How she met him (part-2)

Then one fine day Aera had called her and asked her to bring something for her to eat. She had been in the middle of her lunch in another part of town that time but Aera had sounded too tired and sad over the call.

Sighing in resignation Ye-Jin had grabbed some lunch for her friend and driven to her place.

The security knew her from her frequent visits so they let her in. Aera had told her to meet in the practice room on the fifth floor but reaching there she was promptly confused as to where to head next. She had been standing at the mouth of the corridor when

?? : are you lost?

Ye-Jin: (turning around) I t-think so-

She lost her train of thoughts when she saw that it was Ray who was asking her the question.

He was dressed as usual looking like a fresh ray of sunshine (can anyone describe a guy like this?? but Jin imagined it to be so) with variety of clothing blending to give a chic vibe. His hairs were dyed pink which were currently free from any type of styling and lay freely on his forehead.

The most eye-catching feature (apart from his deliciously good looks) were his always gentle eyes. People could simply not understand how a guy could have such piercing yet gentle eyes at the same time.

Ray: (peering at her) you are Aera's friend right?

Ye-Jin: (nodding) I am l-looking for her. She told me to come to the practice room on the fifth floor but-

Ray: (pointing to a room on the far right) It's that fourth door on the right from here.

Ye-Jin: (nodding) t-thank you.

Ray: (halting her progress) I didn't get your name-

Ye-Jin: (not turning around) It's Park Ye-Jin

Ray: Ye-Jin, nice name.

Ye-Jin: thank you.

And she had left him behind in the corridor walking briskly to the direction to which he had pointed, with her heart thundering in her ears.

If what Aera had said was true then she had been flushed to her toes. She had left the place soon enough not wanting to run into any more stars for the day.

The second time she had run into Ray was because Aera had some emergency. The girl had a hangover on a Monday morning. Ye-Jin had been expecting a summons that day because she had been dragged to the club by none other than Aera who wanted to have some quality time. Ye-Jin too was bored so she had agreed but despite her warnings, the girl drank too much.

When the phone call had come Ye-Jin had been unable to recognize the number. She had doubtfully answered it.

Ye-Jin: Hello?

?? : is this Miss Ye-Jin?

Ye-Jin: yes who is this?

?? : Its Ray, I called to ask you the address to Aera's house.

Ye-Jin: (worried) is everything alright?

Ray: She just fainted because of heat-stroke.

Ye-Jin: Oh my! She never listens. I am coming there.

Ray: as you see fit Miss Ye-Jin.

She had reached the place and looked around for a while not sure where Aera was that day when another familiar face had helped her. It was one of the younger trainee boy- who was going to the same place.

She had taken Aera to her place with Ray stubbornly accompanying them. It had then dawned on her that he was attracted to her friend.

She had been mum about it back then but now after almost 2 long months, today when Ray had called her during work asking her opinion on what Aera liked, her doubts had been confirmed. She had given him her honest opinion and wished him luck on his proposal.