Good night

Ye-Jin: you are thinking of adopting her.

It wasn't a question but a statement. He absently nodded at her.

Ye-Jin: Ray this isn't the first time I am seeing something like this so the feel of first time is gone but I know that you are quite shaken about it. Don't take hasty decisions because taking care of a baby is not an easy task. Do it only if you are absolutely sure.

Ray: (nodding) you are right about this being my first time. Maybe I am over-reacting.

Ye-Jin: (placing her warm palm on his fist) you will be fine.

Ray: so did you get to know something about the girl?

Ye-Jin: (taking a deep breath) yes. She had been reported kidnapped about a year and half ago. I was right about suspecting it to be a case of human-trafficking. Sooru did dig out a lot of information in short time.

Ray: (raising an eyebrow) was he too one of your saved kid?

Ye-Jin: (shaking her head) his parents used to work for my parents and they passed away when he was too young. Then my parents took him in. Also Jay tutored him. He wants to become a detective or something similar so he does these kinds of works whenever he is free. He is pretty good at it too.

She looked up from her finished plate only to see Ray staring at her with respect and his gentle plus warm dark chocolate orbs filled with admiration.

Ye-Jin: (cheeks flushing) is there something on my face?

Ray: (shaking his head with a smile) no you are amazing Park Ye-Jin.

Her mind went blank when she saw that crooked smile on his face. The room suddenly became warm and even she could imagine little flower petals gently falling all around them. She gave herself a mental shudder to free herself from all the weird spring-like thoughts.

Ye-Jin: so enough about this. Tell me about what happened to you yesterday.

Ray: (embarrassed) I was rejected. It hurt, it still does but not as much as before I think. Aera was a long-time friend to me but I had this attraction for her even before that so when she started to work at our company I hoped that our connection would turn to something much more. I had been harboring false hopes from a pretty long-time so it had to hurt when she said no. I had a few drinks and didn't know what to do with myself. Then my last call was with you so I did the first thing that came to my mind and I called you.

Ye-Jin: (nodding) it's nothing to be embarrassed about. I am just glad that I found you before some goons did.

Ray: (chuckling) I woke up this morning at Kai's house and got an earful from him for being so irresponsible like that but I was much more embarrassed that I troubled you and you had to see me in that state. After a lot of contemplation I had the nerve to come here and apologise to you personally. I am glad that I came.

Ye-Jin: (yawning) I was relieved when you offered to come with me. I still don't like going to that place alone.

Ray: (patting her head) alright I think you should sleep now. I will get going now.

He got up and tried to clean the mess but was stopped by Ye-Jin. She assured him that she would manage it and he should head back straight as it was pretty late.

Sometime later she stood on the porch with Ray pulling his car out. He then rolled down the window to bid her goodbye.

Ye-Jin: (nodding) the food was delicious thank you.

Ray: I am happy that you liked it. I was however going to be home alone tonight so I showed up. Ye-Jin-ah go sleep now. Good night.

Ye-Jin: (smiling) good night Ray.

On the way back home Ray suddenly couldn't help but think about his days when he just arrived to this country fleeing away from all the pressure and danger. The adventures he had tonight was somewhat comparable to the problems he faced back then as a nineteen year old kid in the completely unfamiliar capital.