
It was a fortnight later when Ray was visited by Vic. He looked pretty upset and angry about something. Ray looked up from his computer surprised at his arrival.

Ray: what is the matter? You came without informing.

Vic: (scowling) bro why aren't you confessing to Ye-jin already? Your rotten mood every day is affecting everyone and rubbing people the wrong way.

Ray: (shocked) what are you talking about?

Vic: (sighing) Everyone can see that you've fallen for her. Then what are you waiting for?

Ray: (raising an eyebrow) Bo told you guys?

Vic: (defeated) how did you know?

Ray: (smirking) she was the only person who knew.

Vic: (grinning widely) then it's really true? We didn't really believe her in the beginning. I am so happy for you!

Vic couldn't hold back his excitement any longer. He jumped on Ray to give him a hug.

Ray: (happily) alright, alright. So, why did you really come here for?

Vic: We were all wondering why you hadn't made a move yet. I lost the bet and had to come ask you.

Ray could only roll his eyes. He had expected something like this happening soon.

Vic: (questioning) So?

Ray: (sighing) Ye-jin is dating someone. I can't possibly make a move on her like this-

Vic wasn't shocked to hear Ye-jin was dating someone.

Vic: what is stopping you? Even if she is dating, nothing is finalised.

Ray: (pinching between his brows) Vic, it won't be good for either of us. She's with this other guy and-

Vic: I know you might be feeling awful. I am no dating expert bro but believe these feelings shouldn't be kept in. If you ask me or any other guys, we'd tell you to go for it. You've waited long enough.

Ray: (chuckling) that way I'll ruin the friendship between us and also make her hate me in addition to getting rejected.

Vic: (scoffing) bro, that won't happen, believe me. Why don't you call her right now and ask her to meet you?

Ray: (reluctant) she's angry with me, I don't know why. She's ignoring me.

Vic: (exasperated) do you guys ever talk through things properly?

Ray: (shrugging) most of the times it is not necessary between us. Sometimes no.

Vic: (meaningful) that's cool but now is the time for you guys to talk.

Ray: (warning) ok, I'll do as you say for this once but if things go down the drain then you're dead meat!

Vic: (nodding) ok ok, call her already!

Ray didn't reply and dialled Ye-jin's number with his sweating palms. He was nervous and excited at the same time. It was exactly like when he was standing as an artist in front of people during their first live show. He was waiting for voicemail this time too but luckily Ye-jin picked up his call.

Ye-jin: hello-

Ray: (at loss for words) um...

Vic was sensible enough and left the room to give his brother a little privacy.

The air in the room turned thick with anticipation. Ray couldn't sit still and stood up to walk to the window in his room. They didn't speak, both were waiting for the other person to break the silence.

Ray felt that the whole situation was quite ridiculous, considering how close they were with each other a fortnight ago- before the realisation had hit him. Ye-Jin, on the other hand, was finding it hard to keep her feelings in check around him.

Having enough of it Ray decided to break the silence.

Ray: (clearing his throat) are you free tonight?

Ye-Jin: (frowning at his choice of words) free for?

Ray: I was hoping, maybe- we could g-go for d-dinner?

The sentence alone took a lot of courage on his part.

Ye-jin: um... about that-

Ye-Jin was currently with So-ah. And the elder Park sister was monitoring the phone call- the reason on her part was to keep an eye out for her baby sister. Truth be told, the would- be mother was bored to death doing nothing much the whole day.

So-ah: (mouthing) tell him that you've got a date with Tae-hee.

Ye-Jin: (hesitating) I, I've actually got a date with Tae-hee tonight.

So-ah gave a thumbs up to her sister.

Ray felt an acute pain in his chest. Subconsciously he placed a hand on his chest in hopes of minimising the hurt. But he still had to reply.

Ray: (swallowing his pride) so how is Tae-hee?

Ye-Jin immediately caught the barely concealed hurt in his voice. She lost her cool demeanor and her head filled with all kinds of thoughts. As a result, she forgot to pretend.

Ye-Jin: who?

So-ah almost kicked her sister in the shin for her lapse but luckily Ray didn't think much about her slip up.

Ray: (confused) your boy friend-

Ye-Jin: (feeling stupid at her momentary lapse) oh! He i-is f-fine.

Ray: (suspicious) Ye-Jin, what are you not telling me?

Ye-Jin: (averting her eyes from So-ah) w-what?

Ray: (catching up with her lie) there is no one named Tae-hee right?

His question seemed more like a statement to her ears. She cursed herself for not being careful around him but she had to now make up for her fault and cover it up before he grew more suspicious about her lie.

Ye-Jin: (plastering a smile on her face- although he couldn't see it) only you can think of such a thing Ray. I had a date planned with Tae-hee this evening- (faltering) which I already told you about. (excited) Come to think of it, you guys haven't met yet right-

So-ah was glaring daggers at her sisters lack of skills in this particular field. How was she going to win her man over if she was this clumsy? She couldn't keep her calm for a moment around him and stupidly proposed for her non-existent boyfriend meet her love interest.

Ye-Jin mouthed a quick sorry to her sister as an answer for her death glares.

Ray: (not liking the turn of events in the slightest) what are you hinting at?

Ye-Jin: (continuing the ruse) come to dinner with us. I want you to meet him this evening.

Ray: (still suspicious) o-ok I t-think it'd be great!

Ye-Jin: (biting her lower lip) I'll get going then, I'll text you the location and time later.

She was about to end the call when

Ray: Ye-Jin-

Ye-Jin: (feeling hopeful) y-yes?

Ray: w-why him?

Ye-Jin was surprised by the turn of the topic, her feelings clearly reflecting on her face. So-ah wasn't also an exception. She gave a huge thumbs up to her little sister. This could be considered as a win. But the war was a long one. (sigh)

Ray: (before she could reply) forget it, I'll meet you guys tonight.

and he reluctantly hung up.

Vic: So?

Ray: (lying heavily on the nearby couch) I got myself to be the third wheel on her date tonight.

Vic: then why don't you bring a date yourself?

Ray: (tiredly) get out Vic, before I skin you alive.

Vic didn't wait around and escaped before the threat could become reality. Also, he had to inform his other members of his useful findings.