Scared to Fall

"Well sorry anyways" I get up quickly then run away, the boy picks up my phone that I had dropped then smiles as he got up from the floor, I couldn't look back because I felt like everyone was just staring at me. I'm just scared I had fallen in love before but I can't again, it's gonna end up the same way or just worst, we all had at least one bad relations that made us block out everyone we know and just be alone thinking it was our fault, but was it? I run back to my house slamming the door embarrassed and I throw my stuff on the table.

I had made it before my siblings back home so I had sat on the couch sighing then I get a text from alex.

"We still on for at 5? ;)" I roll my eyes then turn off my phone he was with my friend why would he even try leading me on. Kate then texts me multiple times to the point I turn on my phone.


Kate:Hey me and alex are coming over early for the sleep over we are on our way right now

kate: We are getting food right now, oh my god he is so hot I'm glad to be his :)))

kate; we are heading to your place we will be there in a few minutes

I sigh then get up and go to kitchen to male snacks, I can't believe I have to see that jerks face again. I doze off and my memory went back to the boy I had bumped into, I smile then shake my head.

"He was cute, but everytime I find someone it doesn't last long something always has to happen like usual" I make cookies then after a few mintues put them in the oven, I hear the door knock and I walked over opening it to see kate and Alex together smiling, and mine faded away.

"We are here!" she smiles and hugs me then goes to the living room, "I'm so excited what should we do??" Alex looks at me and I just looked away to kate and go to the living room with her. As for him he set the food on the coffee table and goes over to Kate kissing her. I roll my eyes then get up going to my room.

"I'm going to change, enjoy your alone time" I go into my room closing the door gently then I just sat down on my bed,"If I could I would punch him but I'm just gonna let Kate be happy with him I never seen her this happy" I get up and change into some grey sweats and a baggy shirt then head back down to where alex was alone on the couch.

"Oh Kate went to the bathroom" he smiles looking at me, I nod then just sit at the table trying to stay away from him. He gets up and walks over to me and puts his hands on my shoulder, I try to make him stop but he continued putting his hands lower.

"Stop! what the hell is wrong with you" I push him and walks back away from him I clench my hands my anxiety raising.

"Oh come on I know you want me like I want you" he smirks then grabs my hands and pins me against the wall.

"Get off me! You have Kate you pervert!" I try pushing him off but he was more stronger and my heart starts to race.

"Oh come on let me get a taste of you" he smiled and starts to kiss my neck and bite, my close my eyes tearing up until kate punches his stomach. He collapsed on the floor groaning and I fall down shaking in fear.

"Get out! I never want to see you again!" she turns to check on me and he just chuckles looking up at her.

"Come on baby girl dont get mad, after all you were just a pawn to help me get with your friend" he smirks, and she clenches her fist then turns quickly her leg rasing and kicks him hard in the crotch and he yells in pain.

"Fuck.You" she grabs him and opens the door throwing him out to the front yard. She slams the door and goes back to me helping me up, she smiles softly and hugs me "Thank you" I hug back and smile a bit.

"I should be the one thanking you, let's just enjoy the rest of our sleep over and forget what happened today" she nods then runs to the living room and starts to eat happily.

My older brother and little sister had finally came back home after an hour as me and kate were in the living room passed out from eating to much food. My brother Zach picked me up and took me to my room with my little sister then put us both to bed, he went back down for Kate to put her on his bed so she could sleep comfortable. He picks her up waking her up a bit then sees him blushing a bit.

"Oh sorry I just didn't want to sleep on the floor so I wanted to take you to my bed instead" he smiles nervously "oh uh.... not like that just so you can have somewhere to sleep and..." he continues trying to explain nervously as she just doze off looking at him.

She thinks to herself "He so cute when he is nervous and he seems to be more sweeter." She kisses his cheek, "I understand but could you stay with me...? Things happen and I don't want to be alone" she looks up at him.

"S-sure" he smiles nervously and takes her up to his room and lays her down. He covers her then gets a pillow and a blanket to lay on the floor.

"You can sleep up here silly, I don't mind" she smiles.

"Okay, I just have to change real quick" he grabs some clothes and changes in his bathroom into just sweats then comes back into the room. She blushes turning really red and turns trying to hide her face, he lays next to her facing the other way.

*Next morning*

I had woken up a bit early to get some breakfast but I noticed Kate wasn't in the living room, I go back up looking in all the rooms then comes my brother's, I open the door and sees them together her in his arms and I just slowly back out then closes the door.

"Well hopefully I get to find someone soon today at school" I go back to my room and change into some sweats, a black thin shirt, and a hoodie. I go downstairs grabbing my things and a bar as my breakfast and leave early to school, hopefully I can make it out of the crowds and to my classroom.

"Hey! wait up" I hear a voice yelling at me then I look back it was the same boy from after school I panic and try to look back to make it seem like I didn't notice until he put his hand on my shoulder. "I don't mean to bother you but um, I wanted to ask you....would you like to study sometime or get a coffee. My name is Luke"

"My name is Ryan, and sure..... and again sorry about yesterday" I smile nervously.

"Its okay" he smiles brightly at me.

Everything seemed to be going good with him and we just kept talking about things of ome another. However I was wondering what ever happened to alex would he ever show his face again at school, I hear running foots steps coming up behind us and someone had tackled Luke onto the ground I get scared and until I focused it was Alex he put his hand into a fist and raised it then swing his first down to Luke.
