Chapter 17

"Sir, I got books now about every general subject. From history to geography to maths and art. They are waiting on the counter." Alper said and started to wait for his master's orders.

"Good job I will pay them later. In the meantime, can you find some people that could carry them to us and deliver them to our home?" Levin asked and gave out an order at the same time to Alper. As there were probably so many books and he didn't want to trouble Alper at all about carrying them, and he still needed to go to the market. His wife was probably waiting for them also on the market's gate. So he also didn't have time to carry them, and he wasn't rich enough to buy a storage ring. He, of course, had a storage bag and the same with his wife.

As those were provided by the church to everyone who went to do the mission's for the church, but there wasn't enough room for the books at all, as he carried his weapons and camping material there. As he didn't have time to take them out and organize it at all.

And of course, the most important thing in there was the magic tool that was used to communicate with the church. As if they needed to call him to an urgent mission, they would use the tool, and he would need to answer immediately, or he could lose his position in the church.

So he needed to be always ready and available for the missions and churches calls, and he couldn't use the bag to carry other stuff, as his weapons and camping material there took most of the space, and he needed to leave room for the food that the church provided, and to the other materials, he would still need for his missions.

So the cheapest way was to hire some external hands from the guild that will help them deliver the heavy stuff to their home.

"Yes sir, I will do that," Alper said and started to leave and find the people to hire.

In the meantime, Levin was still looking books with Elvire, and they already had picked up some storybooks for Elvire, and he even did find something that interested him, and for his wife, he found another sewing book, as she started to collect them and always wanted more if there would be new techniques or ideas to her clothes or anything she made.

They started to move towards the counter, and Levin saw the books that Alper had specifically collected for Elvire, and he was quite happy about them. 

There was quite a lot, but every book looked nice and useful, and there were so many subjects, and they could always sell the books again. Of course, for a lower price, but this was also investing for them.

"Hello, I came to pay all of these books, and we will add these also to the top of it," Levin said and gave to the person behind the counter the books he collected With Elvire.

The person just flashed a smile to Levin and started to count the price again for all the books and, in the end, said.

"It will be ten gold coins, sir." It was quite a much, but the books see costly to made and there weren't that many mages who specialize to copying books, as of course, they would be quite a close to the bottom in the hierarchy of mages and not that many were interested in copying them by hands.

So Levin already expected it to cost some gold coins, and he took his church badge out and showed it to the person behind the counter.

"You can send someone to take them for my personal account from the church's bank."

The person started to inspect the badge and said. "Of course, mister Levin. Thank you for your kind purchase, and after the recipe is out, I need you to sign it." The person put the badge in a magical tool that recorded the purchase and the amount of gold that Levin owned to the shop and gave the recipe to Levin who signed it and imbued it with his magical power and with a little drop of blood after inspecting the amount of gold was right and gave it back to the person who gave it to another person who started to run towards the churches bank branch to collect the money.

"Its nothing at all," Levin said and took the badge from the person he suspected to be the owner of the shop. Then he continued to speak.

"You saw Alper, the man who did bring these books he will soon be back with additional help to carry the books."

"Yes, sir, I will wait for him and give the books to him. Thank you again, and have a nice day." The owner said and started to wait for Alper.

When they did leave the bookstore, Elvire asked Levin.

"How did you pay those books, as I only saw you give a badge to him?"

Levin pondered for a moment what would be the easiest way to explain it to a five-year-old girl, and he started to explain it simply.

"When you go to a bank and open an account there, you need enough money firstly to open it, and secondly, you will drop blood to a card and imbue it with your magical power. As everyone has some amount of magical power. Some cards work as storage space, and you can withdraw your money from it anytime you want, and when you go to the bank, you need to put more. Then there is that kind where you show the card to the clerk, and he inspects it and puts it in a magical tool that will read it's information and print out a recipe where the clerk puts the amount of money you own to the shop and then you need to inspect it and sign it and imbue it with your magical power and then they will bring the recipe to the bank who puts it to another tool that inspects the magical power in it and the blood you infused it. After that, it shows does the blood and magical power belong to me, and when it is done, they will get the money out of the system. My church's badge has the same function as this card." Levin ended his small talk about the card system in this kingdom.

"Oh, I see." Answered Elvire and started to think something.

Levin, just holder the girls hand and started to lead her towards the market.