Under the stars (Final)

Ye-Jin, in the beginning, was surprised to see Ray in flesh. Moments later her surprise turned into joy. But when he picked her up in his arms Ye-Jin felt her initial frustration and helplessness rush back to her.

She was not the type to shed tears to express her complaints but in situations like these she would use her anger to vent and it wasn't a pretty sight to behold. Sadly, this time it was Ray who was going to be subjected to her fury.

When he started to move, Ye-Jin wiggled violently to free herself from his hold.

Ray: (confused) stay still, I'll drop you if you create fuss like this.

Ye-Jin: (glaring) Put me down!

Ray was startled but he didn't complain and did what she asked him to do- he let her go. He understood that she was unhappy and angry about something.

Ray: what happened?

Ye-Jin: (placid) I am busy. I'll leave first.

Ray was more confused. Was she upset with him? But Bo told him that Ye-Jin was miserable. Did his sister prank him? Why wasn't she happy to see him?

No matter what was the reason, Ray was sure of one thing, if he let her leave now then they would reach a point of no return. Their relationship would turn into a shallow sphere of nothingness. Sometimes it only takes one word or one gesture to make or break a couple. The first crack is all it takes to ruin the harmony between people.

Ray: (holding her wrist) No you can't go. Aren't you happy to see me?

Ray's voice was filled with lots of anticipation.

Ye-Jin didn't reply nor did she turn around. She didn't want him to see the agony in her eyes.

Ray: (confident) sweetie, I missed you a lot.

Ye-Jin: (chuckling dryly) oh really? You missed me and yet you didn't even send a single text to update me about your well-being! You- Nevermind! Ray, I don't want to hurt you with my words. Please let me go.

Ray was stubborn too. He finally understood the reason for her anger. He wanted to pull her into his arms and hug her but he was afraid to do so. He was afraid that she would push him away. Her words wouldn't hurt him but her rejection would be more painful. He was scared of seeing the accusation in her eyes.

Ray: (desperate) You can scold me and hit me Ye-Jin! Anything but this!

Ye-Jin: (trying to free herself from his grip) Ray let me go! We'll talk when I have calmed down. Don't make me hit you!

He knew she would hit him if he pushed her buttons but his heart was hurting too.

What he assumed would be a happy reunion had turned into an unhappy event.

Defeated he let go of her wrist but to his surprise, she didn't walk away. She stood there, breathing deeply trying to get a grip on her emotions.

Ray: (softly) I thought I would surprise you. That's why I didn't- (sighing) I am sorry I didn't mean to hurt you. I love you, I-

Ye-Jin didn't let him finish his monologue. She swiftly turned around and threw her long slender arms around his neck. She buried her face in the crook of his neck and bit his slightly exposed collar bone.

Ray was first startled by her hug but then he jumped slightly when she bit his collar bone. His hands with their own mind went around her slightly shorter frame to pull her closer. He let out a small groan- from pleasure or pain, only he knew. For now, he was happy to have Ye-Jin back where she belonged- beside him, in his arms.

Yes, she was upset but it was not to the extent where she would ignore him and give him the cold shoulder. Without her even explaining it to him, he could grasp how she was feeling and he let his pride go to apologise to her. He was indeed a gem among men. She would slowly make him payback for all the grievances he had caused her.


Ye-Jin sent her driver back and accompanied Ray. She wouldn't have done so but Ray almost grovelled in front of her. And she couldn't let him do that. He was her man after all.

Ray: (testing the waters) you are still mad at me?

He asked her in the middle of their lunch date.

Ye-Jin: (sipping on water) Hmm... yes. You still have to put in a lot of work.

Ray: (pouting) what do you want me to do?

Ye-Jin: (rubbing her chin) I haven't thought about the specifics. But it would be great to have you for myself for a few days. After all, we have not spent much time together since we started dating.

Ray: (nodding happily) I love that thought. But there is a problem though, the concert-

Ye-Jin: I know. You'll be free after that right?

Ray: (frowning) yes obviously! I'll not leave even if you tell me to.

Ye-Jin: (grinning) keep working hard darling.

