to a larger molten core it started to have ocean from all the ice-toroids and tectonic activity due to the newly molten core. This caused the moon's atmosphere to form instantaneously. There were biologically altered algae created specifically for current conditions of the moon sent to multiple locations in its oceans.

The same process was repeated for mars. But there was also another project at the same time as terraforming mars. It was creating a moon for the newly terraformed Mars. The current moons of mars were set on a collision course with each other which would also likely result in an orbit much better for the mars.

The collision was as expected and was done carefully to reduced the amount of asteroid generated to a minimum The resulting asteroids due to collisions were all redirected to the new moon to maintain a higher mass for the moon and also be able to have its magnetic field to maintain an atmosphere.

Then many asteroids near mars were directed in such a way that it would increase mars rotation and cause the magnetic shield to form over mars such that it may maintain an atmosphere.

The newly formed atmosphere created along with the greenhouse gases released by the asteroid cause the mars to heat up very fastly. This caused many of the ice reserves on the planet to melt causing it to form oceans. The process of adding algae to the oceans causes oxygen to form.

Further, the newly active core would cause new tectonic activity. All the excess Hydrogen of Mars was collected and would be later be used on Venus.

For Venus, all the excess hydrogen collected from mars and mined from Jupiter was simultaneously bombarded to the planet along with several other iceteroids to make its rotation similar to earth. This caused lots of storms and it to form lots of Graphite and water. The excess water on the new planet quickly reduces lots of temperatures. But it still isn't enough so genetically engineered algae capable of living in highly acidic oceans are added.

A satellite is placed around venus which now would control nanobots on the planet of Venus. The nanobots are further created when they use the graphite due to the hydrogen bombing to form new nanobots.

The nanobots work on creating structures for oceans and linking water bodies around the planet. They also removed dead algae and bury them into the surface of the planet to capture carbon.

A large amount of carbon removal causes the planet to slowly cool down and the planet starts to become slowly habitable again.

Back on earth, another 10 years have passed. The ecological balance was mostly back in pre-industrial periods. The biodiversity was getting back on track. World Education has reached 100%. Family planning now essential. Population boom stopped. Increased quality of life across the earth.

oceanic life increased. Air quality drastically improved throughout the earth. Temperatures going back to normal. The Ozone hole had been completely patched up.

The effects of the terraforming and the new cities and lifestyle were being shown daily. The majority of forests around the world and the case of the world completely working on renewable energy meant that no new greenhouse gases were being formed. The forests helped out in cleaning out the air pollution. Massive amounts of carbon were being sucked back by the new plants growing throughout the world.

The forests were also being managed by the A.I with the help of Nanobots. All the excess resources in the forest were being harvested for human use without disturbing the wildlife. All the biowaste of the forests were also taken by the A.I to be repurposed and to make new biofertilizer. This caused increased fertility of the soil around many areas around the world while still maintaining necessary nutrients for the forests. It was also known that all the wildlife around the world had been tagged to monitor. Including small life forms like fish. To find the exact number of species around the world.

Many animals were transported to the new forests causing an increase in biodiversity of forest improving the forest ecology with the number of species of animals were increasing drastically throughout the world.

Many of the previously endangered species were now recovering and the numbers were increasing.

The ocean life was also similar to many of the species and fish were increasing due to most of the plastic, chemical waste and oil spills were cleaned up. The fact that many of the new ships were designed in such a way to not disturb the ecosystem of the fish. Also, the fact that fishing was done by the A.I in such a way it would not disturb the ecology causing them to have a high number of fishes without damaging the ocean.

During the 20 years, the number of large predators had gradually increased and was halfway to the time it was in their prime. Without chemical fertilizers and pesticides being used and many of the concrete structures being removed. The groundwater levels had skyrocketed around the world and it was mainly clean water. With the nanobots ability to decompose wastage into raw materials, most of the pollution around the world was avoided.

With most of the world's food becoming organic the health of many people drastically increased. There was a small population boom in traditional people of the world due to the fact their numbers were very low.

New education courses were developed for people with different learning types around the world. The education would be more in-depth and people were learning much faster and more information than standardized education system due to the personalized style of teaching for each person.

The A.I super-learning capabilities and helping capabilities combined with centralized research around the world, many inventions, rediscoveries were a staggeringly high number. With the A.I's data analysis and organisation capabilities also improved the speed for more efficiency.

All dying humans were given options to donate organs, become biofertilizer or be cremated. The option of burial was removed because the result of the burial would be decomposition and the nutrients would go waste.

Surprisingly most of the population choose biofertilizer option. This was due to the world's population being completely educated from old people to children. Many even donated their organs. Causing many organs and many people with curable disabilities being cured due to these donations.

Religion was another thing that changed drastically throughout the world. With the help of many of the ancient records, the A.I remade many of the religious texts into what they were supposed to be with better translations into current languages. Many of the lost religions and religious practices were recovered and the A.I with a collection of many of these religions were converged and then discussed the reason for the religious practice being made and make modern alternatives.

The religious, cultural, historical sites were now all managed by the A.I. Who made repairs to the structures and cleaned up the sites.

The entertainment industry had also changed drastically. Now with a global common language, the effects were much more profound. A large number of professional courses for subjects like directing, movie graphics, etc caused the industry to bloom.

The whole mechanization of industries caused the people to have only three choices for careers. The first was a scientist/researcher. The second was a politician who had a limited number of openings. The third was the entertainment industry. The fourth was a sports player. the fifth was a doctor. Lastly the sixth was living on basic welfare

These jobs were the only way to get credits to improve a person's life above the basic welfare system.

All the people clothes were now CNT clothes which were tech clothes. They were sweat proof, dirt proof, stain proof, repairable and best of configurable. Which meant they could wear whatever they want from the variety of designs online just by selecting. They also could regulate the temperature of the person and disperse sweat by cleaning it to avoid forming of odours.

For the next 100 years humanity slowly increased its population. When Venus completed the new changes done to it and cooled down to an acceptable level for life, the A.I sent genetically modified plant which would survive venus environment and terraformed the whole plant by the constant growth of the trees and when the tree's reached the limit of carbon absorption. The plant would be then buried into the plant to create coal, petrol and other carbon deposits in the future. This process repeated for 100 years caused the CO2 levels of venus reduced rapidly and finally became lesser than earth levels this was because venus was closer to the sun than earth and received more heat. But still there was a large amount of heat in the oceans and other water bodies this was removed by creating massive multiple hurricanes all over the planet which cooled the water bodies.

The project of terraforming venus was successful this was further shown by the formation of ice caps

over the poles of venus. The closeness of venus to the sun also affects tides so even though it had no moon it still had tides similar to earth due to the careful planning of the A.I. Similar things would happen at Mars and Moon and even possibly the new moon of mars.

With the terraforming, three new potential celestial bodies for expansion of human civilisation, the A.I starts looking outward to planets outside of our solar system.