"Before we go on our journey, you must drink blood first." Amado said as he gazed over the vast herds of cattle. Symla was also feeling hungry and thirsty. She was glad that Amado was sounding asleep. They had been riding their horse for several days and had traveled straight. It would be a few more days before his family would arrive. He will fulfill his promise before they will travel again to see the shaman. If her family wasn't there, they will still look for clues where they were. It is important that they will know that there is a traitor in their family so they can take extra precautions.

He helped her get off the horse and look at it.

"How about you? What will you eat?" she asked.

"Normal food is fine. There are some fruit trees so don't worry. I can manage."

She smirked and he laughed. He was right. She was worried but hell, she will never admit it. She knew he will only use it to tempt her. Her heart fluttered when he held her hand as if it was just natural thing to do and they crossed the pasture. Shortly thereafter, he knocked down one bull and cut it's neck.

The scent of blood made Symla too thirsty, she instantly drink the bull's blood. Amado on the other hand moved fast. He climed on of the trees and get some fruit. After a while, they were both satisfied and rested. After a while he stood up again and killed the cow. He put the blood of the animal into the vessel and properly returned it to the horse.

"Just in case we don't see some pasteurs on the road. I suggest that we bring some blood for you." He explained.

Her eyebrows arched. "It's obvious that you like me, Amado. You always flirt with me and accusing me that I like you but the truth is, you are the one who felt something for me."

He grinned. "Is it bad to take good care of the woman I'm starting to like?"

She was taken aback by his frankness. Suddenly all the blood went up on her face and he burst out laughing. She didn't expect him to be daring. She was expecting that he will just laugh at her accusations and flirt with her again, not to be this bold! Behind his laughter, Symla knows that he was telling the truth. She could see the honesty in his eyes. Now her heart didn't want to stop from beating so wild.

She shook her head. "You're fooling around again. You are not taking me seriously."

"Oh, you want a serious talk?" he asked. His smile slowly disappeared. Suddenly, she was tense. She realized, it's even harder when he's taking everything seriously. His eyes darken, dilated, making her heart feels restless. "Want to know what I really feel?"


"I don't know what you did to me, Symla. Yes, I'm just a man who admire beautiful woman like you but that doesn't end there. Do you know what I was thinking when they tortured me in the arena?" He was serious. His intense presence were really intoxicating her, making it hard for her to breathe. He walked towards Symla. His aura was so strong, she could almost taste it. She moved back. Couldn't handle the intensity. It's driving her crazy.

"I think of you, I think of my promises. I think of coming back here. The only thing I wanted that time was to see you."

"I-I'm just kidding..." she was trying to make him stop by getting back her words. She couldn't handle it. Her heart was out of control now. Her perception towards Amado suddenly changed. If he continues that, another one more word from him, she will surrender. She will forget everything. She wouldn't even think about him being a wolf and her being a vampire...

"I'm not kidding, Symla. Do you have any idea why I am eager to find the shaman?"


"Aside from asking for help to stop the war, I want to ask something for you, so that you will not be burdened with the responsibility that rests upon your shoulders. To keep you from being hunted by wolves. And I don't understand myself either but one thing I'm sure of. That despite all this, even if you are the Black Saint, I don't see it in you. Do you know what I see?"

"What?" she asked. Damned. She couldn't breathe now.

"You, Symla. I see you. I see a very beautiful and snappy woman who has done nothing but to scoffed, despise and hate me."

It was as if she had been nailed to the spot where he had finally come to her. She could hardly breathe at the revelations and could not believe it. Within a short time? He felt that way for her?

Ah... she couldn't deny that either. Perhaps, his jokes were his own way of letting her know how much he likes her. Probably, he was making fun of her and from there, she realized everything: he was only doing that because for Amado, she was just a woman to look after, not a Black Saint to be feared. If he had called her that title, there's no meaning behind it.

"You are shocked," he said and gently caress her hair. All her hair stood up. She had goose bumps. Thanks to his warm hand. She swallowed. She was still dizzy, his aura was intoxicating her still. She couldn't stand it.

"B-but we're just together for quite some time..." she said when she recovers.

