
Years later when someone asked Ray, "what did he say to his wife when she suddenly changed her careers from an ordinary school teacher to the chairman of Park empire?"

His reply unexpectedly was,

"I never said or asked her anything. She's never given me any reason to worry about huge matters. Be it then or now, when she decides to do something then she has thought things thoroughly."

The same person asked once again, "so you mean she thought a lot before marrying you?"

Ray laughed out loud before answering, "you can say that."


The three months of separation between them went by in a blink for others but for Ray and Ye-Jin it wasn't the case. The time passed slowly for them.

Ye-Jin busied herself in her work while Ray took over a solo project. In order to not make things miserable for themselves they tired their minds out everyday.

Whenever they got the chance to contact each other, it went along the following lines

Ray: (yawning) how are you?

Ye-Jin: (blinking her eyes) I am doing great, today-

And fifteen minutes later Ray was asleep while on a call.

Another time,

Ye-Jin: (cheerful) How was your day?

Ray: (clearing his throat) I was busy recording today.

Ye-Jin: (frowning) does your throat hurt?

Ray: (nodding) a little. It'll be fine by tomorrow. Liu Bo sent me the medicines.

Ye-Jin: (furrowing her brows) Liu Bo?

Ray: yeah, she's one of our dancers-

Ye-Jin: Ray, I have something to do I'll get back to you later.

And the call ended. Here, Ray knew he messed up. Her expression at the end wasn't great. She seemed pale somehow.

Somewhere after two months the conversations took a turn

Ray: I was thinking of coming there for attending a concert.

Ye-Jin: (excited) that's a great idea!

Ray: yes it is, that way I could meet you.

Ye-Jin: when are you coming? I'll clear up my schedule then.

Ray: I am thinking, maybe next weekend?

Ye-Jin: (happily) let me see.

Ray: (smiling) Liu Bo just texted me. She wants to join me. I think it'll be a good idea-

Ye-Jin's expression changed from excited to anger. She tried to but couldn't conceal her feelings from Ray who was sensitive towards her emotions.

Ray: (cautious) what happened?

Ye-Jin: (dry smile) I don't think I'll be free that weekend. There's this important meeting lined up, sorry-

Ray: are you avoiding me?

Ye-Jin: (blinking rapidly) n-no, why w-would you think that?

Ray: (shrugging) I think I upset you somehow. But I really don't know how. Ye-Jin, I am not a mind reader. I can understand a few things even if you don't tell me but for some I need you to tell me.

Ye-Jin: (sighing) I don't know why I just feel upset whenever you bring up Liu Bo. (Pained) I just- I don't feel good.

Ray: (stunned) ... oh!?

Ye-Jin: I'll call you later. I'm sorry.

She didn't wait for him to react before ending the call. Ray, on the other hand, was smiling goofily at his phone.

The weekend, Ray went alone to visit Ye-Jin, under the guise of attending a show. He showed up an hour early to Greenwich park- a location they had agreed upon earlier.

Ye-Jin showed up on time and when her eyes spotted Ray, sitting calmly on one of the benches, playing with his phone- it was as if she had reached her home. Sadly the other party was oblivious to her affection.

They spent the whole day together in each other's company. When the time came for them to part ways she was reluctant to do so.

Standing in front of her hotel doors, Ye-Jin didn't let go of Ray's hand. She had been holding it the whole day and he didn't seem to mind.

Ray: you'll come back home in another two weeks right?

Ye-Jin: (earnestly) mhmm- my job here is almost done.

Ray: (grinning) I had fun today.

Ye-Jin: (rolling her eyes) we spent most of our time just strolling around the park. What was the fun in that?

Ray: (softly) I was with you.

Ye-Jin: (hiding her flushed face) don't have to board a flight or something?

Ray: (scratching his head) I have to. I would've stayed for another day if not for that shoot tomorrow.

Ye-Jin: (nodding) then let's go, I'll drop you off- Ray: (shaking his head) you're exhausted- don't deny it. I am not blind.

Ye-Jin: (shoulders dropping) but I want to-

Ray: (patting her head) next time, I will not stop you. Sweetie, go and get some rest. I'll text you later ok?

Ye-Jin: (reluctantly) hmm-

Chuckling at her cute little pout, Ray closed the distance between them. Gently holding her shoulders, he bent down and left a peck on her forehead.

Ye-Jin: (stunned) Ray?!

Ray: (embracing her) I'll be waiting for you to return sweetie.

Ye-Jin's heart went erratic. Was he flirting with her? Did he feel the same for her? Why was this man not direct with his words?


Thus, the three months passed like a game of cat and mouse. Most of the times Ye-Jin was the cat, chasing Ray, the mouse.

It was finally the time for Ye-Jin to return home.

Ye-Jin walked out of the airport, dressed in all whites. She was about to hire a taxi to reach her home but her eyes fell on a figure walking towards her, dressed in all black, head hanging down- as if afraid of being discovered. The same figure looked up for a second and their eyes met. Ye-Jin grew excited, it was Ray who had been waiting there for her. Her steps gained a new strength and she ran up to him before jumping to hug him.

Ray: (chuckling) how have you been sweetie?

Ye-Jin: (smiling widely) I didn't know you were coming. Why didn't you tell me?

Ray: I wouldn't have gotten to see this happiness if I had told you before. Come on let's get going. Everyone has been waiting for you.

Once again, she felt her heart stop. It had been a month now and Ray was becoming more adept with his flirty words. They left her happy and confused at the same time. Tossing the messy thoughts to the back of her mind, she almost skipped after him in excitement.

Sure enough Ray drew her to her parent's home where they were throwing a small welcome home party for her. The group consisted of her family, Sooru, Ray and all of his members. In the past months the guys had grown pretty close to Ye-Jin and her family.

Their jaws had fallen to the floor when Ray princess carried her into the house.

Ye-Jin twisted her ankle before she got into the car at the airport. Thanks to her excitement, she had forgotten that she was wearing heels. Hence, she couldn't walk- according to the 'mother hen Ray'. With no other choice, he had scooped her up in his arms.

While Ray didn't let any of the emotions show on his face, Ye-Jin was beet red. She was embarrassed, shy and extremely happy at the same time.

After the doctor had taken a look and patched her up good, Ray got an earful from her for that stunt. In reality, it wasn't that bad how Ray made it to be. She was capable of functioning but in his worry he hadn't listened to her. Kai and others had laughed and once again commented on his 'mother hen' tendencies.

Ray: (who was both teased and scolded) ...

Hu-ye: (who had mixed emotions for Ray) ...