Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Establishing Connections

The next day Xiang An and Chen Yi woke up very early and put on a simple male robe as a disguise. After putting on the robe, Xiang An's ethereal budding beauty turned into a fragile looking scholar that people can't help but dote on. The 'fragile' look could have been pulled off if not for her stoic expression.

Xiang An and her maid quietly went out of the manor and went to the market on foot. Of course the hidden guards of the Xu Manor saw the suspicious looking 'scholars' that went out of the place but later scoffed when they learned that It was just the unfavoured miss. No one even bothered to follow her as the guards though that this miss' life and death do not matter to them.

This thought is very favourable to Xiang An's liking as she don't want to enclose any of her actions to anyone- well, except for Chen Yi of course.

When they're in the market, a lot of people can't help but to stare at her. It's not every day that you can see such delicate looking scholar. The young miss' of aristocratic clans that is present in the market can't help but inquire about this young lord. Their gazes are like daggers that Xiang An can't help but to feel uncomfortable.

"Chen Yi, is there something wrong with my disguise?" She asked while looking at her flustered maid. This girl's face is beet red! Xiang An frowned, is she sick?

"Uhmm- No.. ah- miss looks handsome t-that's all.." She said in a very coquettish voice, forgetting for a second that the 'scholar' in front of her is a girl.

"Where's the place?" Xiang An asked while gazing all over the place.

"This way miss" Chen Yi woke up to her stupor and started to lead the way. Xiang An noticed that the more they walked, the places seem to get more isolated from the market. Finally, they arrived at the dark corner of the street.

Xiang An looked around, she saw a huge variety of kids her age or younger dressed in rags. They are either counting taels or eating food. All the kids in the alleyway looked at the 'visitor' and they all thought the same thing, 'Money!'

Chen Yi shivered when she felt the gazes the kids used to look at her and her miss. They're like a mantis stalking a cicada with their penetrating stares.

Before the kids made a move to rob this young masters, Xiang An walked past along them and stopped at the inner corner of the alley, there she saw a young boy in the age of 4 or 5, laying in a fetal position and shivering. The weather is not that cold but since his clothes are tattered and thin, he's feeling very cold and hungry.

Xiang An stared at the kid, took of her outer robe and placed it on the kid. The boy doesn't have any strength left to open his eyes but he cuddled at the fabric for more warmth.

Then she glanced at everyone who's looking at her every moves intently.

"This young lord is named An, surnamed Xi. I'm here today to offer you a job. Be my people for a couple of years and I'll guarantee your life will be spent lavish after." She said in a stoic tone. All of the kids looked at her as if they're seeingJ a joke.

But before they could speak in protest, she stated another statement.

"Of course food and shelter are provided. I'll come back after a month. By that time I'll collect your answers. Chen Yi, give them 2 silver taels each and give food for this little kid here. I'll stroll around for a bit."

Xiang An said to Chen Yi and walked away from that alley. The children who's still silent pondered to themselves, 'Should we trust that guy?' They shrugged and happily accepted the taels they're given. There are approximately 25 kids in that alley so It's not much of a work for Chen Yi to give out taels, although she's still confused why her mistress is doing this, she said nothing and finished the task. After that, She took out the kid her mistress gave her robe to in a restaurant to eat.

On Xiang An's side, she went to a rundown pharmacy just next to alley she was just in. Inside the pharmacy, there is a teenage boy in the age 14-15 years old, and an elderly woman sitting by the counter, talking.

She looked around the shop, all of the shelves are running out of stock, with a few of them with dusts and dirt all over them. She did not mind these. And went straight to the two people at the counter. The teenager's appearance is surprisingly handsome, with his expressive brows, brown orbs, high nose, cherry red lips, and wheat coloured skin, his frame isn't bulky but is not that thin either. With his green coloured robe that perfectly emphasizes his skin tone, he looks like a valiant man. While the grandmother, even if she looks old, she still has that grace that comes from a Madam of a clan. One could also see what a great beauty she once was at her younger days.

If her memories served her right, in a year or so, this teenage boy will save a man near the riverbank, and that man turned out to be a godly doctor. Because of that, the godly doctor started providing this shop his personally concocted medicine that resulted to the creation of the Medical Pavilion, an organization led by this teenage boy named Murong Sha and will create a power that's on par with the Emperor.

But that will be a few years later, This Murong Sha's success is so popular in her past life that even a Young miss like her have heard of it. Right now, they're still in a pitiful state and she did not mind lending a hand to this future overlord.

The two people saw the upcoming young boy and can't help but scrutinized him. Seems like this boy lost his way a. Murong Sha and her grandmother looked at each other and welcomed this guest.

"Good Day young master, is there anything that this humble one can help you with?" Murong Sha, being friendly by nature, asked.

"To be honest I'm not here to buy a medicine but to do business with you." Xiang An said directly. Murong Sha frowned, not understanding the boy's agenda.

Xiang An looked around and said, "This pharmacy looks like it won't last a few months before it bankrupts so I want to invest in it."

"Aiya boy, do you even know what you're talking about a?" The grandmother can't help but to ask. If it was a slightly older person, she could've easily accepted it as she wants to keep the business her husband left, but coming from a young boy's mouth who looks like he still has a milk on the corner of his mouth, she just cant take it seriously.

Xiang An ignored her question and took out a bag of taels from her sleeves.

"Approximately 100 golds of taels. This should last you a couple of months, then if its not enough, I'll send couple more in few months. " She said and put the bag down. Murong Sha and his grandmother agaped in surprise. This kid is throwing money like he's throwing trash a!

The teenager felt his head was about to ache from this young boy's unusual behaviour. "Why are you doing this? Is this young lord bored that he'll take money out and just give it to whoever he wants?" He asked in daze, but Xiang an only gave him a side glance.

"This lord is not gonna do such ridiculous thing if I didn't happen to see your future."

"I beg your pardon?"

Xiang An clasped his hands at his back, and said in a as-a-matter-of-fact tone, " You'll be a prominent figure in the future and If ever that happens, remember this day and I shall ask for a favour in the future. That's all. I shall bid my goodbye and Goodluck with your business." She said and strode away.

"Grandmother, What just happened?" Murong Sha asked with an incredulous expression.

"I don't know either, seems like rich young'uns these days throw money out of boredom." Grandmother said and sighed. Murong Sha pondered for a while before asking,

"Grandmother do you know what he means when he said I'll be a prominent figure in the future?"

"To be honest, I agree with that kid. I do feel like you'll be someone untouchable in the future and that should bring great fortune in our family. But for now, go and take away this taels and spend it wisely for our shop. Even though that young master did this out of boredom, I have a feeling he's a trustworthy person." Grandmother said while looking at the direction that the young boy went out to in a serious manner.

Murong Sha pursued his lips and took the gold taels. He glanced at her grandmother once more before he walked away.

Xiang An went to the restaurant just opposite the pharmacy and saw her maid standing there. Chen Yi saw her mistress and finally let out a sigh of relief. Xiang An did not see the kid with her so she asked with her eyes.

"Ru Yi, the boy, was taken by his fellow kids in the alleyway after he dined with me." Chen Yi said while bowing. Xiang An nodded. She saw at the corner of her eyes that the boy is perking at her from the alley, so she gave a smile that doesn't look like a smile. The boy ran away.

Chen Yi saw the smile and shivered. The young miss looks like a devil finally seeing her prey with that smile.

"Let's go home." Xiang An said and the two started walking away.
