
After cleaning themselves up, Ray and Ye-Jin settled in front of the TV intending to watch some good old romantic movie. Ye-Jin was not a fan of Romantic genre but since Ray was accompanying her she didn't mind letting herself bask in the warmth of his arms. She readily agreed to his suggestion and made herself comfortable on the couch.

Ray had other plans in his mind. He partly wished to have a good night with her and partly wanted to continue where they had left earlier. It was best to assume that he was a little conflicted. Thus, he was stiff the whole time the movie was playing not daring to move an inch.

He stiffened more when Ye-Jin leaned on his shoulder. It took him more than half an hour to avert his from the TV to look down at her. His nerves were tensed to the point of snapping. Ye-Jin wasn't helping his situation wither. She was rubbing her face like a cat on his shoulder and his arm. He was suffering badly.

After a long internal struggle, he finally gave up and bent down to properly kiss her only to feel disappointed. She was sound asleep. He could do nothing but sigh and help her sleep more comfortably. He knew she was exhausted of all the incidents and stress she went through the whole day.


Following morning Ye-Jin left directly to her company first. She didn't allow Ray to drop her off instead she encouraged him to take care of his affairs.

Ye-Jin: you have to tell the guys, Ray.

Ray: (solemn) I know. It'll be hard.

Ye-Jin: (chuckling) and it's upon you to convince them. You can't let everything for Kai to handle right?

Ray: I know. But do I have to? I mean I'll join them for the new year ends concert. Should we make this complicated?

Ye-Jin: (nodding) absolutely! After all, you'll announce your break from the circle today. They'll be confused and feel hurt.

Ray didn't like to hear it but she was telling the truth. He had to take responsibility for his actions. He couldn't let the other guys worry for him and be distracted from their job.

Ye-Jin: (snaking her arms around his neck) I know you'll do the right thing.

She tried to coax and encourage him but didn't know that she was playing with fire. Ray's eyes darkened and his mouth went dry. he didn't let go of this chance and immediately bent down to capture her lips in his own.

As soon as heir lips met Ray let out a soft sigh. He gently sucked on both of her lips- alternating between the top and bottom lips. Ye-Jin turned stiff before relaxing and slightly opening her lips to give him better access. This went on for sometime before Ray abruptly pulled back. He didn't trust his self-control enough yet.

Ye-Jin was flushed red and breathing hard. Ray kissed her forehead before embracing her tight. Some minutes passed and Ye-Jin pulled away.

Ye-Jin: Let's meet for lunch later?

Ray: Sure, I'll pick you up.

And Ye-Jin left her boyfriend feeling giddy and grinning goofily. She was now definite that they were capable of handling the long-distance relationship for a few months.


Ray opened the door only to find the depressing air in Kai's studio. After waving goodbye to Ye-Jin he had come to find his friend and devise a plan on handling the troublesome trio but now it looked as if it was useless.

Ray: (weakly) h-hi guys...

His greeting was met with absolute silence. Timo, Mui and Vic were glaring daggers at Kai ignoring Ray who was awkwardly standing near the door.

Kai was trying to smile but failing to do so.

Kai: b-big b-bro w-why don't y-you ask Ray? H-He's standing behind y-you.

Kai tried to conceal the stutter in his voice but failed to do so. Although Timo usually was a pretty easy-going guy, one would never dare to mess with him when he was angry. That would mean a death sentence.

Timo didn't show any sign that he had heard Kai. Seeing his pitiful state, Ray decided to man-up and intervene in to save Kai.

Ray: big bro, I have something to tell you guys.

Mui: now he comes to us-

Vic: (sneering) what's the use of it now?

Mui: (annoyed) he's leaving us soon anyway, big bro let's leave them. We're like outsiders here either way.

The younger guys stood up not giving any heed to panic flashing across Ray and Kai's faces. They had never imagined that the trio would let this matter affect them to this extent.

Ray: no no, you guys stay. I want to speak with all of you.

Timo: (taking a deep breath) Mui, Vic, sit down. (Turning to Ray) Speak and make it quick.

Ray: How much have you guys heard?

Mui: That you're leaving and announcing your retirement.

Ray: (nodding) My real name is Liu Wei Xin. The eldest son of Liu family from Shanghai.

Vic: (shocked) it can't be! You're Liu Wei Xin!

Mui: (frowning) what's so great about that?

Vic didn't bother to explain. Instead, he looked up Wei Xin on web and handed it to the oblivious guys. They quickly went through it and were stunned to stupidity. It took them some time to digest Ray's identity.

Timo: (recovering quickly) And?!

Ray: there are some issues with my family and I have to go help them.

Vic: Then why announce your retirement? And how did president agree to it?

Ray: (shrugging) I intend to go on a break. It'll be easier that way to conceal the things I would do from the third parties. Also, our president is no match for my father's coercion.

Mui: (nodding) how long will you be gone for?

Ray: I hope to be back for our year-end concert.

Timo: are you sure it'll only be four months?

Ray: According to what I found out yesterday it won't take more time. Also, I have a girlfriend to take care of. I can't let anyone take her away from me.

Timo: (waving him off) You don't have to wave your new relationship status in our faces, Ray. You don't have to remind us that we are single dogs.

Kai couldn't control and chuckled. It didn't help the mood of the trio. He was glared at until he shrunk back in his chair and almost turned invisible. Ray sighed internally finding ways to try and pacify the angry birds sitting in front of him.

Ray: (surrendering) Alright, I am sorry. I'll be back in four months.

Vic: The fans won't take in well and the antis will try to spin some interesting stories about your departure.

Mui: I can almost imagine it- It's going to be terrible.

Timo: how did Ye-Jin take it?

Ray: (smiling) she took it pretty well and is very supportive of me.

Mui: Vic, let's get out from here. He's behaving like Kai and it's nauseating!

Vic: (nodding) ok-

Ray: wait! Be back in an hour. I'd like to post a video message to our fans with all of you. Just so that people won't dig up that old rumour of '5 Emperors are faking their bond!'

Mui: Don't remind me! It was a real headache back then.

Timo: yeah! we were criticised a lot.

Mui and Vic shrugged and decided against leaving. They sat down reminiscing their old times like a family they were.