
While Ye-Jin was having a falling out with her best friend Aera, Ray was in another part of the city with his members preparing to attend a meeting about a commercial they were all going to shoot.

The commercial this time was about a new sedan which was going to be released to the market the next month. The company was prosperous and so wanted the most popular faces of the country to be their brand ambassadors. The initial phases of the contracts were to be discussed in the meeting they were going to attend in fifteen minutes

They were about to enter the room when his phone rang and he politely excused himself from the rest of the group to take the call.

Truth be told he was actually really surprised when he saw the caller ID.

Ye-Jin knew that he was going to be busy the whole day and knowing her so far he could safely say that she wasn't the type to impose herself on others mindlessly. Moreover, she simply tended to leave text messages for him to read later. So he could easily assume that there was some kind of emergency for her to take the initiative to call him personally.

Ray: Ye-Jin what's up?


Ray: (frowning) Ye-Jin? Hello?


Ray looked back at the screen confused when he didn't get any reply from the caller. He saw that the call was connected. He tried once again

Ray: Hello?

This time he was fortunate enough to hear a sharp intake of breath.

Ray: (frowning) Sweetie are you ok?

Ye-Jin: hm.. sorry Ray, I called you by mistake.

He frowned at her response. Her voice sounded hoarse like she had caught a cold.

Ray: sweetie what's the matter?

Ye-Jin: (sniffing) n-nothing, I was trying to call big sis b-but I accidentally dialed your number.

Ray: (relaxing) it's alright sweetie, I'll drop by later and bring your favorite for you. I'll have to go now ok?

Ye-Jin: y-yeah sure.

He ended the call with a light heart because he thought that all was well with his friend but he didn't know that Ye-Jin was feeling horrible due to the fact that she and Aera had a falling out of sorts.

It was when he reached her house later that night did he find that it was locked and she wasn't responding to any calls or texts.

He felt the earlier unease creep up his spine when he couldn't find her. He didn't waste another moment in tracking her location through GPS.