Chapter 63

"Vicimar? Never heard about it in any content if I remember correctly." The mysterious woman said while treating her injuries and asking if her summoned beings were alright by telepathy.

"I don't think many have as if I correctly remember, it was some ancient records from some ruins I explored when I was younger, but the record wasn't whole, and I was more interested in their smithing methods back then," Falmir said while trying to refresh his memory.

"It could be a coincidence that the raven had the same name as those records back then even when I admit that it's not a common name here at all." The woman said while looking at Falmir.

"Yes, it could be a coincidence, but I'm not going to focus on it anymore as I have to get them as quickly as possible to the healer for now. After that, I can speculate all the possibilities and think it more." Falmir said while looking at Levin and Elvire's worsening condition and how their faces were going paler every minute that passed.

"I understand I will analyze the last battle we just have and think where I could still improve myself and how my friends could improve themselves." The woman said while trying to trace the last fight step by step.

"Okay, I won't disturb you anymore now and will focus on my task also for now. But if you need anything, you can always ask or say." Falmir said while the worry was seen from his face.

"The same goes to you, my dear friend." The woman said before falling on a trance.

At the same time, inside Elvire, the black ball was going crazy, as it increased Elvire's strength because of the last battle and because she summoned Vicimar.

As when the ball summoned Vicimar to protect Elvire, it's used all of its remaining energy and aura that it already did borrow without asking from Elvire, and because of that, it had shrunk down a lot and lost most of its strength. Because of this, the ball couldn't hide its excitement of getting and growing back to its original state.

So once again, it was growing up and regaining the strength it had lost that it could provide more help to its host in the future and help her grow in the future once again.

At the same time, Vicimar was wondering what the black ball was and what it was doing in the same room as it was forced to retreat to gain back it's strength also.

The black ball seemed and felt so familiar to it, but Vicimar couldn't place or remember where it had felt or sensed it before, but one thing that it did know was that it was related to Rodona to its master.

So it didn't think it was not very friendly towards Elvire and was actually benefiting her. It was slowly benefiting Vicimar also as it felt how it's strength was getting back quicker and how it felt better to cultivate near the black ball.

Vicimar slowly got near the ball and also slowly fell on trance while thinking about how it could help it's partner more.

No one could see or hear how Elvire went through these events inside her body and how she suddenly jumped above low tier strength. This was a great leap, but nothing bad seemed to happen to her.

Her body didn't go through any significant changes, so the only way they could tell that there had been some changes they would need to test up to her strength and use measurement tools.

But Elvire was lucky this time as her summoner ability also increased, helping her improve a lot as well. She was way stronger now at her young age, compared to others.

Normally, if one had a big very big jump of strength increase, it wouldn't benefit you in the long run as you wouldn't have the necessary foundation to back up your strength then.

So you could be the world's strongest man or woman or have the largest mana pool inside you but if you didn't have the basics like the ability to use and utilize them you would be easily be defeated by a person that had less strength or mana but had skills like swordsmanship or a simple fireball could defeat them easily.

Even when Elvire would be ahead with others, she would have been behind with her foundation and basic training of abilities, and that wouldn't have been beneficial to her at all. 

For now, when the summoner skill was getting stronger as well, it was making Elvire a prodigy, almost along with the same aged people like her.

But it was also a double-edged sword as if you would focus on strength alone and not any ability one could master it. However, you would be just a one-trick pony without any supporting skills with you. Still, if you focused on lots of different abilities, especially its basics, you would be a joker with many different trump cards but not a master of any of them.

So there were many different ways to travel and who knows what would be the right or wrong path in the end so you could create your unique path that only you would know how to travel and not copy others at all.