He smiled. He gave her a smile that could melt a thousand hearts. "It's not about the span of time. It's not about the length or the measurement of period when we can say we like someone, Symla. Short or long, it's possible to fall. Yes, it's just been a while. It's just been for a quite some time. We don't really know each other but the possibility still occur. The attraction happens. And as far as I know, I'm happy every time I see you. I love every minute being with you."

She didn't know what to say and how to react! Even her brain couldn't process his revelations and her heart couldn't help it. What he said keep playing over and over inside her head. She couldn't blame herself. Because after all, he didn't expect Amado to like her—a gorgeous wolf far from what she thought.


"You are not talking to me. Why?" Amado asked Symla. They were in a cave and waiting for the sun to set. They will travel again at night. It was the best time for them to travel. The sun irritates Symla's eyes. Aside from that, it was safer for them. Amado always look for a place to stay every time the sun started to rise.

Symla shivered when Amado tapped her shoulder. Until now, she still can't believe what he revelead on her. Because of that, every time she looks at him she sees him differently. She saw him as a man. She realized it now. He was indeed right. It's not about the span of time. It was about the posibility. And when she heard his confirmation, the only thing she couldn see in him was his revalations which was disturbing to her.

They don't belong in the same species. He is a wolf and she is a vampire. That's enough reason to have serious doubts despite her feelings for him.

"Symla, you haven't talked to me for a few days," Amado asked again and tried to catch her gaze. The moment their gazes locked, she sighed. She knew, she was caught off guard.

"I'm worried about my parents," she said. She should be worried about her parents. She shouldn't entertain her feelings for Amado. She took a deep breath. She ignored he warmth feeling suddenly enfolded her the moment he held her hand.

"We will find them. I'll do everything so don't be sad. At sunset, we will travel again. We won't stop until you talk to them."

Amado kissed her temple. He gave a light kiss but it means so much to her. It made her hair stand to it's end. She sighed. The warmth feelings was overwhelming, making her feel high. On the other hand, she was very grateful to Amado. He prioritizes what she wants than his plan.

She closed her eyes. She tried to resist on her feelings. She tried to control. She moved away from Amado. She didn't dare looked at him straight in the eye. She was afraid, he would read her true feeling, what her heart was truly yearning. Every time she saw his eyes, she was doomed. His eyes were her weakness. Her defenses weakens every time she saw his eyes. Especially every time he proved and showed how he take good care of her. He was consistent. Her safety was his top priority.

"Get some rest first. You seem tired of our journey. I will guard you. I'll be just outside."

She nodded. When Amado stood, she stood up too. She hold his arm, trying to stop him. "T-thank you…"

He smiled at her. He gently pinched her chin. "Smile. That's all I want to see even if you don't thank me." He requested.

She took a deep breath. She shouldn't respond. It was hard but she was trying. She looked away and nodded. "O-okay," she answered.

"Just one smile." he requested. His voice was soft, it was hard to say no.

She was amazed. She was confused, was this man wanted to see her smile that much? She just took a deep breath and gave it a lazy smile.

That's all she can offer this wolf. She didn't want to make another move. It would only complicate things.

He took a deep breath. "You look really tired. All right, I'll come out first."

She nodded. "Thanks,"

"Kiss me."

"Amado!" she exclaimed. Her heart pounded loudly, making her suddenly confused. His eyes softened, she wanted to moan. Once again his eyes were hard to ignore. "Y-you asked for a kiss as if you are asking something simple..."

He burst out laughing. "I'm asking for permission, Symla. It seems you like a sudden kiss."

He grabbed her waist, her hand automatically touch his chest. He pulled her closer. It was enough distance to smell his manly lovely scent. She longed for his smell. His personal scent were intoxicating her being. She was falling for it.


"A-amado..." she whispered.

He smiled warmly. "Which one do you prefer? I'll ask permission or will I just kiss you all of a sudden?"

She slowly closed her eyes when Amado bow and gave her light kiss. The moment her lips touch his, all her negative thoughts fade. Amado's kiss was like magic. It was like she was instantly put under his lovely spell.

He kissed her slowly, it made her heart beat faster. She felt the longing and anticipation on his lip's every move. He was bit shaking. It seems he was controlling his urges that could harm her. Symla let Amado tastes her lips over and over. She felt at that moment a strong desire for him. There's nothing she could do but to yield. Maybe, Amado felt that. He deepen the kiss and she totally surrender…