
Ye-Jin: I have been his fan for a long time mum. I do like him as a fan but I don't think I still have any strong feelings for him in that aspect. Also, I just want to cherish the friendship I have with him for now. If something has to happen then it will eventually happen, right? So I am just living in the moment.

Her mother nodded at her daughter's wise choice and honest answer. She was now even more proud of her little girl. She only wished that her girl wouldn't be left lonely.

So-Jin: so when do you plan to return home Jin?

Ye-Jin: I have been thinking about it mum. It kind of gets lonely here sometimes and I do feel homesick. I miss you guys too. I will come back pretty soon. Maybe after my trip to London, I will move back.

So-Jin: (clapping happily) finally. The house doesn't seem complete without you in it. Your dad is always complaining about the house being silent.

That evening Ye-Jin was sitting on her back-porch reading her favourite book of fantasies- Alice in Wonderland. She sometimes wondered if wonderland was an actual place and Lewis Carol had seen it with his very own eyes.

She was currently at the part where Alice drinks the potion kept in the Rabbit's house out of curiosity and grows in size so much that all the wonderlanders assume her to be the beast.

She was so enamoured by the plot that she missed the knock on her front door. It happened a few times until finally, the person who had come to visit her gave up.

Instead, the person who was knocking earlier walked all the way around and found her sitting on the porch lost in some stupid book.

?? : (annoyed to the extreme) have you gone deaf?

Ye-Jin: (startled) hmm?!

Ye-Jin saw that it was Aera who was glaring down at her. She looked exactly like a model out from the pages of those extravagant fashion magazines.

Ye-Jin: (sheepishly) Sorry, (pointing at her book) I didn't hear you.

Aera: (frowning in distaste) that book again?

Ye-Jin: (shrugging) you know that I like it.

Aera: (glaring) why aren't you answering my calls or even my texts? I've been trying to reach you from yesterday but it's like you had vanished completely from the face of the earth!!

Ye-Jin: (sheepishly) I was busy Aera. Sorry again.

Aera: (sitting beside her on the porch) I have been dying to tell you something from two days and you don't even show even an ounce of care for me. All you do is after ignoring me is tell me that you were busy. (pouting cutely) I am hurt and angry.

Ye-Jin: (feeling lost) I said sorry, so what did you want to tell me?

Aera: (cheering up) you remember that I had gone out with Ray the other night right?

Ye-Jin: (nodding and pretending to be interested) two days ago.

Aera: now it feels like long back but yes. So he asked me if I'd like to date him.

Ye-Jin: (widening her eyes in surprise) oh! That's awesome! What did you say?

Aera: (obviously loving the attention and examining her nails) I said no.

Ye-Jin: (pouting) why would you do that?

Aera: he is cute but not my type exactly. Moreover, yesterday Ray asked me out what if tomorrow someone more handsome asks me out?!

Ye-Jin: but he seemed sweet-

Sadly Ye-Jin's words pitifully drowned in Aera's vanity.