Awakening to a cruel reality

As William awoke from the darkness he was no longer with GW, he was in a small chack that only span a little bigger than his wingspan and the roof was so low that William could probably not stand straight.

Whilst William was looking around he could hear a voice in his head.

"Hello Host, you are finally awake! I am your system and I will help and guide you to greatness"

William was feeling only pure joy.

"yeessss I have a system, this life will be super exciting! Wait, no this and all my future lives will be exciting!"

William was drowning in bliss until he heard the system speak to him.

"Host, would you like to know all of my functions?"

"Yes!" William roared in his mind with excitement. William was waiting for the System to explain its function when an interface popped up.

Quest's Window available!

Techniques Window Locked!

Hosts name: William (Only free men can have a Famly name)

Age: 15 (Adult)


Children: none

Status: Malnourished (Malnourished -4 to all stats)

Job: Slave (Forced, -50 general opinion, not sold)

Stats: Average Adult stats is 10 (without ever training or fighting)

Strength: 5

Agility: 7

Dexterity: 5

Leadership: 0 (Slave= -10 leadership)

Equipment: Rags.

"WHAT! I'm a slave, what is this bull, GW I want a refund, you dam scammer!"

William was infuriated by what kinda reincarnation GW had given him. After William calmed down he Asked the System.

"Well I can kinda guess what general opinion is, but what does my stats mean?"

The System was quiet for a minute before explaining.

"Your stats describe your general abilities, Strengths is how hard you hit, Agility is how fast you run and dodge, Dexterity is how fast you can hit as well as how far you can run and leadership determines your army's morale as well as bonuses your army can get"

After the Systems explanation, William was deep in thought thinking about his situation

"Okay, I'm a slave that hasn't been sold, that probably means I'm with slavers, wait! I still have my guest window lets check, quest Window open?"

After Williams words, a new window popped up.

Quest Window

Story Quests: none

Main Quest: Become a free man (Reward= a family name) (Punishment for Failing= Death with no rebirths) (fail condition = Dying)

Side Quest: Eat food! (Reward= Lose Malnourished) (Fail condition= Dying) (Punishment for Failing= Dying)

"So there are three kinda Quests what's the difference" As William was asking in his mind the System answered

" Story Quests are given by the System that will reward host with items that can be used outside the system, Main Quests are given by the System to strengthen your house and side Quests are a blend of both but focus on the strength of host himself."

William was feeling rather happy for his new System if a person could see his expression they would think he just got the only thing he wished for on Chrismas.

William was sitting on the ice-cold ground and thinking about how he should finish his quests when he got an idea " System how do I become a free man?"

the System replied with its usual monotone voice " Your Master could free you or you could run, but if they find out you're an escaped slave most will get a (-50 General opinion) and try to capture you"

When William heard the system he was remembering the slave mark he found when he was inspecting his body.

William was thinking about how he should complete his quests when he heard footsteps outside the shack as well as a voice "Why do I always have to feed the slaves, they always smell bad its sickening. I wish I could join the Jarls soldiers raiding the Eastlands instead of guarding slaves"

The footsteps outside of William shack got louder and louder as the guard approached Williams shack. When the footsteps stopped William could hear how the door was unlocked by removing a heavy item that was blocking the door when the door was open Williams eyes got hit with rays of sunlight that started burning his eyes, he quickly adjusted his eyes and when he did he could see a burly man with a large brown mustache and a heavy beard holding a bowl of soup looking at him with annoyed eyes as he placed the bowl on the ground. Before the burly man left he gave William a hard kick to his side making him lose breath and gasping for air.

"You dirty slave who gave you permission to look at me with those ugly eyes" Yelled the Burly man as he was closing the door putting back the lock on it.

When William finally had gotten back his breath and could breathe normally he looked at the bowl the man had left which had tipped over spilling the soup on the ground. Out of pure hunger and desperation, William had taken the chums that the soup had left "Fish huh" thought William as he was swallowing the dirty fish pieces.

The next day William was awoken by the commotion outside he quickly looked through a hole he found yesterday sadly it was too dark to see anything but now, with the sun high up in the sky William could see what was happening outside.

What William saw made his blood boil and his heart start beating faster.

" I wish I could fight as well" thought William as he was looking at the men fighting with axes and shields in a friendly duel. After the men had left William was still looking at the place where the dues took place as he remembered the excitement he felt watching but he was quickly pulled out of his thoughts when he heard the system

"Ding" " Host has Unlocked Techniques Window. Does host wish to open Techniques Window"

"Yes!" William excitedly yelled in his mind


Ax fighting Technique (Basic lvl 1/5)

Whilst William was thinking about what future Techniques he would learn he didn't notice the Man opening the door to his shack

"I didn't know Slaves where this happy being imprisoned" Said the man standing in the doorway with an ax in one hand and a helmet under the other