
Blue worked part time as a cashier .Most people under the age of fourty worked in jobs that the goverment thought it needed a human touch.All other jobs were occupied by robots.She worked in order to earn merit points.Merit points was the world's currency.Goverment had created a well calculated threshold that people never fell under .When an individual was about to go under he received the Gift of merit points and was instantly stabilized . This practically meant that nobody was actually poor. So everyone actually worked in order to have access to games and experiences that were bought with merit points. In this society there were games called Events .There were three types of Events. Love ,work related and friendship ones.

"Miss Anna you are late ,I will deduct five merit points." Orange said with his serious tone.

"Just my luck, and he is the chief today" Blue thought.

"Congratulations on your victory mister Black" Blue managed to say while blushing furiously.

"Thank you very much,now go to your post miss Anna" Orange said with a bit of scrutiny.

"That was all for our interaction today, so sad" Blue thought.

However that was far from over.

She went to her post and started working.Time passed idly.She was lost on her thoughts when suddenly a book appears named "Searching for Love" the moment she saw it she was stunned .She turned around and she saw him staring her in an akward position.That was it a weird switch turned inside her brain .She thought that he was proposing to her .Her wishful thinking mixed with her subconsious desire made her mad.

Blue was hospitalized for bipolar.She had her first mental breakdown at the age of 23. She slept for three whole days.And among those feversih dreams a chain of endless memories made him the one and only , the love of her life. She connected numerous memories in the three day period and all of them made sence around him.

During her hospitalization Orange actually came to see her.

She felt a soft touch on her hand she heard his gentle voice.

"Hurry up and wake up you troublemaker " he said in an extremely gentle tone. There must be poison in those finger tips of his because she could not forget that touch and that voice.

The next day as he commanded she woke up feeling fine?!

Blue felt fine ideed however she was not the same.She could see a faint colored type of aura surrounding her and others.Her aura was blue while the people around her were mostly gray.

She wondered what had happened.Was she hallucinating?Highly probable.

However she was curious she wanted to know why she was blue and the others were gray.

She had studied a bit of color theory so she knew the meanings behind colors.

Blue meant faith and sadness.

Red meant love and danger.

Yellow meant hope and jealousy.

These were the three pure colors.The other colors were a simple mixture of these three.

She was lost in her thought trying to understand the color aura.However she could not help but pay attention to another patient.He was about to give blood for further examinations .His aura became a dark gray close to black.In that moment Blue realized something.Firstly she was actually seeing his fear being materialized.Secondly this was probably not halusinations.Finally, this was rather useful . She took a note in her notepad by issuing a mental command.

Her thoughts were interupted once more this time by her family doctor.He had an aura of red.

"This what does it mean is he dangerous or does he love someone.And why would I see his love aura." Blue wondered.

"Are you ok Miss Anna, I believe the medication agrees with you, you seem rather fine." the doctor said.

"Yes doctor I am rather fine when can I leave."Blue said.

"You can leave the hospital tomorrow mornig let me do some more tests and you are good to go" the doctor said rather happy.

"What tests do you want me to do" Blue felt a premonition of danger.

"Nothing serious some IQ tests to check that everything is fine" the doctor finally said.

She quickly issued a mental command to her microchip in order to calculate her IQ.She was instantly stunned her IQ was 137 from 117 it had risen more than 20 points.She did not know what to do how to hide this.However it was too late the doctor gave her the questionnaire and waited for her replies. This was a procedure that would be done mostly with a brain scan but the questionnaire was a way to see the patient's way of thinking if it had changed or not...

The questionnaire was rather easy she knew most of the answers and she was sure that making a few mistakes would show a lower IQ so she purposely blew a few questions... However the scan was a different story how will she hide her IQ from it...

The crucial moment arrived she sat in the chair ready to do the brain scan.The machine started measuring her IQ she felt a slight pain but did not speak about it she thought it was normal... The process finished the doctor happily claimed you became a bit smarter miss Anna he said.. Her heart stopped now what?Will she become an experiment unable to leave the hospital? However upon a second thought the doctor would not be so calm so something is off... She took a peek while he was noting down her IQ it was slightly above 117 only 119... She thought maybe the microchip gave a wrong estimate highly probable, cause the brain scan was the sure way to tell. She sighed with relief she was safe... She could finally go home.