
Ye-Jin spent two more hours with her sister before coming out and she was slightly relieved when she saw Aera sitting on one of the couches near the reception area.

The look on her face said it all. If not for her thick skin she would've already cried but the situation now wasn't any better. She looked like a living time bomb which would detonate any moment by even slightest of provocations.

Taking a deep breath and readying her ammunition's Ye-Jin walked towards Aera.

Ye-Jin: (slowly) let's go.

Aera didn't say a word. She quietly stood up and followed her out of the building.

The short walk out of the building was excruciating for Ye-Jin. She felt like she was walking through a dense field filled with thorns. All the way Aera didn't utter a single word. The storm in Ye-Jin's heart was picking up speed and her unease increased tenfold. She didn't wish to have any negativity between them because of some misunderstandings.

It was really a misunderstanding that everyone from her family seemed to have about her and Ray. They were all far from the truth.

Ray and she were only friends and 'good friends' if one exaggerated. There was nothing going on between them and she wasn't even sure as to what she felt for him. Still, everyone kept mentioning that they were a couple.

In these three months of their friendship, they had never made any public appearance. Moreover, Ray had not once let her meet his members despite her pestering him. She was annoyed at him for that particular incident.

He had visited her at her school with the pretense of 'adoption' a month ago. She was surprised and was glad that he thought a lot for the little baby girl they had saved together. But he later revealed his true intentions that he was alone and was only using her his 'eating partner'. She didn't know if she should laugh, cry or smack him hard on the head.

That day she was in a good mood so she decided against bickering with him and allowed him to treat her to lunch. Mid-way through the lunch he pulled out a stack of papers and place them in front of her.

Ye-Jin: (confused) what are these?

Ray: (avoiding her eyes) um... you'll know when you look.

Ye-Jin stopped eating and eagerly looked through the pile he had given her. She was bewildered by what she saw.

Ye-Jin: (vein-popping) Ray?

Ray: (clearing his throat) yes?

Ye-Jin: (gritting her teeth) why did you bring me these autographs of your members?

Ray: (innocently) you told me that you wanted them.

Ye-Jin: no I didn't. I told you that I'd love to meet them and get their autographs 'personally.'

Ray: (feigning surprise) oh! I see.

Ye-Jin: (glowering) and you clearly promised me that you'd help me.

She was one hundred percent sure that she asked Ray a week to take her to meet them when they were relatively free so that she could get their autographs. It was a dream of every fan and she wasn't any better.

Ray: that's why I brought this pile today.

Ye-Jin: (upset) you are unbelievable You could've just told me that you won't help me meet them! Why did you do this Ray?