Chapter 11 - Party.

[Beginner Village has been successfully defended.]

[Reward - Level +2, Reputation with all guilds +10, Reputation with Adventurers Guild + 20, 10 Silver coins and 1 Piece of Purple Equipment.]

After the system notification, I received 2 personal notifications.

[Level Up x2 - 3 Strength Gained, 4 Agility Gained, 1 Wisdom Gained, 1 Intelligence Gained, 1 Luck Gained.]

[Boots of Speed Gained]

[Boots of speed (Purple)]

[Defence: 5]

[Agility: 2]

[Skill 1: Increase speed by 15%. CD: 10 Seconds.]

[Dark Rose]

[Class: Thief]

[Level: 9 (85%)]


[Thieves Guild: 50 (Neutral)]

[Fighters Guild: 10 (Neutral)]

[Mages Guild: 10 (Neutral)]

[Guardians Guild: 10 (Neutral)]

[Archers Guild: 10 (Neutral)]

[Healers Guild: 10 (Neutral)]

[Adventurers Guild: 30 (Neutral)]

[Beginner Village: 120 (Friendly)]

[Elves: 20 (Neutral)]

[Health: 180]



[Strength:13(+3)] (20%)

[Endurance:8] (20%)

[Agility:17(+4)] (25%)

[Wisdom:7] (12.5%)

[Intelligence:6] (12.5%)

[Luck:8] (10%)


[Deadly - 10% extra damage when in Stealth]


[Stealth (892/1000) - Becomes Invisible for 5 seconds. CD: 10 Seconds.]

[Backstab (403/800) - Deal 1.6x damage from behind. 2.05x if in [Stealth]. CD: 14 seconds.]

[Critical Strike (35/400) - 6% increased critical hit chance.]

[Crafting Skills:]

[Smithing level: 1 32/100.]

"Almost level 10, what about the rest of you?" I asked.

"We were already level 10 before we started the quest, we were about to advance into a town/city but then this quest appeared so we decided to stay for it, we're about to leave, what about you?" Smile replied

"Almost level 10, 15% until I can level up then I'll be joining you, why what city are you going to?"

"Difficult decision, but probably the City of Light, the home of the elves, it has levelling areas from 20-60 around it and it is the biggest city in the Kingdom of Light, but in close second has got to be either of the big 3 cities in the kingdom of ash, they are a war-torn kingdom, constantly at war with its neighbours, both increasing and decreasing its land all year round, it could change, or we could end up going to different cities, there's no rule saying that we all have to go to the same one."

"Well, you lot have fun, I'll slowly be grinding up my EXP and maybe join you in the future." After saying that I walked off towards the Tavern, but when I got inside, it was empty, slightly unusual compared to its normal lively atmosphere.

"Can I see your quests?" After saying that the list appeared again, several quests interested me this time, but none really looked like they could provide me with the last 15% I need to level up so I closed the screen and left, heading in the direction of the Thieves Guild.

Compared to the Tavern, the Thieves Guild was relatively busy, 10 people in the queue for the receptionist.

"I would like to look at your quests." Another list appeared similar to the one from the Tavern except for the Icon in the corner was different.

These quests were all good, but they had different problems, some appeared as though they would give me enough EXP but seemed too difficult for me to handle alone.

"I'll take the Shadow Guard quest." It had a difficulty of Medium which is something I reckon I can handle alone, doing 1 quest won't give me 15% but doing multiple quests should be able to.

[Quest Received - Shadow Guard for Thieves Guild Decon Descent]

[Guard Thieves Guild Decon Descent from the shadows.]

A marker appeared at the area where the Decon was located, I walked over trying not to be suspicious in any way.

'Hopefully, I can get away without having to do anything.' I thought whilst looking at my target.

The Decon was surrounded by 10 Guards, all are level 15.

'... So they want me to protect the guy who is surrounded by 10 Level 15 guards, why is this quest only rated at Medium, you leave the Beginner Village at level 10...'

He starts to move, so do I, he stops, I wander to the nearest stall, he starts to move again, I move.

This repeats for over 2 hours and I get really bored. 'I actually thought that I was supposed to be doing something if I knew it was this boring, I would've watched paint dry.'

2 more hours later and something happens, the Decon walks down an ally, seemly on the way back towards the Thieves Guild, maybe the end of my misery.

At the end of the ally nothing happens, it was me with my huge imagination, after arriving at the end he turned right and headed towards the Thieves Guild.

A couple of moments later we arrive at the Thieves Guild but nothing important has happened, I received my quest reward which puts my EXP up to 90% and gives me 1 silver.

I take a quick look at the quest list before logging off.

'Tiring day' I thought before getting ready to sleep, but upon looking at my coffee table I saw the Invitation, it got me curious, 'I can't keep spending my entire day inside a game, it's not healthy and it gets tiring, doing the same thing day after day.'

I take a look at the invitation.

You have been invited to a party at the Evergreen Hotel at 4 PM on the 29th.

No one signed it.

I looked at the date, it was tomorrow, I checked if I had anything to do that day...

