
The trio sitting at the table still bickering and several others in the restaurant had heard the sounds of a struggle coming in their direction from the hallway leading to the restrooms. People started wondering and moving towards the commotion. It was human nature to be curious.

Ray: (frowning) did you hear that sound? What are people gathering over there for?

Tara: (nodding) seems like something is happening.

Ray: why isn't Ye-Jin back yet?

That fully got the trio's attention. They too got up and moved along with the general public in the direction from where the sounds were coming.


Back in the hallway, Ye-Jin took a moment to gather her thoughts. A person was trying to have his way with her and that was when her defence mechanism kicked in- prodding her to act fast.

She relaxed a little and the attacker took it as a sign of her surrendering. He had absolute confidence in himself when it came to subduing his prey thus, he made the terrible decision of letting go of her hands to explore more of her body.

This was the opportunity Ye-Jin was waiting for. Without wasting time, she punched him with her free hand and pushed him away before kicking him hard in the balls.

By the time she was finished, people had gathered around looking surprised, shocked and some were even enjoying the whole scene whereas some were recording the whole thing.

Luckily enough she was saved from further harassment when her companions had come around alarmed by the ruckus.

Ray took one single look at her appearance and wounded lips before making a bee-line for her. He was met by her halfway almost out of her wits and ideas.

She threw her arms around him and he too returned the gesture before caressing her hairs and whispering encouraging and calming words in her ears.

Ye-Jin's rush of adrenaline rush faded in Ray's arms and the former fear caught up with her. She was after all a human being. Some unexpected situations had the capability of leaving her scared. Also, when the person she loved was standing in front of her, eyes filled with fury and worry at the same time- she allowed herself a small moment of weakness.

Not long before she had felt a little better, Ray pushed her away from himself and handed her to a shocked and angry-faced Tara.

Ye-Jin wanted to cry at the loss of contact but she didn't have time to react as Ray had lunged himself at her molester.

It was given since when had any hot-blooded male stood aside quietly doing nothing when his woman was violated?

Ye-Jin was horrified by the scene would be an understatement. Lucky for them the hotel staff and guards had arrived in time, separating both men from their brawl.

Ray freed himself from the grip of guards separating him from the man. He took few deep breaths and tried to fix his messed up appearance before coming back to his group who were all looking at him with varied expressions of admiration, disbelief and disapproval.

He pulled Ye-Jin back in his embrace before checking her for injuries. His inspection was cut short when Tae-hee placed an arm on his shoulder.

Tae-hee: take her home, Ray. I'll handle it here.

Ray: thank you Tae-hee, Tara I'll drop you back, come on.

Saying nothing more he draped his jacket over Ye-Jin's shoulder and escorted her to his car carefully putting an arm around her shoulders with Tara following them closely behind.


What was supposed to be a good evening filled with two people oblivious to each other's feelings trying to make the other person miserable had turned into a hideous accident.

Tara sat in the back seat while Ye-Jin took the shotgun. Ray was busy driving the car. None of them spoke. Each lost in their thoughts. The ladies didn't dare speak as they could clearly see the red flush on the man's cheeks and ears. He was beyond angry and stewing quietly.

Tara was brave enough to voice out her thoughts quietly to the couple sitting in the front.

Tara: (frowning) isn't it weird? The restaurant isn't such a casual place where these kinds of incidents happen-

Her words were cut short when she saw the disapproving look Ray was throwing her way through the middle rearview mirror. He was about to retort something to admonish her but was beaten to it by Ye-Jin.

Ye-Jin: (nodding) yes exactly. I was wondering the same thing.

Tara: (confidently) why would someone want to create a commotion when trying to take advantage of someone? It feels deliberate!

Ray suddenly applied the brakes. The girls were caught unaware and thrown almost to the front.

Listening to the girls speak he was livid. He too understood the logic behind their words. It was clear someone had orchestrated the whole ploy to defame Ye-Jin or worse ruin her.

Ye-Jin: (surprised) Ray! What are you doing?

Ray: I'll beat the shit out of that bastard!

This was an emergency. The ladies quickly tried to think of a way to calm him. They absolutely couldn't allow Ray to resort to violence. Finally, Ye-Jin was the one who came up with a brilliant idea.

Ye-Jin: (almost crying) Ray, I am scared! Please take care of me-

Tara gave silent thumbs up to Ye-Jin in her heart. The guy was over-protective of her. He had mother hen tendencies when it came to his woman.

The man who was about to turn the car around in a fit of anger was suddenly placated. He was reminded that his immediate priority was not beating some scum but making sure Ye-Jin was fine. He didn't speak but reigned in his temper and dropped Tara off before taking Ye-Jin to his home shared with Liu Bo.

Ye-Jin: (curious) where is this?

Ray: (clearing his throat) I bought this place a few months ago.

She didn't speak further and quietly followed him into the house. Ray helped her to take off her shoes and replace them with comfy ones. She was touched would be an understatement. Just months ago she was a random fan and he was an unreachable star. But now their situation was different.

Ye-Jin didn't know what to say. She quietly watched as Ray fussed over her. He left her alone in the living room and disappeared into the kitchen. After some time, he returned with a glass of hot milk.

Ye-Jin: (chuckling) I am not a child Ray.

Ray: (relaxing) drink up.

Ye-Jin didn't reject his kind intentions. She obediently gulped down the warm milk. To her surprise, the warm fluid helped her relax.

Ray: (pleased) how are you feeling?

His question was almost inaudible. He was afraid of hearing something unpleasant and he was afraid of flying off the handle again.

Ye-Jin: (holding his hands) see I am not shivering. I am perfectly fine.

Ray: (frowning) how can you be this calm? What you went through tonight isn't a pleasant experience.

Ye-Jin: (sighing)) indeed it wasn't. I guess I am trying to be calm and not break down.

Ray was overwhelmed with her response. Without any warning, he pulled her into his arms, not willing to let go.

She didn't want to others around her to worry and wanted to deal with this matter alone, she was ready to suffer quietly. Thankfully, the worst was avoided and she had escaped a huge danger.