Chapter 24

"Welcome back, my dear. Oh, who is this gentleman with you? I guess I have to set another plate for our guest now." Jaana said when she saw that her husband and daughter got back and there was an old man following them.

"Yes, there were some misunderstandings, and I invited this fellow gentleman to eat lunch with us as an apology for my behavior. He's name… We still haven't introduced ourselves at all." Levin said and then continued to introduce his family. 

"This is my lovely wife, Jaana, and this is our daughter Elvire. Then we have Shandri there who works for us and is my wife's maid." When Levin introduced all of the members that were present. Shandri curtseyed towards their guest, and Jaana just flashed a smile towards him and was setting up the guest dish.

"Hello, there, and I want to apologize to the mother also that I accidentally bumped into your daughter and made her cry." The old man said and bowed down towards them.

Jaana hurriedly said towards the old man, "It's nothing at all, accidents happen, and nothing major happened, and she isn't injured at all." He then helped the old man up.

"Still, I'm sorry. But let me introduce myself now. My name is Falmir Goldeye." The old man said, and when Levin heard that name, he immediately kneeled in front of Falmir and started to apologize for his behavior towards him."

"I'm very sorry that I pointed a spear towards your neck, your excellency. I didn't know that you were the Falmir in that situation. I just wanted to protect my daughter, and when I saw Elvire crying in the ground, and you were the only one in the situation, I lost my calm."

Before Falmir could say anything at all. Jaana opened up to his husband, "What have I said to you previously. You just cannot use strength always to solve things, and this time you went and offended Falmir. What I'm going to do with you? Even the church cannot protect you much against Falmir." Jaana was mad at her husband. Falmir was one of the people who you shouldn't offend at all.

He had many friends in high places who would do anything to get him to own them a favor or even appraise a few things to them or even personally craft some equipment for them.

He was one of the people who had the most influence in the whole continent, and if he were mad towards Levin, even his paladins rank in the church wouldn't help him much at all.

Falmir was adopted once by dwarfs as they were in debt towards his father and mother, who saved the dwarven clan from an illness they couldn't themselves cure. So one-time when their savior got back full of injuries and without his wife. He asked the dwarfs to take care of his only son, and those were his last words before he died.

So the dwarfs who wouldn't forget their debt took their savior son who was a half-dwarf half-human to their clan and adopted him and raised him as one of them and when he was old enough, they thought him the way of smithing. 

He was a prodigy in the smithing, and no matter what metal it was, Falmir could bend it to weapons, armor, or accessory easily, and they were high-quality items.

Then one time, he realized that he could appraisal the items and see their quality and the skills in them if they were magical items. He told about it to the elder of dwarfs, and when he appraised the skills, the young Falmir had seen that he had the appraisal skill hidden in his skill tree, and his second job was the smith, but his first job was appraisal master. Since that time, he got Goldeye as his last name from the dwarfs, as he could tell what was valuable or not.

But as he was part human. His nature called him to outside and saw the world, and he parted ways with the clan and started to travel the world and to fund his travels by making items if needed or appraising the items.

Since that day he has made lots of friends and enemies. But slowly, when he got older, he wanted to pass his legacy down to someone before he would die. That not all of his hard work and experience would be wasted, and he went to Aradeum and started his class there to teach his skills, and he was the master of many appraisal masters now.

But he still hasn't found anyone who could pass his legacy at all. Levin was still on the ground, and his wife was mad towards him and feared the worst also.

Falmir went and helped Levin up and said, "As your wife said. Accidents happen, and you only wanted to protect your daughter, and you didn't know who I was in that situation. I could have easily been an enemy who would want to harm your precious child. So don't be sorry, as it was my fault mostly, and you didn't do anything wrong at all."

When Levin and Jaana heard that, they both sighed in relief. Finally, the lunch started now in better feelings.

Falmir slowly looked towards Elvire and sighed, and when Jaana saw this, he immediately asked from Falmir. "Is everything alright?"

When Falmir heard this, he gave them a melancholic answer, "By just looking at your daughter, and I would like to apologize for it. But I quite like her and her attitude and behavior. But her strength is still barely existent at this moment and doesn't have any other noticeable ability. I thought maybe this random encounter with her would give me a successor for my legacy. But it seems like I still have to look for my successor."

Falmir couldn't see Elvire's skills as the black ball was protecting Elvire and masking her skills and making her look like an ordinary girl.

When Jaana and Levin heard that Falmir judged their daughter's abilities without care about them, they got mad towards him, but they also did understand his situation, as most of the people knew his story and how long he has been looking for a successor.

When they all had eaten, Falmir got up and said to the whole family, "Thank you for lunch and the lovely meal, but now I have to go and look for a place to spend the night within" when he was almost ready to leave.

Jaana said to Falmir, "I still want to apologize for my husband's rash decision. So I will invite you to our house to spend the night there. Of course, if you only want. As we still have one guest room empty."

When Falmir usually heard these kinds of offers, he could sense the courtesy from the people and how much they wanted to get him to favor them and how they just wanted to please him.

But this time, he didn't sense any of those intentions at all from Jaana. She was sincerely apologizing to him and offering a place for the following night and didn't mean anything else at all. There weren't any backhand intentions in her offer, and it made Falmir surprised, and he answered to Jaana.

"Then I will gladly take this offer and will spend the following night with your family. I'm sorry for all the inconvenience I might bring to your family and house."

"It's nothing at all. Our house isn't that big or luxurious, but it's a nice house to live in and we are happy to have you as our guest." Jaana said, and she and Levin started to pack things up with their maid, and Elvire was spending time with Falmir and waiting for her parents to finish up.