Good looks

Ray only nodded once and Kai took it as a sign and he helped the wounded kid to fill his empty stomach up.

The little meal was enough for both guys who were roughly the same age- i.e., nineteen- to form a bond.

What kind of bond?

Only time would be able to tell (obviously they'll become great friends as we saw in book-1 and in the 2nd chapter).

Ray roughly shared his story with Kai leaving out certain details about his family. Kai too didn't pry much into it.

So ultimately he summed up that Ray was new in the city, he had run into plenty of crap worthy situation in just a single day- so it wasn't hard to decode that he'd die if left alone to his devices. Moreover, this 'new to city' guy simply exuded that 'I'M RICH' (with all capitals) kind of aura. So it definitely wasn't safe for him out in the world- not until he found a firm footing.

Kai: (thinking deeply) so I was thinking about your accommodation problem, that's definitely our first priority.

Ray: (nodding) I think so too-

Kai: (thinking more deeply) Can you sing or dance? Either is fine, you'll be able to learn the other.

Ray: (scratching his head) I think I can dance a bit-

Kai: (clapping his hands happily) then the first problem is settled to some extent.

Ray wasn't sure as to what Kai was getting at but he didn't like the overly excited twinkle in his eyes.

Kai rummaged through his bag without any further explanation and pulled out a- once again familiar-looking- poster of auditions. It was same as what Ray saw in the morning.

Ray: (with a dawning look) you want me to audition?

Kai: (nodding fiercely) I heard they are going to form a new idol group with all the fresh faces. You might even get in with just your good looks but then you'll become an actor so if you can dance and sing a little bit you'll be able to grab a place in the new idol group. And we can be together then.

Kai said all of that in a single breath and Ray couldn't hear most of it clearly but he got the general meaning. But either way what Kai suggested was a very good idea. If he somehow clinched a spot in the new group most of his current problems would be settled. In reply to Kai's long monologue, Ray only nodded once.

Sadly Ray at that moment forgot the most important thing that it would be easy for the people- whom he was escaping from- to find him if he went through with this idea. But let it be the story for the future.

Kai excitedly rubbed his palms together and went ahead with the further plan of action for the audition which was soon going to take place.

Well, the rest is history,

Ray got into the new idol group. As Kai had predicted it was majorly due to his good looks and somewhat rough dancing and singing skills.

Kai too managed to get on board with him. They were then paired up with three more members- Mui, Timo and Vic.

Timo was the eldest among them (one year older than Ray and Kai) and Vic was the youngest among the guys. This was how '5-Emperors' was formed along with an unbreakable and strong friendship between Ray and Kai.

With their hard work, dedication, skills and leadership of Kai, they became world stars in just five years after their debut.

Their popularity as a group was pretty impactful but their individual careers in various fields (which we'll explore soon in the future) also soon found success.

Kai was renowned as a musical genius, Timo also explored the field of acting, Mui and Vic both invested in various other kinds of industries whereas Ray- the main vocalist (surprisingly he picked up the skills of an idol easily and he would've become the visual too but sadly Timo beat him to it) stole the hearts of ladies of the world with his eyes alone.

With all these memories from the past filling up his mind Ray made it to his home safely that night.

But he still to this day couldn't forget that sweet girl who had shown him kindness that day.