Chapter 23

Deive was ready for battle. It was close to midnight. There is antique cross from his family's mini-museum, a bundle of Dead Sea salt, and a chain of garlic that he wore around his waist like a belt. He also wore a red shirt so lost souls won't come near him. He did all the superstitions that her grandmother used to tell him. He didn't mind if he was starting to get dizzy with the smell of garlic. What mattered was he could protect Callea and she could live a normal life.

He finished chatting with Callea around ten in the evening. He wanted to make sure that she's in deep slumber when he fights the evil in the mansion. Once the bad spirits are defeated, Callea will love him. And she would also won't think twice in marrying him.

"It is time," he muttered when he saw at the clock it was five more minutes before midnight. He came out of the room. He held the cross in front of him and served as his protection with each step. The night was still quiet. A few steps from Callea's room he heard the voice of a woman singing.

Giliw, bakit mo ako nilisan? (My dear, why did you leave me?)

Paano na ang puso kong sa iyo ay umaasam? (My heart is longing for you.)

It was an old song called kundiman. The voice was beautiful, engaging and he could feel the sorrow in every word. But he didn't have time to empathize. He was sure that the one singing was the same woman who appeared to the other night. This was the same woman who was crying.

He ran to Callea's room. The song was coming from her room. Maybe the ghost was hurting her now. He must protect, Callea.

With closed fist, he pounded the door with all his might. "Callea! Callea!"

His heart was knocking in his chest when he did not hear an answer from her. He did not think twice and beat the door. He tried the doorknob and he was thankful that it gave way. He opened the door, he held the cross on his right and a flashlight on the other. The song of the woman went on but there's nobody else inside the room. Callea was the only one lying in the middle of the bed, a candle was lighted on the bedside.

She was lying straight and her hands were crossed on her chest. He didn't know if she was breathing and he panicked. "Callea!"

He approached her and grabbed on her shoulder to wake her up. He was shocked when he studied her carefully. Hair covered her face and there was blood on the side of her cheeks and arm. "C-Calle ... a ... "

Is she even Callea? Is she alive? Is she even human? Will she eat him alive?

He let go of Callea when he felt the searing pain on his arm. Then he saw the green eyes of the evil cat gleaming in the dark. He stepped back right away rapidly jump away but prepared once again for another attack by the feline.

He tried to get some salt and throw it to the cat but it attacked his leg. Despite wearing pants, the cat was able to implant its nails on his skin. He tried to shove away the cat. "Let go!"

He shouted when the cat scratched him anew. What will happen to Callea now? How else could he save his bride if he was still on a battle with the evil feline?

He stepped back some more. The next thing he knew, the stuff behind him toppled over him. He crossed his arms over his head to protect himself from the falling items. When he opened his eyes, all different books and assorted clothes surround him.

He felt hands touch his shoulder. He could hear the sound of his neck as he

slowly turned. His whole being shouted in fear when he saw a hand made of bones holding his shoulder. When he followed the owner thereof, a skull was staring at him.

A skeleton dressed bridal gown was almost hugging him.