

After hearing the peaceful breathing of the girl next to him, he opened his golden eyes and it glowed in the dark. Unable to move his body he closed his eyes and rested to recover his strength.

After an hour the girl moved her hands and reached out for warmth and found his arms. She moved closer and placed his arm between her soft breasts and legs hugging it tightly. Unable to move he sighed in defeat when she took his arm.

After another hour she moved again in her sleep this time she was asleep on his arm and hugging his body tightly, he was able to feel her breast from her hugging him.

Calming down his nerve he sighed in defeat yet again and tried to not notice her soft breasts pressing against him. Another hour passed and she moved again, he was starting to get restless why doesn't she stay in one place?

Why must she keep tormenting him physically like this! This time she lay face down on him and her breast were directly on him, he could feel her breathing on his neck. It seemed she wasn't warm enough as she reached for the blanket and covered them both with it.

While doing so she also grabbed his arms to put around her, she loved the feeling of skin to skin with him, but she was doing all of this unconsciously.

The sun ray laid upon my eye lid as I woke up, my lips were mere inches away from the cheek of the handsome fellow. Darn my bad sleep habits, I carefully moved away from under his arm and went to freshen up myself.

Inside the bathroom I found something new, it was another tooth brush. Also I went to look around the house to see if there were anything new and one of the locked doors became unlocked. I went in to explore and found baby stuffs, the wall was a pastel yellow and a baby bed was in the center.

Why is there a baby room? Inside the baby bed I found a diary written in my name and my handwriting. I opened it to find interesting little information such as don't touch any males, the first one I touch I will get pregnant with before the effect goes away.

Well, I could have used this little important fact before I brought a whole man home. Does that mean I'm pregnant? What the freakin Shakespeare is wrong with the world. First off I don't even know where I am and now I am pregnant with a stranger?! Stay calm Mel stay calm!

I need to tell him I'm carrying his child, he just doesn't need to hear it. I sat down next to him explaining my situation to him, while he was still asleep. I told him the truth right to his face, it's not my fault if he doesn't hear...teehee.