Chapter 21

Many people were on festival mood, as the royal family was supplying free alcohol and food for the townspeople. The reason for that was because the crown Prince was getting engaged, and soon there would be the marriage. 

So the royal family wanted to thank the townspeople and giving them a reason to celebrate and forget all the bad news and their worries for a while. And of course, the royal family wanted to keep their subjects happy and favorable towards the current dynasty and king.

As there was power in the people and most of the army was on the borders protecting their kingdom, so there weren't that many soldiers or guards in the capital. So there could be a good chance if the people got angry and would start a revolution the current royal family would find their heads from wooden spikes in front of the place easily tomorrow.

So they did all they could to keep the people happy but when they are a realm who has borders to three other kingdom's and their back is towards to the sea. There were many borders to guard, and they have fought many bloody was because the sea Holzard was wanted realm. The sea opened trade roads to many other continents and gave lots of food for the people in the realm. So while Trefil was safely behind the two other continents and it's back was behind the sea. The two other continents always had some kind of small skirmishes going on, and many people have lost their lives on those continents because many major wars have been fought there. 

But Holzard wasn't any pushover small nation. It had one of the best navy forces and a long tradition of knighthood and paladins.

So their heavy armored cavalry could easily wipe many divisions out, and then their foot soldiers and light cavalry would just follow and swipe the leftovers. So not that many kingdoms dared to go against Holzard in open battle. 

So because it was a relatively safe place to live. Even when the other kingdoms occasionally used backhand methods towards Holzard and then sent scouting and sabotaging parties over the borders.

Still, there was good and safe to live, and most of the people in Holzard had something to eat every day, and the sea gave livelihood to many of the people and the opportunity to get rich.

And then there was the headquarters of the church of the justice and peace who supported the royal family and that also scared many kingdoms away, as they weren't crazy enough to risk their lives to get one of the most powerful church wraths on their neck.

As the church of the justice and peace focused more on their army of paladins and clerics. So one could say it was more of the military church who hunted down all who they deemed to heretics. 

So it had a massive personal army and many supporters and followers. So not that many wanted to find out that next day there was the massive religious army who only listened to their pope's orders were knocking on their doors, and the church's spies and followers inside of the city have opened their gates to them and has let them in.

So not that many wanted to take the risk and anger the church and Holzard and just left them alone mostly.

But still, the royal family of Holzard had a centuries-old of traditions when there was a national celebration they would open their food and alcohol storages and give them away in every major city and let all of their realms people month free from taxes. Just to keep them happy and supportive.

^In the center of the market^

"Hurry up, Levin, or we will miss the announcement," Jaana said and hurried Levin more as she did want to find out who got their crown prince's hand.

"We are almost there, my dear," Levin said, and they just made it in time to hear the opening words of the royal messenger.

"Today, we are having a joyous day! Our crown Prince Kevon will get engaged! Because of that 

Liebert, the second has opened the royal family's alcohol and food storage for everyone, and you all have been lifted from the taxes for the whole month!" The announcer stopped and waited for the townspeople to calm down first and get their attention back to him.

"Kevon, our crown Prince, will get engaged from today onwards with Kira Welfer!"

Everyone had their mouths open and started to run their ears. As that wasn't the last name of the noble families, they had here. So they started to wonder who was this lucky lady and what her status was.

The royal messenger waited again and started to continue his speech.

"Kira Welfer is from the Kingdom of Estrad, the oldest daughter of the Holger's city lord, and is currently Aradeum and is eight years old now. They both will get married when Kira will turn fifteen years old." The royal messenger stopped his announcement and started to leave.

The townspeople were more puzzled and didn't know what to say, Estrad was one of the kingdom's they had a common border, and they have had wars between them and many of the people have lost their family members or relatives in that war. Even when they had peace now, and we're working together more now and shared a common enemy. 

The citizens of the kingdom of Holzard couldn't forget that war that easily, and that announcement was like someone just punched them at their stomach, and they couldn't accept this engagement and marriage still.

Many started to drink and eat and especially complain about the engagement. They started to tell what happened to their families and relatives in the war and when the mood was getting more hostile, Levin said to Jaana.

"We better leave now and quickly before anything else happens."

"I agree, let's leave and quickly and let's shoe Elvire this side of humans yet," Jaana answered, and they started to leave the market quickly.