Chapter 42

"That's my story what happened in Holger as we weren't ready for it or not most of the attacks as they never happened towards Holger even when we were in the war. So that is why I did come to warn you that you honestly won't make the same mistake as us and let your guard down so easily and get wiped out. As we don't need any more casualties from both sides anymore and need to save up as many lives as we can." Will ended his speech and looked towards Albert.

"Thank you for telling me this crucial information as it was just something we needed very badly. I have sent a couple of scouts, but there haven't been any signs of them for three days now and no messages. So honestly, we didn't know anything about the enemy, and it was a mystery for us for a long time. Now we know what to prepare at least somewhat." Albert side and smiled towards Will and seemed to get younger with a couple of years as there was one heavy matter of from his shoulders.

Albert immediately sends a messenger to tell all the important people in Jaridge to get in an additional war council and share this new information about what he just got and plan how to utilize it as their strength for now.

When everyone was gathered to the meeting room and Will's identity was told many didn't look up at h and cursed him down as he was from their mortal enemy's side, but some also thanked him from risking his life just to bring this piece of news to them.

But for now, the war room looked like a heated battle scene where children were fighting with each other.

As everyone was throwing out their ideas and mocking down others' ideas and calling them with any name, they could make up for the situation. And Albert just watched this show before shouting our loud.

"Enough of this mockery! Are we soldiers of Holzard as now it seems like I'm a father who is looking up five years old kids fighting about candies and toys.

Honestly, how are we going to defend Jaridge if you all behave like a bunch of children that are fighting about who said what!" Albert said and looked at everyone as now there was just total silence in the room.

"Answer me! Or are you all too proud to not admit anything at all, or are you all suddenly deaf and mute?" Albert shouted out, and finally, someone had enough courage to answer.

"No, sir! We are sorry, sir!" Before, the room got silent again.

"Good to see that someone here has at least balls to answer to me. So what should we do now, then gentlemen? Play your ridiculous game or plan how to defend this city?" Albert asked from everyone and finally got a united answer from them.

"Defend the city, sir!" 

"Good, so what are you waiting for then as we have lots of planning to do, and everyone can raise their hands, and at that moment, others will go silent or say their idea to the end, and I will listen up the other idea or suggestion then. Simple enough, yes?" Albert said and got everyone to behave again.

Suddenly the room was in military orders, and everyone was ready to wait their turn to get out their ideas and suggestions or either to support, change, or aks about the other ideas and suggestions.

Albert sighed up from the relief and just smiled towards Will and apologized from the scene he had to seen and from all the comments that he had to hear before there was a hurried knocking up the war rooms door.

"Didn't I tell that I'm not available now as I have an important meeting going on, and I'm not taking anyone in!" Albert shouted at the messenger who didn't even get to say anything before a voice interrupted them.

"You are too busy not even to meet Falcars pope? As our holiness had made this trip personally out here and is this how you receive him?" One of the Pope's guards asked from Albert and suddenly everyone kneeled down in the room, and Albert said.

"Of course not as if I would have known that his holiness would have come here personally, I would have gone and met him earlier," Albert said and didn't even dare to look up before the was a voice that gave them the right to get up.

"Do you mind at all that the commanders and all of our important members will join this meeting now even when were are a little late?" The pope asked Albert.

"Of course not your holiness you are always welcomed to join our meetings, and we were just getting started, but I will tell from the start all the information we have for now," Albert said and waited when everyone from the church's side was in before starting to explain everything once again.