Sharing Secret.


He realized I was startled and raised his hand from my head. I just blink a few times trying to recover from being dazed.

"No… it's fine. Let's see if the stew was ready"

I opened the lid and the stew was thicken but it seems the chuck meat still needs a little bit of time. I wish I could use magic to make the meat become tender.

Unconsciously, I let out a soft sigh. It is best to let the meat cook slowly in a low heat for two hours. If rushed it will be chewy and tough.

"Is it something wrong?"

"We only cook it for and hour, I want the meat become tender but it will need another hour"

He put his fingers under his chin. He was thinking something and looked at the pot silently.

"This is supposed to be a secret. I never try this before but please keep secret it from anyone"

I am not sure what he is talking about. But then he put both his hands on each pot. He closes his eyes and I can feel he is gathering all the energy around him and focusing it into the pot.

"Phew… I am almost screw it up"

"Did you just manipulate the time of the pot?"

His eyes grew bigger. He inhales his breath deeply and puts a smile on his face. And he patted me again.

Did he just mess with me like I am just a little kid. I wanted to say something to protest but then I kept my mouth shut.

"You are a really interesting young lady. But precisely, I have the ability to manipulating object age"

"You can make new things to become old and make old things become new?"

"Brilliant girl. Do you need a reward?"

"How about living things? And didn't it just make the pot get an hour old, not the thing inside?"

"That's why I said, I never tried it before. So could you check it now if I make it as you want?"

I opened the lid and tried the meat. It was tender and the flavor has become just right. It totally became a 2 hours low heat stew.

I look at him and want to praise him but his face looks sad.

"Thank you for using your secret in helping me. I will kept it secret and repay your kindness with some warm heart meal"

I gave him a wide smile. He looked at me without any single word and nodded.

That night, the hall was lively with Darryl's family and some of the villagers praising the stew and laughing to their heart to their content.

I'm sure they were very anxious thinking about their home, but I'm glad the food could bring their heart little comfort.

Dylan and his group also eat with a smile on their face. Nathan sincerely apologises to Madame Anne about his rudeness.

I can see that he was really tired and lost at the moment he entered the Inn and without thinking he lured out his anger towards us.

Madame Anne gladly accepts his apology and tells him to eat more since he will continue his long journey tomorrow.

Seeing people get happy while eating my food makes me realize how good food brings all the joy and happiness together.