Chapter 34

^In the evening^

Many of the ordinary citizens watched how the church's headquarters were now packed up by the church people, and they wondered what is happening by now as the news of the beast tide hasn't still reached on their ears.

So many of them tried to reach the gates, but the church's guards were stopping them and pushing them away without a restriction as they had orders to stop everyone without the cost, and the church will protect them.

^Inside the church^

"As everyone had heard, there is currently a beast tide that is threatening our whole continent, and now Jaridge is our last defense for now.

So, for now, the kingdom is asking our help to defend this continent bit we, of course, would have done it by without them asking as this is our continent also and we would defend it to the last drop of blood, but we don't need to do it as God is in our side and will protect us and defend us.

So we don't have anything to fear as our God will protect us and offer us to his guidance.

So we will go to Jaridge and protect this continent with this kingdoms army, and together, we will be victorious and defeat the evil force that threatens us." The pope ended his speech and did get massive applause from others, and the pope did know that his speech did its job and got the warriors and others blood boiling.

"So today we will need everyone, even the smallest children can help everyone today, so I will ask everyone to volunteer and help us the church and help the continent.

But for paladins and all of you who have skills as a healer, your help is needed, and all of you have been listed to help, so you have to prepare for yourselves for this trip, but don't fear as God is in your side.

So everyone prepares for yourselves as tomorrow we will march together to Jaridge so today everyone rests and gather your strengths."

The pope ended his speech and dismissed everyone else than his closest aides who will help him and plan with him the next course of action.

^Back in the house^

"What are we going to do? We need to leave as; otherwise, the church will do something to us as we defined their order. So what are we going to do with Elvire she is still so young, but we don't have anyone we could trust to take care of her, and I'm against the idea of her going to the fields!" Jaana was almost hysterical now as all of the images and ideas of what could happen to Elvire were flashing inside of her mind, and even when Levin was hugging her and not letting go, she still didn't calm down and couldn't stop seeing and imagining the worst.

"I will go to the fields, but you as an ex adventure, you will stay with Elvire. I will try to get with my position as a safe place for you two as I can, but I cannot promise anything at all. But we will take Elvire with us; it will be a good way for her to get some experience from the real battles and field combat. And honestly thinking it's the best way to us to make sure that she is safe also and you will always stay at her side then and as I trust you and your abilities that you can protect her and take care of her." Levin said and hugged Jaana again and kissed her lips and patted her head that she would calm down.

In the end, Jaana did Falls asleep at her husband's lap, and Levin carried her to their bed before getting down again to talk with Elvire.

Levin kneeled before Elvire and hugged her maybe one last time and started to speak.

"My daughter tomorrow, we will march towards Jaridge, and there is a possibility that I won't come back, so I want you to take care of your mother if that happens, alright? And soon, you might see a lot of death and blood around you and hear horrible things, but Jaana will be there for you always and protect you also. But don't hesitate to kill anyone who would have bad intentions towards you as I know you can do it, do you understand?" Levin ended his talk and gave a dagger to Elvire.

"Use this, then it has been mine, and now it is yours." And then hugged Elvire again, and Elvire didn't know what was going on but accepted the hug and did hide The dagger to her sleeve.

"For now, let's go and sleep as we need to wake up early tomorrow," Levin said and started to guide Elvire to her room and made sure that she would fall asleep before going to sleep also.