If his members saw this scene then they would have made gagging noises or actually puke. Luckily, they were spared from this sweetly nauseating scene.

Ray was behaving like a pet raised by her and it would have hurt their eyes to see him wagging his imaginary tail excited about the attention she was showering him with. (Well, we'll see how they'll be in the future)


It was nearing night, the sun was fading away behind the horizon but Ray still wasn't done spending time with his beloved woman. Ye-Jin too didn't mind the attention he was showering on her.

His phone had blinked countless of times. Calls and texts from his family, members, managers had all been ignored. For now, Ray had only one objective in his mind- make Ye-Jin happy and shower her with all the love he had for her.

After lunch, they had gone shopping. They walked around the mall talking about trivial and useless matters but not entering any shops.

Truth be told, they had more than enough clothing, accessories and other commodities. They didn't need more. Coming to shop was just an excuse to hold each other's hand and roam around.

In the middle of their 'shopping spree', Ray pulled Ye-Jin into a jewellery shop. He asked the assistants to show him their latest ring collections.

Ye-Jin's heart hit the bottom of her stomach in fear and anticipation. What was he going to do?

She shakily pulled the corner of his shirt to grab his attention.

Ye-Jin: (softly) what are you doing, R-Xin?

Since they were in public, Ye-Jin didn't dare use his infamous stage name. She switched back to his given name.

Hearing her call him 'Xin' sent shivers down his spine. He shuddered but the action was so short that it was imperceptible to normal vision.

Ray: (clearing his throat) I have never given you a proper gift, sweetie so I was thinking of getting you a ring. You don't want it?

Ye-Jin was happy and sad at the same time. She shook her head to clear the 'weird' thoughts and smiled up at him. He took it as a sign of her consent and browsed through the collection of rings that the shop assistants brought him.

They were all exquisite but none of them were pleasing to his eyes.

Ray: (chuckling) I just realised something.

Ye-Jin: (curious) what?

Ray: (smiling like a fool) I am going to have a hard time choosing a ring when I propose to you.

Ye-Jin was left gaping like a fish out of water but Ray didn't notice her flushed face and glazed eyes. He continued to try and find a good ring for her as a gift.

Ye-Jin, on the other hand, after coming out from her initial shock smiled softly looking at his handsome side profile. Their relationship had never felt this real to her. Her eyes softened, all the previous complaints she had with him completely vanished into thin air.

Ray felt her eyes on him and turned to see her smiling seemingly lost in a world of her own. He slightly shook her shoulders to bring her back to earth.

Ray: (smiling through his mask) what happened?

Ye-Jin: (shaking her head shyly) n-nothing. So, did you like any?

Ray: (sighing) No.

Ye-Jin: well, how about this, we can get the ring custom made.

Ray: (grinning like a fool) you're a genius love! I'll get onto it right away!

He excitedly turned around to discuss the details of the custom made rings but Ye-Jin pulled him out of the shop.

Ye-Jin: You can bother with it later. Let's go somewhere else. I am bored sitting here.

In reality, Ye-Jin was imagining all kinds of future with him and it was giving a warm feeling in her stomach. She liked it but it also made her slightly uncomfortable. She wanted a distraction so she bolted from the store with him. Ray didn't complain and simply let her pull him away.


After shopping- for nothing- Ray drove with Ye-Jin to an old temple in the outskirts of the city.

It was situated atop a mountain and gave the viewer an absolutely breath-taking view of the city at its foot. But it was colder on the hill-top. Fortunately, the temple was a preserved historical monument with appropriate arrangements to shelter people from unsettling weather. And Ray had somehow managed to get the place for the night.

Ye-Jin: (confused) why here?

Ray: (shrugging) If we went to my place then there's a chance that others are waiting for me there. No one is here to disturb us and it's beautiful here.

Ye-Jin nodded and they walked into the monument hand-in-hand.

The speciality of this temple was that its roof had fallen off a few years ago due to heavy rains and the management had installed a glass ceiling in its place. It had unwittingly turned into a planetarium, where one usually lies down and looks up at the screen to see the infinite number of stars.

