Chapter 8

Of course, the rich don't allow their helpers to use their expensive properties unless to clean it perhaps. But for a helper, she was really a great player.

The mysterious woman didn't answer. She just kept her head down. Her long hair hid her face while holding her cat. He couldn't see her face because the cloud suddenly covered the bright moon and cast its shadow. Maybe she was really scared because she didn't expect that he would see her. Maybe cats were not allowed on the mansion but she decided to keep it.

"I am Deive. I am a visitor here. You and your pet are safe with me," he reassured. How about you? What's your name?" he asked.

"You shouldn't have come here!" Her voice was full of venom and warning. As if coming there was the worst decision ever. And he didn't know why.

The wind blew once more and sent chills to his spine. The moon was released from its temporary shade and cast its light once more to the woman. She could feel the woman's penetrating gaze on her despite the bunch of hair all over her face.

But he couldn't care about her face right now. The view in front of his was ghastly. He was totally horrified when he saw the blood stains in front of her white nightdress. Blood. Bloody hell!

There were blood on her sleeves and the hem of her dress. But there was a lot of stain on her abdomen. As if someone stabbed her or abused her. A victim of a heinous crime.

He was stunned, his feet were planted on the ground. His brain was screaming with fear until this head hurt but there was no voice coming out of his mouth. He was as still as a statue in utter shock.

This was no ordinary human. She was a ghost. A bad spirit. She didn't belong in this world anymore. Ghosts were real.

He felt like he was in a bad dream and he couldn't find a way to go back to reality. The girl whom he thought was beautiful and mysterious was replaced by a nightmare. A real nightmare.

If this white lady would grab him and suck the life force out of him, he won't be able to move. And there was nothing he could do to fight her except pray. He didn't even know what prayer to recite to save himself. He was numb and his mind was not functioning at all. He was doomed.

The cat screeched at him. Dagger looks were thrown his way, ready to protect its master. His breath hitched. The other eye was mutilated. An equally menacing creating. It jumped out of the woman's arm straight to him. His reflex was not working and he felt its claws bury on the skin of his chest.

"Ahhh!" he shouted and pried the cat off his chest. He really hated cats but now he hated them tenfolds especially this hellcat. But no matter how much he wanted to keep it away from his body, it kept on scratching him. He couldn't believe that he was overpowered by a mere cat.

But this is no ordinary cat. It is a ghost. How can I fight a ghost?

"Luna, stop it!" the woman reprimanded its cat.

The cat suddenly stopped attacking him. It jumped out of his arms and scurried back to its master. He seethed in pain as he felt his wounds smarting. He balled his fist and breathed heavily. Once he gets his hands on that cat, he would choke the life out of it.

"Luna hurt you?" the woman asked in a concerned voice and lifted her head. "Do you want me to treat you?" She started walking towards him.

He shook his head and stepped back. "No. Please don't come near me.!" But the white lady kept on walking at extended her hand. "No! Go away! Scram back to where the hell you came from. Go with the light and have a peaceful life. You and your cat."

He remembered the stories about the souls of the dead who thought they are still alive and couldn't accept their untimely death. Some were also looking for justice on their deaths. Most of them were victims of crime. And because of their grief, they also take the lives of living people in the afterlife to join their misery.

Drat! He still wanted to live longer. He still has dreams. He wanted to see his pirate cruise ship sail the sea and turn them into the fleet. He still has a woman waiting for him to marry her.

If the heavens would punish him for appreciating a beautiful woman and tasting the goods, hopefully not this way. A bloody white lady with a hellcat was definitely the last on his list. And it was something that he won't wish on his worst enemy.

The white lady held her hand up as if she was trying to stop her. "Don't move! On your back…"

"I told you don't come near me, you evil spirit!"

He retreated and didn't heed her warning. He yelled when he realized that he was walking on air. He lost his balance and plunged into the depths of cold, freezing water. Is he gonna die?