I'm just kidding, of course, I have nothing to do, I never have anything to do.

I start to plan out my day, 'I'll wake up like usual, eat and drink like usual then I'll go out shopping, almost all my clothes are 5 years old and seeing as I'm an investor it isn't good to show up wearing old clothes... Or is it? I'll wear my normal clothes, I'm not going to buy new clothes to wear 1 time and then throw away, I'll just go looking around if anything interests me I don't see why I can't take a quick look.'

After my planning is done I go to sleep, ready to wake up and actually do something with my day.


The next day, I get up, eat my breakfast, prepare everything, put on my old clothes, they weren't designer or anything, I don't find anything really appealing about them, they have some special name on them and they are suddenly worth 10x what they would normally sell for.

I hail a taxi to the nearest city centre, my house is located inside a small village in the countryside and it takes roughly 1 hour to get to the nearest city.

An hour later and I've arrived, it's still as bustling as it was last time I was here some years ago.

I get out of the taxi and take a quick look around.

Many of the shops have changed, some have stayed but the majority has changed.

A couple of minutes of walking around gave me full results, mostly clothing shops and nothing really piqued my interest. I changed my direction and walked towards what seemed to be a mall.

Inside were many more clothing and jewellery shops.

I take a walk around until I see a shop that sells wristwatches.

I walk passed many watches, both cheap and expensive until one managed to pique my interest, it was made from platinum with a leather strap made from alligator scales., the numbers were in roman numerals, it has 2 dials showing the month and day, the price of the watch was over $50,000 but it interested me.

"Can I take a look at this watch?" I said to the cashier whilst pointing to the specific watch.

"This one?" The Cashier responds to which I say "No 2 in front of that one, made from platinum and with the brown strap." The Cashier immediately picks up the watch and hands it to me.

I put it on my wrist, it looked good, but it took me a while to argue with myself on whether or not to buy it.

In the end, I decided to buy it.

"I'll take it." I said after I took it off my wrist and handed it back to the cashier, we went to the till and I took out my black card and paid for it before slipping it back on my wrist and walking out.

It was known to most people that different cards signified different amounts of money, although companies were now worth trillions you could not see many people with even $100 billion in physical cash, that they are available to use at any time.

After walking around for a bit I couldn't find anything else that was interesting, there are plenty of shops, but nothing made me gave me the slightest bit of interest.

I look at my new watch, now it was 3 PM, 1 hour before the party, I get inside another taxi and ask for the Evergreen, it was located inside of another city but it was a small city only 45 minutes away, enough time for me to arrive at least on time.

45 minutes later and I arrive outside of the Evergreen.

It was an old Hotel, designed somewhat in the middle of the 2000s based on the designs from the 1900s.

As I'm walking inside the doorman opens the door, a tradition from hundreds of years ago, inside people are looking at me weird, I would be as well, I'm dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans, a plain white t-shirt and black trainers.

I walk towards the banquet hall, take out my invitation and hand it to the person at the door.

I'm granted access to the banquet hall and inside are a few people who seemed to have arrived early like me.

I don't know anyone here, but it appears that everyone else knows each other.

I take a wine glass and go sit down on a table near the edges.

Over the next hour is slowly gets more and more crowded, the banquet hall looks like it can accommodate 200 people, inside were at least 90 people.

10 minutes later and Davis walks in, he doesn't see me, but I and everyone else sees him as he walks in with an entourage of about 15 people behind him.

He walks around doing small meet and greets with various different shareholders and staff members.

30 minutes later after he is getting around the room he spots me and walks over, I just sit there staring at him, not trying to be rude, but I just didn't want the attention.

"I see you came." He said handing over a wine glass to me, to replace my empty one. "Well, I got bored." I said we had some small talk before going our own ways, and by own ways I mean I just sat there while he walked off to greet more guests.

At some point during the banquet I decide to go to the bathroom, you can't just sit there for hours watching people and sipping wine without needing to go eventually.

But on my way towards the bathroom, I knocked into someone, "Sorry." I said before trying to walk off, but I haven't realized at this point that her drink had spilt on her dress, luckily both the dress and wine were white, but unfortunately, it still showed.

"HEY!" She shouted at me. "Yes?" I said before looking down and seeing the spilt wine.

"Oh, let me get that washed for you?" I said making it sound like a question even though I was trying to make a statement.

She rolled her eyes at me. "Are you sure you can afford it?" It was obvious at this point I had been mistaken as someone who wasn't apart of a banquet who is filled with important people.

"Yes, just give me your number and I'll contact you later today." I said before trying to walk off again, but this time she grabbed my arm preventing me from walking away.

"Are you sure?" She questioned me. "Didn't you just ask me several times already? Just give me your number and I'll see to it that your dress will be properly washed, if not I'll just buy you a new one of your choice." I said while waiting to receive the number.

She writes her number on a piece of paper she got out of her purse and gives it to me, I leave for the bathroom.

After coming out of the bathroom, I take a quick look around before leaving, I hail a taxi to take me home.

1 hour later I'm back home and I get ready for bed, I have spent all day out and now I'm tired, I quickly go to sleep.