Wang entertainment

Ye-Jin took a long time to respond to Ray's question.

Actually, she didn't even hear what he asked her. It was only when he tapped her on the shoulder to gain her attention that her soul got back in her body. She was shocked senseless looking at Ray's agency standing in front of her in an imposing manner that chills ran down her spine.

Ye-Jin: (stuttering) b-but-

Ry: (chuckling) yes we are going to meet my members.

This information almost had ye-Jin go into a panic attack. He didn't relent to her when she kept on pestering him to let her meet the guys. He always kept evading her request with one or other shitty reason. Now he just went and dropped this huge bomb on her when she had given up all hopes and most importantly she wasn't ready!

She dint think twice but just hit him hard on the shoulder.

Ray: (wincing) ow! that hurt!

Ye-Jin: (coldly) you aren't supposed to complain! You should've told me before. I would've come looking more presentable.

Ray: (pouting) you don't like my surprise?

Ye-Jin: (closing her eyes) don't pull a cute trick on me, Ray! I am not falling for it. I'll hit you more if you irritate me more.

Ray: (sighing) ok I am sorry. I just wanted to see you happy that's all.

That was all it took for the storm brewing inside Ye-Jin's mind to vanish completely. She was so touched that she almost cried in front of her. She held it in thinking about her already messed up appearance due to messed up sleep patterns. She was feeling a little regret but more than anything she was feeling excited and looking forward to what was coming next. She didn't wait for him and directly got down the car.

Ray was feeling helpless around her due to her oscillating mood. Just a moment ago she was angry and hit him but now she forgot about him and was already thinking of ditching him. He gave up on understanding women even before trying. He knew he would definitely fail even if he tried.

In no time both of them walked into the large entertainment company- 'Wang'. Who would have believed that merely four years ago this company was run in a little basement unknown to the world? It was all thanks to the earth-shattering popularity and growth of the five guys whom they recruited back then through auditions based on a variety of skills helped them shoot up in the circle to become an entertainment giant. Nowadays the scenario was such that every new face wished to join this company and it was a sure thing that in no time their artists would become huge stars.

Ye-Jin was a curious little cat in this building. Although she had visited this place a number of times for her friend Aera she wasn't this nervous. She timidly followed Ray like an obedient pet chanting in her mind to stay calm and not make a fool out of herself.