Chapter 41

CALLEA lighted the candles at the tomb of her great grandparents – Lolo Leandro and Lola Celesta in the underground cemetery of Nagcarlan, Laguna. Her ancestors had the chance to be buried at the historic underground cemetery that was made for old rich families of Nagcarlan. She closed her eyes and offered a prayer.

She left the church right after the mass. She religiously visited her ancestor's burial place especially her Lola Celesta whom she had a strong connection even if she didn't get to meet her. And she loved the feel of the history of the underground cemetery. It was built during 1845 by Franciscan friars and the underground crypt where she was in was made for friars, prominent town citizens, and elite Catholic families. And according to her grandfather, it was an honor that his parents were buried there.

She heard a rustle. It was as if someone was standing beside her. Her breath hitched. She was not a scaredy rat and she was not afraid of ghosts although she hasn't seen one. But there was always a first time since there were talks of ghost sightings in the crypt.

She slowly opened her eyes. She found Deive standing beside her instead and was also praying. She couldn't take her eyes off his face while his eyes were still shut. He looked so peaceful. While her started beating wildly. Her hand automatically lifted to touch his face but he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at her. She suddenly clasped her hands in front of her, closed her eyes and pretended to pray. She would also pretend that he didn't catch her.

It was his turn to stare at her. Her heart was beating painfully now because she was holding her breath. Waiting for him to look away from her. Waiting for his next move. After a few minutes, his eyes were still looking intently at her. Why didn't he just leave her in peace? She counted to ten and let out her breath. When she opened her eyes and looked at him, he was smiling.

"I've been looking for you. You just disappeared after the mass. I thought you went home without me," he said and fixed her veil. Callea was seated at the old churchwomen on the front pew. While he was seated with Lindsye's family a few rows at the back on the other side of the church. She was sure that Lindsye didn't want to let him go. Callea didn't care either way.

Callea stepped back because she thought he would remove her veil. It was a knee-jerk reaction. "How did you know I am here?"

"The sacristan said that you go down here after every mass."

"I like it here because it is quiet. I could talk to the people who are important to me. My great grandparents who were gone, my parents and even my friend," she uttered. "Why are you here? You should be with Lindsye."

"How about my Callea?"

She gave him a sharp look. "I am not yours!"

She was a bit pissed off because her heart was clapping with joy and the giddy feeling came rushing. She castigated herself. She should not be carried away by that single word when he was obviously enjoying Lindsye's company.

"I met Lindsye in a party before we even met. She saw me at the mall when I met up with Keiran to bring me the stuff I need to fight the ghosts of Villa Celesta. She knows that we are engaged."

She shrugged her shoulder. "It doesn't matter. It looks like she wants to get her hooks on you. So, you like her?"