
Liu Ming was the younger blood-brother of Liu Jian Yi. He was unruly and spoiled from a very young age. He was the complete opposite of his elder brother. Being the youngest of the family there was nothing that was lacking for him.

Liu Ming was close friends with Yi Meng. Both were joined at the hip and were inseparable from the time they were infants. The parents usually wondered if they had been actual brothers in their previous lives.

But like everything, their friendship too had an expiration date.

The Yi family betrothed Yu Wan- a daughter of the fellow wealthy family- to their son Yi Meng. And Yu Wan- as it always happens- was a beauty. She had that pure white lotus image going on for her. Yi Meng was smitten by her and she too gave her consent.

The trouble started when Liu Ming met Yu Wan. He was unaware that she was his close friend's fiancé. And as fate would have it, he fell for her. He started to actively pursue her and she rejected his advances. But the man was shameless in his pursuit of beauty. He popped up almost everywhere she went. And Yu Wan too slowly but surely started to waver from her decision of marrying Yi Meng.

The truth was revealed during their engagement ceremony where the unruly young master Liu created a scene. It was the first time when Yi Meng noticed the obvious changes in his fiancé.

Sadly, before he could grasp the whole truth, Yu Wan eloped with Liu Ming. The pain of betrayal Yi Meng felt was hard to imagine. The incident turned the friendly relations between the Liu and Yi families to that of enmity.

The couple who had caused the whole chaos, married before settling down in a remote town. Soon Yu Wan gave birth to a son and Liu Ming- the father- named him 'Wei Xin'.

Liu Jian Yi was unaware of the storm that his little brother had caused back home. He was busy building his empire in the business world. In this pursuit, he met Yi Qing.

She joined him as his secretary. She was the odd child of her family from the beginning. After her father remarried, Yi Qing had almost kept to herself and had left the house as soon as she came of age.

And love blossomed between them and they soon got married.

The rest is as told before, Jian Yi's father fell ill. He returned home with his pregnant wife and learned about the trouble his brother had caused. And when people got to know Yi Qing's identity, things became tense. The Liu family viewed her as the snitch planted by the enemy. Thanks to the trust between husband and wife they managed to get through the storm.

The real problem was bringing Liu Ming home. Jian Yi spent a month to track him down. The runaway couple had hidden too deep- it was given since Liu Ming was a descendant from the military family. If it wasn't for Jian Yi's exceptional connections and aid from Yi Qing they probably would have never found them.

Liu Jian Yi personally went to bring his little brother back. But he changed his mind when he saw his happy little family. It was a bittersweet moment. Everything would have been fine if only Yi Meng hadn't gotten the whiff about the couple. He had secretly followed Liu Jian Yi to hunt down the cheating couple.

What happened afterwards was a bloodbath.

Yi Meng sent men to assassinate the small family of three.

Luckily, Liu Ming managed to escape with his son and wife but deep down both he and Yu Wan knew that their end was near. The assassins were chasing them.

It was in this life and death situation that he remembered his big brother.

Jian Yi was preparing water for his wife's bath when he received a panicked call from his younger brother.

Liu Ming: (rapid breathing) b-brother… s-save my s-son…

The call ended after that short statement but it was enough. Liu Ming was a smart man. He with his wife had decided to save their son at any cost. They left their child in front of a close diner. Liu Ming removed his platinum chain and put it around his son's collar.

The chain was a gift from Jian Yi to Liu Ming. It had a tracker installed in it. He was sure Liu Jian Yi would find the child with the help of that chain. And Jian Yi did find the child.

He had immediately dispatched men to save his brother and his family. He personally tracked down the location of the necklace only to find it hanging around a baby's neck.

With shaking hands Jian Yi picked up the child and hugged him before shedding tears for his little brother. He brought the baby home and handed him to Yi Qing.

Yi Qing: (confused) Jian Yi?

She was more surprised to see the tear marks on her husband's face than seeing the child.

Jian Yi: (gravely) He's Wei Xin, our son.

It didn't take long for Yi Qing to connect the dots. She knew that Wei Xin was Liu Ming's son. The tear in Jian Yi's eyes was an indication that Liu Ming and wife were as good as dead.

Yi Qing: (smiling) thank you.

The following morning they received the news of the death of Liu Ming and Yu Wan in a car crash. They grieved their deaths but didn't forget to adopt Wei Xin as their son. All traces of Liu Ming and wife were erased and Yi Meng was almost crippled but he was a cockroach and didn't die.

Thus, Liu Wei Xin became the eldest son of Liu Jian Yi and Yi Qing. The eldest young master of the Liu family.

Jian Yi finished retelling of the events. His children were all stunned by the revelations. Coincidentally, Yi Meng regained his consciousness around the same time. Before any one could react his mocking tone cut through the heavy and grave atmosphere of the room.

Yi Meng: (sneering) don't make your brother look like some martyr. He was nothing more than a cheater and she was nothing but a filthy bitch! Both of them deserved what they got and this spawn of theirs would've died that night!

Yi Qing couldn't take it sitting. He was openly cursing her son and that was already crossing her bottom line.

Yi Qing: (blazing eyes) Jian Yi, cut his tongue out!

Wei Xin was startled. His father didn't waste time and ordered his men to take his 'uncle' away.

Wei Xin: (softly) mom, can I ask him something?

Yi Qing: (shaking her head) no! He'll spout more lies! I should've killed this insect ten years ago when he planned your kidnapping with Yi Mei.

Wei Xin: (pleading) mom… please, just one question and I'll listen to what you say.

Yi Qing: (reluctant) ok, just one question.

Wei Xin: why did you do all of this… uncle?

Yi Meng: (chuckling madly) because of you! I was moving on but the hatred inside me intensified when I saw you crawl around and they happily laughed! They turned my life to hell! You were their happiness and the sole reason that I decided to wipe the slate clean-

Wei Xin closed his eyes concealing the storm brewing inside of him. After getting the answer he was looking for, he didn't dawdle and obediently followed Yi Qing back home. The men dragged Yi Meng away and all that was left behind was his maddened laughter.