Many came here for the star-gazing but it was empty due to Ray's prior arrangements. They laid down on the warm floor looking at the twinkling hot balls of fire.

Ye-Jin laid her head on his shoulder he had his arms wrapped around her. She was busy identifying the different constellations and Ray watched her quietly amused by her childlike enthusiasm.

Ray: (serious) I am scared.

Ye-Jin: (looking at his face worried) huh? Is everything ok? Should we go back?

Ray: (shaking his head) No, you don't understand love. I am scared of losing you and what I have with you. I was raised under pressure of everyone's expectations. That doesn't mean I had a tough childhood but it wasn't a walk in the park either-

Ye-Jin's eyes softened but she didn't interrupt him.

Ray: -When I got to know the truth about my parents. I was kind of relieved. It meant I was not entitled to serve as head of the family. (Chuckling dryly) I guess this is the only trait I share with my original father. I fleed my family amidst that turmoil because I was a coward. It was my only chance to taste what freedom was like. I have always regretted what I did back then but mostly I am thankful that I ran away-

Ray: (looking into her eyes) -otherwise I wouldn't have found you. And you don't know how grateful I am for your love. I sometimes can't help but wonder how you could love a weak person like me?

Ye-Jin: because you are not weak.

Ray: but-

Ye-Jin: (cutting him off) if you were weak then you wouldn't have owned up to your past actions and gone back to fix those problems. I am not in a place where I could judge your past actions Ray but you were young back then. Please don't beat yourself for what has already passed. Your life didn't end there. Look at what all you have gained afterwards. And now you have fixed your past too. Also, I never loved you for who you were, I love you for who you are.

Ray was overcome with emotions. His eyes teared up on their own accord. He closed his eyes looking away from her face.

How did he turn this lucky to have found this amazing woman, he would never know.

Ye-Jin let him be. She placed a kiss on his cheek and went back to her stars. Knowing very well that he would bounce back soon.

A few moments passed before Ray opened his mouth again.

Ray: (pecking her forehead) I realised my feelings for you during Kai's wedding. When I saw Mel walk down the aisle, it was as if you were walking towards me wearing a gorgeous white gown. I will make that vision a reality someday.

Ye-Jin had grown quieter by the the minute. Today was the first time that she had thought of married life with him. It was scary yet exciting at the same time.

Seeing her pale complexion Ray frowned. He changed their positions to let her lie beneath him. He hovered over her dangerously.

Ye-Jin's face flushed at the proximity. She turned her face away unable to look at him. The new position was too saucy for her little heart to handle.

Ray: (amused) what are you thinking? Your face changed colours so rapidly.

Ye-Jin: n-nothing.

Ray: (shaking his head) I want to kiss you.

His voice was laced with need. His eyes were blazing with a fire she had never seen before. If she wasn't seeing things then a hungry glint passed through his beautiful shiny orbs. Looking at him in this different light, her body went into a total lockdown thinking of all kinds of nasty possibilities.

Ray brought his face so near to her, she could feel his cool breath attack her senses. Her body was warming up just by their proximity. She was mentally preparing for the future assault when his lips crashed onto hers.

This was nothing like their past soft kisses. It was filled with all his emotions. He hungrily ate her soft lips but still wasn't satisfied. He slid his tongue out and licked her lips. Ye-Jin closed her eyes and sighed giving him full access to her mouth.

Ray slowed down, afraid of hurting her. He slid his tongue into her cute little mouth and slowly explored it. When their tongues met they felt a bolt of electricity course through their spines. Both of them trembled from the bliss it brought them. Excited from the discovery, they spent a good few minutes sucking and licking each other's tongues and thoroughly enjoying the new experience.

Ye-Jin pulled away breathless. The kiss was great and all but breathing was important too. Ray looked at her watery eyes, flushed cheeks and slightly swollen but glistening lips. It was pure torture. He had never felt like this before but they were not ready for the next step yet.

Sighing he pulled her closer in his arms and they lay there with their hearts beating erratically under the soft light of the stars and the moon lighting up the whole sky.
