
Ye-jin felt angry at the attitude of this little woman. She could definitely not afford to lose to her love rival. How would she face Ray at this rate? Moreover, how was she going to win over the guy himself at this rate? She was a confident young woman who gained a fearsome reputation in the world of business in mere months. If word got out that she let a little child bully her then she'd definitely lose her face.

Ye-jin: (sourly) how can I help you?

Liu Bo was startled to hear the slight chill in Ye-Jin's voice. According to the reports this woman was supposed to be a weak white lotus who only knew how to be gentle, elegant and pitiful. Now she was bearing her fangs, it took the protective little sister by surprise.

Bo: (surprised) what are you trying to do?

Ye-Jin: (confused) what do you mean?

Aera: (scoffing) since when are you hopping around Ray? What are your intentions? Let me warn you-

Ye-Jin's face grew darker by the moment. How dare this little girl put her nose in other's business?

Ye-Jin: (glaring daggers) Who are you to ask me that? Do I know you? Don't you think you're invading other's privacy?

Bo: (glowering with equal ferocity) You! It is my business! Who do you think you are to keep Ray tied to you?! When it comes to Ray, there is nothing like privacy between us!

Ye-Jin lost the shred of patience holding her when she heard Liu Bo's ambiguous words. Before she could slap her, Ye-Jin clenched her fists and briskly walked away from the obnoxious little girl who was equally seething in rage. Liu Bo was also at her limit but she couldn't harm Ye-Jin for time being- curse her brother for being blinded by that woman!

Liu Bo smirked coldly when she thought of how Ye-Jin was going to meet Ray later in his studio. She was going to spoil their mock date and in the process reveal Ye-Jin's true face in front of his brother.

Ye-Jin didn't feel her previous mood coming back anytime soon. She gave up the thought of seeing Aera as the girl would unnecessarily blow her top if she saw her upset.


Ye-Jin went to look for Timo. The cold in her voice and stare wasn't a joke. The girl whom she didn't even no certainly hated her. Ye-Jin wasn't the one to back down either. She was going to speak with Ray and ask him directly about what was going on.

If that little girl was indeed his girl then she won't disturb the pair, if not then she wasn't going to sit back at any cost. If the little girl was now jealous and wanted him for herself then sorry Ye-Jin wouldn't be the one to step down.

After her little time spent with the eldest of the group Ye-Jin felt a lot better. Her steps felt lighter as she took each one of them towards Ray's recording room.

Smiling she opened the door only to meet glaring eyes of Ray. They were burning with anger. Ye-Jin felt puzzled by the sudden hostility in the man's eyes. She followed his line of sight and to her horror she saw Liu Bo sitting their smirking victoriously at her.

Bo: (in a mocking tone) oh there she is! Ye-Jin where did you go after inviting me here?

The expression on Ray's face turned instantly from rage to hurt and confusion. He clearly remembered Ye-Jin telling him that she felt uncomfortable about Liu Bo- although he didn't know the reason- then why didn't she ever tell him that Ye-Jin had somehow befriended his sister. Moreover, what was supposed to be a surprise for her was now invaded by this annoying third wheel. He felt that his hurt was justified.

He only looked back and forth between Liu Bo and his friend. He was expectantly and patiently waiting for a proper explaination from either of them.

Ye-Jin, on the other hand, only stared at him for a while still standing in the doorway feeling betrayed and hurt once again. An inexplicable pain rose in her chest. Subconsciously she place a hand on her hurting chest. Her expression crumbled. She took a step back and slammed the door hard behind her in absolute anger at Liu Bo and Ray for ruining what was supposed to be a precious moment.

The door slammed in the face of both the siblings. The pair was left stunned. Ray knew he somehow upset Ye-Jin but he wasn't sure how. Liu Bo was expecting a scene but got zero in return. He flawless plan of creating misunderstandings between this couple was washed down the drain just like that.

Outside the door, Ye-Jin blinked her burning eyes several times, took a deep breath and started to walk away from the place back to her work so as to gather her thoughts and think logically. She had barely taken 20 steps when she was dragged into another room in the hallway from behind. She was about to scream in terror when another hand clamped her mouth shut.

Ray: (whispering) shhh… it's me.

Seeing his face adored with the littlest of frowns she lost her thread of control. She felt weak into his arms as one by one tears started to escape her eyes. She quietly leaned her head on his chest and he put his arms around her mumbling soothing things and caressing her hairs.

Ye-Jin: (mumbling into his shirt) I didn't invite her Ray, I d-don't even k-know who she is!!

Ray was scared by her tears. He felt a burning fire in his chest looking at her tears. He didn't like her crying for a bit. He felt like a headless chicken, not quite able to understand what was actually going on. Why was Ye-Jin suddenly crying? Was it Liu Bo who did something? But Ye-Jin wasn't the type to be bullied? What was he missing?

Ray: (still caressing her hairs) it's ok sweetie. It's fine now.

Ye-Jin: (wiping her tears) I think I should go now.

Ray: (Pitifully) do you have to?

Ye-Jin: (hanging her head) huh?

Ray: (shaking his head) n-nothing.

Ye-Jin: (looking at him) do I look ok? Crying is really not my thing.

Ray: (staring at her face) you are pretty always.

Ye-Jin: (smiling) I will leave now.

She was about to unlock the door and go out when she felt the same tug one more time. Ray had once again grabbed her from her wrist and now staring at her face intently.

Ye-Jin: (looking puzzled) what happened?

Ray: ( at loss for words) I...

Ye-Jin stared at him patiently waiting for him to finish his sentence. She thought it would be today that would be different. She could see a battle raging in his eyes. She was already celebrating in her mind and dancing around when he said the most absurd thing he could think of.

Ray: I am hungry.

Ye-Jin: (trying her best to hide her disbelief) h-hungry?!

She wanted nothing more but to smack him hard on his head right then and there in that moment. Instead she settled for her infamous glare. Ray couldn't understand her anger so he simply let go of her wrist. She chuckled once humourlessly and looked him in the eye.

Ye-Jin: you really are an idiot!

Ray: w-what?

Ye-Jin: nothing. Good-bye Ray.