Natural Disaster(6)

At 10:30 AM GMT+8 in China, five men gathered with their respective team members, totaling 20 people. One of the men spoke with a serious voice, "Everyone, listen up. This may be our last mission under the orders and jurisdiction of the Miss. The Miss has expressed that she wants a positive outcome with no casualties and hopes that we will all gather around the same table again."

Almost everyone in the luxurious room had tears in their eyes and stood up, giving the man an assurance, "Yes, elder brother!"

"We will not fail the Miss's expectations."

"We will not fail the Miss's expectations."

"We will not fail the Miss's expectations."...

The man who spoke to them gathered his equipment and left the room. He looked up at the clear and bright sky and whispered a sentence that no one could hear except himself, "I hope the gods and goddesses provide us shelter and let the human race survive this impending catastrophe."





At 8:00 AM GMT+5.5 in Kolkata, India, Dinesh Gupta was the Director General of the Geological Survey of India.

A scientist was running towards him with urgency. Gupta asked, "What's wrong?"

Reyansh Additya was sweating and panting, with his hand on his knees. He said, "Director, it's not good. We have found out that the Earth's core temperature is rising at an alarming rate."



upta was startled by the bad news he received from Reyansh. He remembered the call he received from the Minister earlier that morning.

Around 6 AM, he received a secured call from the Department of Space, and the voice on the other end was that of Minister Narendra Modi. The Minister asked in a serious voice, "Where are you now?"

"I'm on my way, GSI Minister," he quickly answered, and then he heard a serious and strict tone from the phone.

"Gupta, you need to monitor the movement of the Earth's crust closely because we are facing a calamity in space, and we don't want any unexpected events to add to our worries. Can you guarantee it?"

"Yes, Minister. But may I ask what calamity you are referring to?"

"It is still a secret for now, but I will send you an email explaining it. Before you read it, prepare yourself. Oh, and don't forget to delete it afterward."

"Thank you, Minister."


After the phone call ended, Gupta received an anonymous email which he quickly opened and read. He realized he had not prepared himself for what the email contained. Five minutes later, he was trembling and sweating with fear. "No wonder the Minister reminded me and was so serious when we spoke," he thought to himself.

He struggled to calm his nerves as he listened to Reyansh's report. In a moment of shock, he blurted out his thoughts, "Buddha, what is all of this about? The gods are insane right now. The end is coming."

Reyansh stared at Gupta blankly and asked if he was listening. Gupta quickly regained his composure and answered seriously, "Yes, continue."

Reyansh reported that according to quantum mechanics data, the rising temperature of the earth's core could cause tectonic plates to move upwards, leading to continents colliding with each other.

Gupta swallowed dryly upon hearing this and instructed Reyansh to contact the Minister of the Department of Space. He also ordered that no one from the observatory was allowed to leave work until they figured out how to overcome the coming disaster. Reyansh expressed concern that everyone might complain, but Gupta reminded him that this was a presidential order.

Geological observatories around the world, including the Geological Survey of Japan (GSJ), the Geological Survey of London (GSL), and the Geological Survey of Russia (GSL), were all experiencing the same situation as GSI.

Jiang Chen's random uneasiness, illusions, and nightmares were becoming a reality one by one. What secret was hidden in these coming catastrophes? Would humans survive the Great Filter or would they vanish forever in the history of the expanding universe?