I had started going back to school. Edward and Bella started dating. Bryant and I married signing the marriage certificate making it legal on the 7th of March.
Bella went to the beach. When Bella came back she was off. Something about it disturbed her enough to have nightmares. But then she told me her theory of the Cullen family. I was glad she got a clue. I wasn't happy that it scared her. She had already started dating Edward so why act scared of him.
"Are you really scared of Edward? You already suspected something."
"But a vampire. Blood drinking..." She didn't finish her sentence.
"If Bryant was a vampire. During the make out session in the kitchen I bit my lip. Not him or Edward went into a frenzy. So wouldn't that make them good vampires. Bryant broke the quarts counter in his self control not hurting me at." Bella thought about that for a moment. Edward was her superhero. So it didn't matter if he was a vampire.
Afterward, she had an unsavory events happen. Edward had to rescue her. They started to really get to know each other.
While a wedding photos and dinner has been planned for two weeks from now.
Until then, "Let's play ball." Me and Bella had our boyfriends lend us there used clothes. We wore them for the game. We enjoyed the game by sitting in the background watching on picnic blanket. I was fading into the background with Bella. Today felt off to me. A nagging thought in the back of my mind had me on guard. Some strangers we're walking through I gripped Bella's hand. I couldn't help but pray that we fade into the background. I remember this moment. I hugged my pillow over my belly making it less noticeable. But Then something unexpected happened.
"I remember that face."
A man who disappeared after.....
"Your sickening." Victoria was pulling her boyfriend away from the bullshit. She already didn't like this pedophile piece of shit, Raff. She like causing trouble. She adored her asshole boyfriend. There were no illusions about who and what they were. But she caught Raff in the act one day. It left a bad taste in her mouth. She killed the child because it was a mercy. Victoria knew that someone over there was a victim. She wanted no part of it. Everyone one left but Raff.
"You grew up quite lovely. He licked his lips."
Bile started to rise in her throat. Everything in her was screaming. She was holding in her revulsion. Her feeling were cold. Mireya was closed to the sight of him. Edward and Alice still with the horror of the moment that flash threw their mind. Edward saw a past too horrible to come to grips with. And Alice saw a future full of tragedy.
Even whisper of how she was a unforgettable fuck. Her screams turned him on even now. Those thoughts floored Edward's mind Carlisle grabbed Edward while Jasper grabbed Alice.
Emmett went to grab Bryant. Raff left laughing while racing away. He was plotting their next meeting. He would taste her again and break her.
While Mireya had just suffered a blow to her mind. She balled up in pain. Rosalie went straight to Mireya.
"Something wrong. The baby"
Everyone started to move. Bryant grabbed up Mireya. Edward grabbed Bella. And everyone left. They drove Mireya to the hospital. Carlisle was trying to make sure she had the best treatment. The stress was causing her to go into labor. They managed to stop it but she was now being placed on bed rest for the duration of her pregnancy. She simply couldn't handle any stress. Esme, Rosalie, Alice, and Bella gathered around Mireya in a show of support. While Mireya cried, she was raging inside. She couldn't rid herself of this hate. It was a flame in her soul burning her alive. This was a living hell. She was lightly sedated.
"I, at least had revenge for what happened to me." Rosalie couldn't help but sympathize. Emmett grabbed her hand in a supporting manner.
"He can't be allowed to live." Bryant said. He need to find that thing.
"He'll be back. He doesn't plan on letting her go." Alice said in disgust. His intention of the future was atrocious. Words didn't cover what that thing had planned. While Edward was suffer from what he saw in that things mind. He dry heaved in horror. He wouldn't be able to expel that memory. Not even having the tears to cry was a unappealing aspect of vampirism.
They couldn't search blindly for him. Bryant could track a speck of dust around the world.
Now he was going to use it to protect his love.
Edward and Bella spent their morning among the wild flowers. But they came back for the wedding photos and dinner.
The big wedding photo session started on a good note. All the Females and males got to wear severally types of gowns. even going from western wear, European Victorian, to a classy American wedding wear Everyone got to play dress up with wearing different wedding dresses. Every one except Bella and Mr. Charles and the guys was in the moment. Even Mr. Charles was their in his awkward way. He then stated happy wife happy life. He didn't understand why they were allowed to marry this young until a week ago Ms. Rice went over to his house to talk.
He response "Your kissing him like your exist depends on it."
I responded "I couldn't see myself without him."
Mr. Charles then stated, "Its good to be young."
What else could he say? Plus he realize I was pregnant. I'm due some time June / July.
Bella was dating Edward and showing signs of them being each others world. They moved and flowed around each other with ease. It was instinctual. They didn't know it but everyone else did. We had a party.
Bryant had a house made for us near Carlisle. Of course, Carlisle agreed before it was built. It was a four bedroom house. My mom would have had her own floor but she wanted to stay in her own house. That floor then became a baby play room nursery. It was near enough to be neighbors but far enough to give privacy. They were connected by a road for easy traveling. It made me wonder just how much money Bryant had a saved in his life. But he was just a little younger than Carlisle. Carlisle had to be at least a billionaire. So I had no doubts that Bryant had about the same.
The party ended and the photos and albums would be edited and given to us in about a month. Bryant also brought my mom a new kitchen to go with the new counter top. She felt a bit spoiled by that action. I hugged my my because we deserve to be spoiled by people we love. We just have to remember not to become assholes. Spoiling people can create asshole. But after coming from shit to having a safety net. It's a big difference. She was grateful in a shed tears, cry all over you kind of way. It just made me want to spoil her more.
Mr. Charles had begun to get to know my mom. She cried on his shoulder a week before my marriage. He couldn't understand the rush. But after my mom bombed him with the info. He shut up. He paused to think about what he would do if he was her. She was a teen mom who had been homeless raising a child. Her mom had kicked her out after she gave birth. She made a way. Work and got an apartment. Until their apartment went up in flames. She worked at a 24 hour gym. They live in that gym until she got in a relationship with and abusive man. Her daughters was raped. She unloaded all her emotions onto Mr Charles. They ended up drinking that night. Ms. Rice woke with a hang over in the arms of Mr Charles. They were fully dressed. Mr. Charles was a perfect gentleman. After that he gained a protective streak over my mom. He even looked at me with respect because he himself couldn't imagine what he would do. Mr. Charles appreciated my friendships with Bella. I wasn't a bad influence on her he said while smiling. I also help with her teenage angst which kept him from a lot of misunderstandings. He was emotionally awkward like his daughter. Drama would put him at a stand still because he just wouldn't know what to do in those situations.
The party ended and Mireya returned to her bed rest. Dr. Cullen monitored her closely. Because they wouldn't be able to keep her from having the baby. They just wanted to give the baby more time to develop. She ended up going into labor three and a half weeks later prematurely. Mireya had a baby boy.