Present Circumstance

The day ended at Mireya. I went home with Edward and 44 books in the back seat of the car. This was going to be a daunting evening. She was prepared. And that was scary. She was so laid back usually trying to not have to go threw the motion. She was being considerate of me even though she was ready to jump right in to us. I couldn't help worrying about the what she said.

We were greeted at the house by Carlisle and Esma. They all went and sat by in the study looked at the stack of books that Bryant had brought in the house.

They were curious. Reincarnation, Proof of, not just one, rebirth but 3. He separated them into order.

"This was our first life together. We died in the 1981. Our second life together was in the 1700's, and this is her current life up to the present.

"Do you want us to help you cope or be alone?

"No, Because their are somethings in these that concerns us. Thing that we crave but found unreachable. Things we need to plan for. I will also need help to be calm. Mireya told me I had some choices to make this life.

"No other clues

"Just the current books and the photo album

"Let's work on present issues first." Carlisle said

I open the book to a drawing of a child crying in a corner. She was near flames she was 1 years old. But she had awareness in her eyes. The next picture was of her being saved by her mother. They had gotten to the fire escape and lived. Ms. Rice had nothing left. No home, and no one to turn too.

A lot of the drawing start off showing her moms struggle. Working and living in a 24 hour gym for 1 years. Moving out of the gym into a apartment. Her mom met a man who seemed nice. He moved in and then the problems began. He was a drug addict became abusive, belisgerant, putting her mom in complete fear.

I started to fade into the back ground at the age 3 and 1/2 from fear. He wasn't right and I wasn't able do anything for my mom. She had her comments about the situation. Things that was out of her hands. Fustration with her mom for staying in a situation that was worst for them than being homeless. She grew up in it. Even when it was changing something in her.

Offend dealing with abuse. Then one of druggies friend crossed the line. That night she was raped, beat up, and hospitalized. She was 12 years old at the time. The man who did it disappeared. Even druggie had nothing he could say about the event.

He wanted to put them out. His reason was that he didn't have the common sense that god gave him to take care of the good things in his life. Mentally, he was fuck. The abuse lessened, he didn't bother with me but my mom reeped harsh treatments from him.

Mireya had went out one night to meet a friend. At the age of 16 going on 17. Mireya had my first night stand with a guy she had known for a 1 yr. There was no emotion to the need just trying to get off. It lasted until she got pregnant. One of the pictures showed the pregnacy test big as day. Mireya didn't have a miscarriage. The sonogram picture was in the photo album.(She was still pregnate.) She had already worked and save to move. She was going to go to a small town called Forks and forge away on her own. But then he beat her mom up after she said they were leaving. My mom had already been making changes and saving to move. Mireya didn't know.

[That evening I was about to kill him. I had faded into the darkness and was going to slice his throat. But that night my mom was aware and caught me. She saved his life and probably mines.] This was one of the notes on the side of the drawing.

That morning we left. We headed to forks because that was were I wanted to go. She brought the house while we were on the road and found the job as a receptionist at a police station. Mireya recieved a message from an acquaintance that Jerome had been shot to death on the street while returning home from work. I didn't have tears for him because he ran with a gang and them decided to change his life.

I could feel sad even while feeling l he reaped what he sowed. He had a child, that would be the only thing left of him in this world.

But I still haven't met bryant or decided what to do with my life. I just want peace.

Each and every picture had explicit detail of every event in her life. Then he opened the photo album to be greeted with pictures from the gym, all the way up to her abuse, police report of her rape, and a the real pregnancy test. Ticket for the bus ride she had booked but never took.

Bryant couldn't help but be mad. Mad at himself. Why couldn't he just search for her?

"She was making her way to you." Carlisle said. "She didn't even know you were here, but she was coming to you."

"She pregnant."

"She was abused."

"Her other lives kept her balance. She is very rational and very aware. Well, she knows that I'm a vampire because we we married in a past life. I didn't turn her. By the time i wanted to turn her there was something causing her to get sick. She died of blood loss. and she revealed to me why?"

He breathed out. Maybe he was jumping the line on this but he needed a plan. He was accepting the issue. Now the other issue was vampire baby. She would want another child with him because she knows how to survive to have the child. He knew her. Just like Mireya would have this child. She needed him ready for her in every way.

Her life had been hell. An adult mind in a baby's body. Helpless of being trapped, learning to hide to survive in plain sight. Fear was a very real thing to her. The need to escape and be able to get rid of what she fear changed her way of thinking. She heal in the arms of a friend she cared for but couldn't love. Then she went seeking peace.

He turned to the page of his anorexic looking wife.

"Before you talk. Please listen." He would do this now because he needed this settled for the future. "In this picture, she was pregnant. I didn't know. She informed me tonight. The baby required nutrient and blood. It was growing fast no trapped in time like an immortal baby. But I didn't know it. I had no one to turn too. I hadn't met too many other vampire. Who have had children. She died of blood lost. I cremated her and my child that i didn't know about. I had tried to turn her but she didnt have the blood in her body to move the venom in her veins"

"this knowledge is unbelievable."

"But it true. She'll want marriage and she will want another child."

"Can't you just avoid it or not have sex?"

"I have a hard time not touching her now. Starving myself from sex isn't going to happen. she has alway been my world. She wants me to make the choices now. Make plans now to prepare for the future. And I need to be prepared"

"We are preparing for future children."

"I don't think I could let my wife go threw it." Edward said with a face of fear. This thought was scary. The whole process would be a nightmare.

"In marriage, there is compromise and there is a bottom line most women have. I say most, because, any nurturing woman that can have child find away to protect them. She was ready to kill for peace. If her mom had stayed with that man. she would have insure that he wouldn't be a problem. Something she wished her mom had done for her. If I can't deal she would raise this child until it is grown and then she would look for me. She would live without me, until she could be free of her obligations. She is giving me a choice."

Carlisle had found a letter in the photo album. He was reading the contents of the letter and it mirror what Bryant had said. Mireya was going to have her family. He didn't have a choice. She also wasn't going to hold back from sex. So he better me prepared.

Carlisle passed the letter to Esme. She could help but shake her head. Esme liked Mireya already. She was very mischievous when it came to Bryant. She was honest to the best of her ability.