
Ray ran out of the park looking around for the man who stole his belongings in broad daylight right from under his nose. For his aid, he only had the vague description given by the kind old man who he met at the park minutes ago.

He looked around the street where hundreds of people were passing by. All his previous enthusiasm evaporated looking at the sea of people.

How was he going to find the thief in this huge street let alone the big capital city?

He felt so weak and exhausted all of a sudden that his knees almost gave out. Feeling utterly defeated with no resources at his disposal he squatted down on the same spot. He was busy in his self-deprecating pity party when he felt a pat on his shoulders.

He looked up to only see a pretty young girl looking down at him in concern. He blinked up at her in surprise.

??: (kindly) Are you alright?

It took a lot of time for Ray to even process what she was saying to him. He could only stare at her foolishly. Under his scrutiny a faint blush crept up on the girl's face which somehow escaped his eyes.

She was passing by from there when she saw a young man squatting lifelessly beside the gate. He was so still that she doubted he was dead.

When she looked at him carefully she noticed that his clothes were quite expensive. She realised that he wasn't some thug or some other kind of lowlife. Still with caution she approached the 'dead' guy and tapped him on his shoulder.

She wasn't prepared to be assaulted by his excruciating good looks despite the depression emitting out from every pore of his body. Moreover, when he stared at her like that she couldn't help but feel self-conscious all of a sudden and as a result her cheeks heated up and her heart beat faster.

Ray: (confused) what did you ask me?

??: (breathing deeply) Are y-you alright? I thought you were hurt somewhere.

Ray: (shaking his head) no I am not hurt but someone stole all my belongings.

Ray was still a naive little guy who couldn't differentiate between people but the girls concern towards him seemed sincere so he decided to share his woes with her.

??: Oh! Come on, let's report it to the police then! They might find the culprit.

Ray: (regaining hope) yes! you're right! I almost forgot about it!

??: (smiling) yes right. So-

Whatever she was going to say was drowned by her phone's ringtone. She apologetically looked at the guy and answered the call. Her expression turned graver with time.

??: (hanging up) Sorry! I'll have to leave now! I won't be able to accompany you to the police.

Ray: (nodding) it's alright. Thank you for your help!

??: can you find the police station on your own?

Ray: ah- no!

The sweet girl gave him the directions and also some cash before she bid him goodbye. Ray felt overcome with emotions looking at the few notes in his hands. He suddenly felt like a nobody in the big world. With a heavy heart he went to lodge a complaint about his stolen goods.