~Levi's POV~
I walked around my room trying to get ahold of Caleb. We were supposed to go clubbing tonight but he won't answer his cell. You see, every Sunday night Caleb and I go clubbing to get our minds off the world, and I really need to get my mind off not something but someone in particular. Nathan. All I've been thinking about is his kiss. I can't get it out of my head.
I toss my phone to my bed in frustration and go take a shower. The hot water instantly helps relax my tense muscles. Not that I really have any. I shut the water off after cleaning my body and I head back to my room. I'm just stepping into my closet when my phone vibrates on my bed. I walk over to it and look at the screen. Kyle. Figures, I haven't heard from him since Friday. I pick it up and answer.
{phone call is in italics}
"Hey there Lev!" He exclaims into the phone.
"Hey what's up?"
"You never told me how the meeting with Nathan went." He states
"It went that's for sure."
"Uh-oh. What happened?" He actually sounded concerned.
"Well...we talked then he drove me home." I paused.
"Is that all? What went wrong?"
"We kissed."
"WHAT?! That's great!" What is wrong with him!
"No it's not great!" I practically screech into the phone.
"What why not? Did you not like it?" He gasps. "Are you straight?" I roll my eyes.
"No Kyle. I am most definitely not straight, and the kiss was amazing. But it just wouldn't work."
"Why not?" Wow sometimes I wonder.
"Because I technically work for him. So he's my somewhat boss. That'd be wrong."
"Ok you're right." Wait what? He wasn't gonna fight me on it? Hey I wasn't gonna complain.
"Listen Kyle I gotta get ready so..."
"Ready? Where ya goin?"
"Clubbing with Caleb. It's our thing."
"Cool. Which club?"
"Uhm. It's called Shake it Down."
"Oh yea. I know that place. Sweet. I'll let you get ready."
"Alright bye."
I hang up the phone and throw it back on my bed and get dressed. I put on a grey button down shirt and black skinny jeans (what? My ass looks great in these) and wear my grey converse to top off the look. Yup. I look totally smexy. I grab my phone and text Caleb hoping he'll answer this time.
I get a text within seconds.
{C for Caleb and L for Levi}
C- hey sorry phone died.
L- it's cool. We still on for tonight?
C- aren't we always?
L- good point. Where u at?
C- Walmart.
I laugh
L- seriously?
C- hey don't judge me! I love Walmart! It's my only weakness.
L- alright stay there I'm picking you up then we are going to the club.
C- sir yes sir *salutes*
L- ur such an idiot
C- yup😜
I shake my head and head down the stairs and into the kitchen. I grab my keys off the table and go out to the garage that holds my baby. I get in and take off down the road.
~Nathan's POV~
I'm sitting at my desk when the door bursts open.
"Do you know how to knock?" I say as I look up and see Kyle standing there with a smirk on his face.
"What's got your panties in a bunch?"
"Oh you know. It might be the fact that you set up a meeting with Levi on Friday and it didn't work."
"What do you mean it didn't work. Cause Levi is totally head over heels for you." This confuses me.
"Well I just got off the phone with him, and the only reason he stopped anything between you two was because it would have been 'wrong' because he's technically working for you. His words not mine. But I have an idea." That's it? That's why he stopped me when I was kissing him. I look up at him with worry filled eyes at the mention of another plan.
"What is this so called plan?" What I'm curious.
"Well...he's going clubbing tonight with his friend Caleb." When he says this my fists clench involuntarily. Why was he going to s club with another guy? Was he seriously moving on already? I'm hurt. "Oh calm your pantyhose. Caleb's like a brother to him. It's their thing. They go every Sunday."
"Ok and what does this have to do with me?"
"Isn't it obvious? I'm taking you to Shake it Down so you can go get yo man." He says in a sassy voice.
"I don't think that's a great idea. He made it very clear that—"
"Oh shut up and let's go! We're about an hour away from the club so we'll get there a little later then them. To make it look less suspicious." I just shake my head and get up.
"Fine but if he kills me I will haunt you for the rest of your life." I say in a serious tone.
"Noted." He said in an equally serious tone as he got in the elevator.
I clutched at the bar to keep myself steady as I heard Kyle chuckle at me. "Oh shut up."
"You know. I think it's cute that you and Levi both have a fear of elevators."
I shake my head and hold on for dear life. When we reach the lobby I hop out of the elevator. I have never been so happy to see the ground. We get in my car and Kyle drives us to Shake it Down.
When we get to the club we head over to the bouncer. He sees us and recognizes me and nods in acknowledgement. I nod back, and we start heading towards the back of the line but bouncer dude stops us.
"Hey Holland." I turn and look at him raising an eyebrow. "No need to wait. I know you're old enough to drink." He steps aside and let's me and Kyle in.
"Thanks." We walk in and are bombarded by guys dancing everywhere.
Quite a few of them are pretty hot if I do say so myself. Kyle nudges my arm and I look towards him.
"What!" I yell over the music. It's really loud in hear.
"Let's go over to the bar!" He points to a set of stairs leading up to the bar. "We'll be able to scout out Levi!"
I nod and we go over to the bar. When we sit in the stools an attractive bar tender walks up to us and looks at me suggestively.
"What can I get ya hot stuff?" I nearly choke on my own saliva.
"Sorry man he's taken." Kyle said from beside me. The guy nods and backs off.
"Sorry man. Didn't know he was yours." Kyle laughs at this.
"He's not. But his guy is on the dance floor somewhere."
He nods. "So, what can I get ya?"
"I'll have a scotch on the rocks."
"And I'll have the strongest thing you've got." Kyle says.
I chuckle "dude if you get too wasted to walk you know I'm leaving your drunk ass here right?"
"You always do." He says as a matter-of-fact.
"Don't worry, if you start getting drunk you can just stay the night. I live right above this place." The bartender says.
"Thanks Ryan." Kyle says from beside me.
I look at him. How'd he know his name. As if reading my mind he points at Ryan. "Name tag." I shake my head and drink my drink that Ryan has just placed in front of me.
We're drinking and talking when Kyle suddenly stops and stares wide eyed down at the dance floor.
"That's hot." Was all he said. I look over the rail and onto the dance floor to see what he's was talking about. There in the middle of the dance floor was Levi.
Grinding on another man...