
Ye-Jin woke up the following afternoon feeling like absolute crap. She had all the usual hangover symptoms like splitting headache, nausea, fatigue, weakness, dizziness- the whole package. She regretted her decision to drown her sorrows in alcohol the previous night.

Given her situation from the past few months, she had been sitting on pins and needles trying to balance between both Ray and Aera she desperately needed some kind of outlet. But now she felt as if she had lost more than she had gained. The pain was still there and the truth remained the same but all that changed was that she had added another problem to her list- hangover.

With difficulty, she sat up and looked around trying to familiarise herself with her surroundings. To her horror, she didn't remember what happened after she had passed out (well obviously, that's what passing out does to people). The realization somewhat cleared up her thought process and she was a little comforted by the fact that she was in fact in her own bed, in her house.

Before she could process the how's of the whole ordeal her stomach revolted and she literally had to crawl over to the bathroom to empty out the contents of her stomach. She was enlightened with the fact that she was never going to have a great relationship with alcohol in her life.

After throwing up, Ye-Jin took a hot shower- she had to! Cuz the smell of alcohol, sweat, and vomit was not such a great combination plus her sore muscles and joints could really use the bath to relax.

Later Ye-Jin walked out of her bedroom still wrapped in a towel and made a beeline or the fridge to get some water she was surprised to find a hot bowl of some soup sitting on her kitchen counter and alongside it was a note.

Filled with apprehension Ye-Jin picked up the note only to turn red- in embarrassment, happiness or shame, she didn't know- after reading it's content. It was left there by Ray and it clearly depicted how upset he was cuz of her irresponsible behavior.


I got you some hangover soup, finish it all and I hope you're aware of what you've done last night and how careless your behavior was.


The note didn't have many words and it showed how upset he was with her actions. Thus, it was no longer a riddle as to how Ye-Jin got back home. But it also showed that there was clearly some confrontation coming her way soon which she could gladly do without.


Meanwhile, Ray reached the location of their shoot. The contract had gone through and the company wanted to hurry the shoot due to the time constraints on them.

He was at first greeted by Mui at the entrance to the set.

Mui: (looking relieved) bro! glad you made it!

Ray: (nodding) have you all been waiting long?

Mui: (shaking his head) no, we arrived just minutes before you. Our manager was worried sick last night when he couldn't find you.

Ray: (chuckling) I did inform you lot that I was hung up with some work.

Mui: (lowered voice) were you with some girl?

Ray: (startled) what-

Before he could complete his sentence he was cut short by their youngest member.

Vic: (sniffing) bro why do you smell like a woman?

Ray could do nothing but sigh in resignation. In the morning when he left he didn't have enough time to head back to their dorm and take a shower so he had taken the liberty to wash up at Ye-Jin's place with no other feasible choice. Thus, he did smell like fruits.

Ray: (waving them off) I'll tell you guys later. Let's wrap this thing up first.