The parade

There was something familiar about her , her brown coloured hair , her blue shoes , the way she walked . The image of Jeslyn appeared slowly . I chase after the figure as I would never like to lose her , again . I squeezed through the crowd , but the girl was out of sight . Maybe I just missed her really much .

I opened the wrappers of the burger , took a few bites . The taste wasn't just delicious but happiness after a sad goodbye . She should have given me a formal one instead of leaving like that . I finished my burger and joined Mr Gray to walk around in the market . The event was really successful . Almost everyone came out to enjoy the shows and food .

" The next show will be performed by Emily . Give her a big clap , " the organiser of this competition announced . I saw the familiar face walking up the small stage with a harp on her right hand . She started the show with a soft and calm music , even though it's a little sad . Andree killed himself , causing Emily to be lonely . Yet , she looked fine in my point of view . The melody reminded me of Jeslyn , everything we had gone through . When the music stopped , I was dragged back to the reality . Emily walked down the stage and went to a stall selling drinks .

I was bored because Mr Gray left me alone to meet new girls . It was really a good chance for him . I had got nowhere to go but back to Kathie's stall . Upon reaching there , I saw a kid came out of the stall , after creating a mess over there . Without any hesitation , I entered the stall to help Kathie to clean up her place . I picked up a yellowish paper and read through the words on it . It was someone proposing to her , 10 years ago . Looking at the sender's name , I was shocked to see the name Razy with his special signature .